Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1195 Infinite Cage Enters Samsara, The Whole World Is A Cage

In a certain six-path fragment world.


A master descended here silently, it was the infinite cage of the master, exuding an inexplicable aura from its body, as if the power on its body could imprison all existence.

"Is this the world of Six Paths of Reincarnation? What a ~nice cage world."

Master the infinite cage Jie Jie laughed.

It immediately perceives the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, the six worlds are endless, they cycle with each other, time and space, life and death, Karma, etc. are constantly given to Samsara.

This also makes the entire Six Paths of Reincarnation perfect, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to invade, even the Overlord.

Fortunately, the Six Paths of Reincarnation collapsed, causing a slight gap in Samsara, which gave the Nine Masters an opportunity to invade the Six Paths World.

If the Six Paths of Reincarnation wasn't broken, they wouldn't be able to enter it anyway.

But from another point of view, they cannot enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation. In fact, the sentient beings in Samsara cannot escape from it, and they will be trapped in it for a lifetime.

On the surface, the gods of the Six Paths can leave the Six Paths World at any time, but in fact this is only because Furukawa, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, allows them to leave.

If Furukawa does not allow them to leave, then they will never be able to leave Samsara, imprisoned in this world forever, and cannot leave here even one step.

In a way, this is a terrible prison from which there is no escape, better than its infinite cage.

Countless lives can only be trapped in Samsara forever, without escape.

"Life is endless, Samsara is endless, and you can't break free from Samsara in your life. This is the true meaning of the cage."

The ruler of the infinite cage is extremely excited, it feels its blood is boiling, and feels that it has finally found an ultimate cage place > a place where all existence can be confined.

Even the prison it controls is nothing more than that.

"What fate, what Death, what time and space, are all imprisoned in the cage, and there is no way to escape." Juggernaut's infinite cage eyes showed a gleam, "Don't look at our ruler who can traverse the universe sea, in fact, we only live in a slightly larger It's just in a cage, and I can't get out of it for a lifetime.

It feels that the origin power it possesses is the most powerful, absolute confinement, absolute defense, whether it is fate, Death, Karma, time and space, or immortal monsters, all are imprisoned in the cage.

All living beings are imprisoned in a cage, but whether the cage is bigger or smaller.

It is as if students are imprisoned in the cage of the school, adults are imprisoned in the cage of society, and human beings are imprisoned in the cage of the earth...

The stronger the power, the bigger the cage he is in, and he will never be able to get rid of the shackles of the cage.

You thought you broke free from the cage, but you just came into a bigger cage.


In an instant, the Juggernaut infinite cage waved his hand, and countless transparent bubbles sprang up from his body, as if each bubble was a cage world.


Immediately, these transparent bubbles spoke, as if they all had their own will and consciousness, and they looked at the ruler's infinite cage with great respect, just like looking at the creation god.

"Go, scatter all over the world, fill the world with cages, and imprison all beings."

Dominating the Infinity Cage opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Master."

These transparent bubbles spoke at the same time, and after saying this, they merged into the chaotic void, left this place silently, and went to every corner of the world.

Somewhere in the wilderness, some ancient ruins, some remote valley, or an ordinary prison, these transparent bubbles have been integrated into it.

In an instant, earth-shaking changes have taken place in these places. It seems that a unique law of heaven and earth has been constructed, forming a huge Realm, covering these places.

People break in, and people get out of these cages.

"Jie Jie, grow stronger, devour it, completely devour the six worlds, and melt into the cage."

Ruler of the Eternal Cage laughed, making a sinister sound that made people shudder.

Another period of time passed.

whoosh whoosh!!!

Dozens of immortals arrived in a wilderness. They came to a huge transparent bubble, and their eyes involuntarily showed a gleam of excitement.

"Haha, I finally found it. This is the legendary labyrinth world. It is said that this special secret realm world has appeared frequently all over the world recently, and it contains a lot of precious treasures. If anyone can enter this labyrinth world, there will be Opportunity to get rich overnight, or even reach the sky in one step."

A fairy said excitedly.

Some time ago, such labyrinth worlds appeared all over the world. The probability of their appearance is random, or appear in the wilderness, or appear underground, or appear in the downtown area, or appear in the ruins wait.

In short, they may appear anywhere in the world.

The most important thing is that this kind of labyrinth world contains a lot of precious treasures, which are priceless. It is said that someone entered this labyrinth world and got out of it by luck, and as a result, he reached the sky in one step and became one of the best local tyrant cultivators.

This immediately aroused the enthusiasm of countless cultivators. They all wanted to find the place where this labyrinth world was located, so as to realize their dream of getting rich overnight.

"Let's go in, go in and search for treasures, so that we will be fully developed."

There are immortals who can't wait to go into this labyrinth world to search for treasures, and they are all gearing up.

"Do not worry."

Another immortal said in a deep voice: "Although there may be a lot of treasures in the labyrinth world, there are also unpredictable dangers, so don't act rashly for the time being.

"That's right, don't see dogs eating meat, you have to see dogs being beaten. Although some people can come out of the maze world and get rich overnight, most people enter the maze world and are trapped to death in the end. Inside, there is no way to get out until now, we must be more careful."

Another fairy couldn't help but nodded.

He said that in many cases, in fact, most of the people who enter the maze world can't get out, and only a few lucky ones can come out of the maze world.

If they go in hastily, most of them will be trapped to death in the maze world, let alone getting rich, even if they want to survive, it will be difficult.

So he thinks it is better not to worry, it is better to have a long-term plan, otherwise it will be settled once he dies. .

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