Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1193 Chaos God's Tomb Enters The Underworld, Masters The Law Of Death

Among the six fragments.


A ruler silently entered the world of six fragments, and it is the tomb of the ruler of chaos.

I saw it sneaked into the depths of The Underworld, and came to the place where the 108th floor of The Underworld was located. It was filled with a strong breath of the Law of Death, as if it was the terminator of all things.

"It really smells like the Law of Death. Although it is still immature, it has the potential to become the Law of Origin Death." The master of the Chaos Tomb took a deep breath.

For a master like it that has mastered the laws of Death, being in a place with an extremely strong atmosphere of Death is simply a paradise, and it feels extremely comfortable, "like returning to your own home.

So as soon as it entered this world, it sneaked into The Underworld silently, because The Underworld is the most suitable place for it to stay in the Chaos God's Tomb.

"There are so many coffins here? It seems that countless heroes are buried here. It is very suitable as a cemetery to bury all living beings."

The master of the tomb of the Chaos God looked around and felt very satisfied immediately. The area of ​​this place is almost boundless, and it also contains a strong atmosphere of the Law of Death.

It is estimated that there is no place in the world more suitable as a cemetery than here.

"Huh? The Eternal River also came in?!"

At this moment, the ruler of the Chaos Tomb also felt the changes in the world of the six realms. It seemed that the River of Destiny, the Yellow Springs River and other rivers had merged with the power of the River of Eternity.

It seems that every place in the six universes is filled with the original energy of the eternal river, which is boundless and encompasses everything, and nowhere can escape the perspective of the eternal river.

"Do you control the river of fate?"

The master of the tomb of Chaos God sneered: "It's ridiculous, thinking that you can control everything by mastering the power of fate? As everyone knows, the enemy of fate is Death, the end of all fate, the nothingness of fate, or the ultimate destination of fate is Death."

What is destiny? The future of all living beings is destiny.

Once all living beings die, the fate of all living beings will come to an end. No matter what kind of fate it is, if it dies, then all fates will disappear.

It can be said that the power of Death can resist the power of fate, and even end fate.

To know why Six Paths of Reincarnation cannot be destroyed at this moment, it is because it is in the state of Death, so even the master cannot destroy Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Of course, this is a state of suspended animation. With the concept of Death, it can be resurrected at any time.

But all karma, destiny, has no effect on Death, because Death is nothingness, the end of everything, and no power emperor can restrain it.

"The power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation will be in my hands"

A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of the ruler of the tomb of the Chaos God.


In an instant, its original power merged into the entire The Underworld. At this moment, the world on the 108th floor of The Underworld has undergone earth-shaking changes, filled with the power of the Law of Death.

It seems that in these The Underworld worlds, powerful and unfathomable ancient cemeteries appeared one after another, in which many great figures were buried.

And there is an incredible refining between the cemetery, and even the dead in the depths of the cemetery seem to be growing at a speed visible to the naked eye after being tempered by the original energy of Death.

At the same time, in every corner of the six worlds, every cemetery has a black atmosphere, filled with the atmosphere of Death, darkness, curse, madness, killing and so on.

A vast power of Death quietly seeped out from the depths of The Underworld, as if these cemeteries formed a Death barrier, trapping all the dead within.

After a period of time, the sentient beings in the six worlds also began to realize that something was wrong with the whole world. They found that there was a strong breath of Death gushing out from the cemeteries around the world.

And these Death breaths gathered together, seemed to form a unique Death Realm, and countless Death creatures frantically rushed into it, becoming their paradise.

whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, a group of immortals went to one of the largest cemeteries. They wanted to find out what happened and understand the seriousness of the situation.

"What's going on? Why is there such a strong smell of Death all over the world?"

A celestial being looked solemnly, looking at the Death Paradise in front of him, he was terrified. Even if he was an Immemorial Golden Immortal, he didn't dare to go in and investigate casually, for fear of being assimilated by the Death breath inside.

For living beings, these breaths are no less than poisonous existences, and they cannot stay for long at all.

But for the undead creatures, it is a paradise-like place, and they are involuntarily attracted to it.

"The breath of death leaked from The Underworld, gushed out from the surface, and then gathered in the cemeteries everywhere." Some immortals guessed.

`. No way, such a thing has never happened before, could it be that there is a big problem in The Underworld? The dead from The Underworld are going to come out? " A fairy said in horror.

The other immortals were also shuddering. If there is really a big problem in The Underworld, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for the living world [I don’t know how many people will die.

After all, the evil spirits in The Underworld are simply endless, and they are still immortal. Once the evil spirits come out of The Underworld, it will be a catastrophe for the world.

It seems that before the endless era, the evil spirits of The Underworld once came out in full force, resulting in the destruction of the world at that time, and it seemed that the war between the liches had ended.

But that era was so long ago that even the gods began to forget the memory of that time, let alone ordinary people.

But even so, just the slightest thought of The Underworld goblins escaping from The Underworld is enough to make them shudder, and it must not be allowed to happen.

"No, no, Zhuang Zhao's matter is not that serious."

Another immortal shook his head: "If there is a big problem in The Underworld, then things are not that simple, it's not just about leaking the breath of Death, when the time comes, the gate of The Underworld must be opened, and countless evil spirits will come out. At that time, the whole world Shrouding the Heavens will be covered by the sun, and the infinite beings will be irresistible."

He felt that there was no major problem in The Underworld, and the Shendu were suppressing it in The Underworld, presumably those evil spirits would not be able to cause any huge storms in The Underworld, and everyone should be worrying unfoundedly.

"If it's not something wrong with The Underworld, how can the current scene be explained?"

A fairy asked.

The other immortals also nodded. Apparently, a large amount of Death aura emerged involuntarily in the cemeteries all over the world, as well as the land of pure yin. This is no small matter.

If it is not dealt with, extremely serious things will definitely happen in the future. .

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