Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 563 Cutting Three Corpses, The Method Of Parallel Time And Space Clone Practice

"It seems to be starting."

In Furukawa's perception, at this moment in the world tree universe, the first world was finally born, which is the original world, and the time flow rate of the entire universe is also very fast, at least billions of times faster than the time flow rate of other universes more than.

In fact, this is the particularity of the top universe. The more advanced the civilization, the faster the flow of time.

After all, in the same time and space, if one universe has developed for 100,000 years, but another universe has only developed for ten years, even if you think about it with your knees, you can know which universe civilization is stronger.

So time flows extremely fast, which is a symbol of the top universe.


I saw that under the control of the World Tree girl, countless plant life forms were born in this world in an instant, all kinds of flowers and plants, and all kinds of trees rose out of thin air. "one eight three"

In just a few hundred years, this world is full of plants, forming primeval forests, and even the depths of the sea are covered with dense plants.

These plants also began to give birth to their own spirituality.

But even if it is plant life, they have begun to split into races. In fact, there are more plant races than animal races.

If it is simply described, it may be divided into grass-type races, flower-type races, tree types, and so on.

But in fact, in addition to this, there are hundreds of millions of types of grass, there are also hundreds of millions of types of flowers, and naturally there are also billions of types of trees. These are all different races.

Even for the human beings in Furukawa's previous life, among many human beings, there are many divisions of nations and races.


In order to compete for territory, for more fertile soil, for better water resources and sunlight, these plant races began to fight each other, race for hegemony.

After hundreds of millions of years of fighting, two races fighting for hegemony have been formed. One is the ancient war tree, which is huge in size, and the other is like a war fortress "incomparably vast.

The roots and branches on their bodies are as flexible as human fingers.

It's a pity that their fecundity is not very strong, and the growth time is also very long, often needing tens of thousands of years to grow.

The other one is star-eating flowers, they are cruel and violent, they can devour ores, soil, trees, almost everything.

Although the individual strength is weak, they are superior in their reproduction power. Once a star-eating flower appears, it can reproduce a large area in an instant and occupy a territory.

With their huge population, they are invincible, and they are evenly matched with the ancient war trees.

At this moment, in the territory of the ancient war tree, the leader of the ancient war tree fell into hesitation.

Because now is the critical moment, it doesn't know whether to choose to fight with the star-eating flower family, or choose to compromise, or retreat and fly away.

This is related to the fate of the entire ancient war tree race, it is very hesitant, not knowing which option is the best.

"Has it started so soon? The intersection of destiny."

Furukawa smiled slightly, and he naturally sensed this scene.

In fact, regarding the division of time and space in the entire universe, such fate choices can only be made by big people, and the decisions of small people are innocuous, and only affect one of the tributaries of fate.

It's like a vast river. The big man decides the direction of the long river, but the little man can only decide the direction of one of the small streams. This is the difference in power.

Of course, if the little people are strong and ingenious enough, changes in the mainstream will sometimes affect changes in the mainstream. This is the so-called butterfly effect.

Anyway, this moment is finally the turn of this Universe to make a fateful decision.


In an instant, the entire world tree universe began to split, and this time the split was not as simple as dividing into two parallel universes, but dozens or hundreds of parallel universes.

Sometimes one choice can have hundreds of consequences.

I saw that the leader of the ancient war tree chose to start a war with the star-eating flower clan. This battle had three results. One was that the ancient war tree won and occupied most of the territory, so the ancient war tree began to become the overlord of the world.

The other one is that the star-eating flower family won, and the star-eating flower family became the masters of this land. The ancient war tree can only fly away and is on the verge of extinction.

Another is that the two races are tied for victory and defeat, and both losers. As a result, they both withdrew from the stage of history, hid, and recuperated, while the other races took advantage of the situation to LETE...

However, the leader of the ancient war tree did not choose the star-eating flower clan to start the war, and a different result was born.

All in all, the entire world tree universe began to split infinitely, and countless parallel universes were born.

As time goes by, the protagonists of one era after another appear, and the main corner scenes of one era after another, and the choices of the protagonists of these eras give birth to parallel universes one by one.

"Interesting. 11

Furukawa rubbed his chin. He really benefited a lot from seeing these interpretations of parallel time and space.

At this moment, he also knew why countless parallel time-spaces could be born in the world tree universe, and why a self appeared in these parallel time-spaces.

You must know that there is only one soul of a life, and that is the imprint of the true spirit. Every life has a unique imprint of the true spirit, and no one can replace it.

But in the parallel universe, so many identical beings can be born, in fact, because this true spirit imprint can be cut into countless, which is equivalent to cultivating into countless clones

And this is also a bit similar to the practice of cutting three corpses.

This is actually a supreme practice method.

Don't look at the soul will become weak after the imprint of the true spirit is divided, but this is only weak at the beginning. With continuous practice, the power of the soul will continue to grow

It's like countless selves practicing in different time and space at the same time. 4.0 If you cultivate to a certain level, you can fuse countless times and spaces at the same time to form the only true self. The power you have is simply unimaginable.

In Furukawa's previous life, there were similar movies.

A human being who can travel through other parallel time and space, go to parallel time and space one after another, kill the same self, and then these powers will be integrated into own body.

Then merged into the clones of countless time and space, the power will become stronger than ever, and you will get a real detachment.

"Will the lives that practice in this universe go to other parallel time and space in the future to kill their own practitioners?"

Furukawa narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he can already see the future of this parallel multiverse universe. Those who have cultivated to the highest Realm will go to other parallel time and space to hunt and kill their own clones in order to transcend. .

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