"Fellow Taoist Fuxi, it is better not to involve all living beings in the fight between saints and us."

Fang Yang had already thought of the various reactions of Holy Emperor Fuxi when he decided to take action against the prehistoric humanity. If it were him, he would have thoughts similar to those of Holy Emperor Fuxi.

Therefore, he deliberately found Hong Zhou and asked Hong Zhou to help the Wu Sheng Cult and use force to intimidate the human race.

He wanted to tell Holy Emperor Fuxi that Holy Emperor Fuxi did have the ability to destroy the human world of Hengyu, but he also had the ability to destroy the human world.

Holy Emperor Fuxi wants to destroy the human world of Hengyu, so he can. However, on the day when the Hengyu human world is destroyed, the human world will be wiped out. Holy Emperor Fuxi doesn't care about the life and death of all living beings in the human world of Hengyu, but he will always care about the life and death of the human race in the human world, right?

After someone saw through his evil intentions and threatened him, Holy Emperor Fuxi couldn't get angry, and he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Facing Fang Yang, he always suffered losses and never won. Could it be that he was really inferior to Fang Yang?

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi is the spokesperson of humanity. He actually wants to destroy the Hengyu human world regardless of the life and death of all living beings?"

In Zixiao Palace, Empress Houtu was shocked by the actions of Holy Emperor Fuxi just now.

She couldn't believe what she saw. A spokesperson for humanity actually wanted to kill people to keep his position?

You know, after the fusion of the Hengyu world and the prehistoric world, the creatures in the Hengyu world are already the creatures of the prehistoric world.

In times of war, it is understandable to kill creatures from other worlds for the sake of your own world. Slaughtering the creatures in his own world, is this what a humanitarian spokesperson can do?

The disappointment in the eyes of Patriarch Hongjun was already overflowing.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi has never been able to get out. He has never been a spokesperson for humanity, he is only a spokesperson for the human race."

The words of Patriarch Hongjun completely denied the identity of Saint Emperor Fuxi as the humane spokesperson. He looked at Holy Emperor Fuxi as if he were seeing his old self, but he was luckier than Holy Emperor Fuxi.

Holy Emperor Fuxi met Fang Yang, and Fang Yang possessed the humanity of Hengyu World.

Ancestor Hongjun is much luckier. The person who wants to replace him has not yet appeared. Even if he appears, this person does not have the conditions to seize the way of heaven.

To seize the way of heaven, you must have a way of heaven that is not much different from the way of heaven. Where can you find such a way of heaven?

After hearing the words of Patriarch Hongjun, Queen Houtu really started to think.

Emperor Fuxi's actions shocked Empress Houtu greatly. She couldn't help but ask herself, if someone robbed her of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, would she destroy the Six Paths of Reincarnation?

She discovered that she really could!

"Am I a qualified and authentic spokesperson?"

The people in the lower world knew nothing about the contemplation of Empress Houtu, and the battle between Fang Yang and Holy Emperor Fuxi started again.

Holy Emperor Fuxi is also the spokesperson of humanity. Even if he knows he is defeated, he will not retreat without a fight.

Are Shennong Holy Emperor and Xuanyuan Holy Emperor still fighting hard against Sacred Heart Dao Lord and Samsara Dao Lord in the inner world of Hetu Luoshu?

Neither Shennong Holy Emperor nor Xuanyuan Holy Emperor gave up, how could he give up?


In the void, there are Yin Yang and Bagua diagrams everywhere. These Yin Yang Bagua images are like cannonballs, attacking Fang Yang all the time. With a random blow, all realms were shattered, and even the highest dimensions were degraded and turned into fragments of time and space.

Holy Emperor Fuxi struck out a seal with a rumble, and the sound alone made Fang Yang's body-protecting divine light tremble.

The seal fell on Fang Yang's body and exploded into a ball of sparks that created the world, but it couldn't hurt Fang Yang at all.

Before Fang Yang became a saint, because he swallowed the fragments of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, the magic power of any great magical power could not harm him. After becoming a saint, his body was no longer as strong as before, but with the blessing of his magic power, Holy Emperor Fuxi's attacks could only tickle him.

Instead, it was Fang Yang who struck down with one palm, as if Pangu was reborn, cutting off all the strings on the Fuxi Qin.

"Why is it so powerful?"

Holy Emperor Fuxi was in danger after danger. He could barely avoid Fang Yang's fatal blow, and he was horrified. He didn't expect that Fang Yang's strength would be so terrifying, much higher than him.

Little did he know that compared to the battle in Hengyu World, Fang Yang's cultivation had improved a step further.

As soon as Fang Yang thought, his whole body fell into a ball of fire. The fireball shone brightly, shrank suddenly, and covered Fang Yang's body surface again.

Holy Emperor Fuxi took advantage of the short gap between Fang Yang to activate the immortal heart lamp and punched Fang Yang on the surface of his body.

Holy Emperor Fuxi felt his whole right hand was hot, and he took his hand back reflexively. The flame of the immortal heart lamp cannot be resisted by the physical body or the soul.

Fang Yang refused to give up. With a burst of magic power, the flames on the surface of his body suddenly exploded, turning into countless fine needles and shooting out.

As Saint Queen Fuxi retreated, she waved her hands repeatedly, evolving into a Bagua Dao diagram. The Dao diagram rotated continuously, defusing Fang Yang's offensive.


Fang Yang attacked again, using his magic power to its fullest, beating Holy Emperor Fuxi back again and again, without the ability to fight back.

In the Hetuluoshu, the battle between the six saint-level beings is also intensifying. The battles between the six people destroyed the small world countless times and reopened it countless times.

Regardless of how powerful Xuantian's Seven-section Sword Formation and Chaos Bell were, even if Shennong Holy Emperor and the three of them joined forces, there was nothing Yang Jiao could do to them.

The situation in a melee and a one-on-one fight are completely different.

Yang Jiao realized that he couldn't get out of the inner world just by destroying it. Only by defeating and subduing the heaven in the inner world can he escape from the inner world of the innate treasure.

Come to think of it, if the inner world is so easy to escape, why would Emperor Fuxi spend so much effort?

For this battle, Fang Yang and the other two tried their best. No matter how strong the enemy is or how difficult it is to get rid of it, the three of them always persist for the future.

Until one day, the faces of the three emperors of heaven, earth, and man who were fighting changed at the same time, and the movements of their hands slowed down a lot.

A pure white eyeball appeared in the sky above the Hengyu human world. The appearance of this eyeball burst out with an extremely powerful pressure.

At the same time, Fang Yang's power also increased again and again. At one moment, countless rule forces emerged between heaven and earth, and these rule forces also entered Fang Yang's body.

"Rules, this is the rule. That's right, becoming a spokesperson for humanity will naturally master the rules."

At this moment, Fang Yang is no longer an ordinary saint, he has become a spokesperson for humanity!

Endless human aura emanated from Fang Yang. From now on, he was on par with Hongjun Patriarch and Hou Tu Niangniang, becoming one of the three most powerful people in the world. (End of this chapter)

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