"To think of a way to get rid of the cancer so quickly is worthy of being a humanitarian spokesperson of the previous generation."

Fang Yang looked deeply at Holy Emperor Fuxi, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes. With a thought in his mind, the mass of humanity that had turned into cancer flew over with a whoosh and submerged into his body.

"What are you doing? That part of humanity has been infected by the cancer of humanity, and you dare to integrate it into your own humanity. Aren't you afraid of being eroded by the cancer?"

Emperor Fuxi was shocked when he saw this.

Could he not be surprised? In order to get rid of the cancer of humanity, he gave up half of his soul and the origin of humanity.

Fang Yangming clearly knew the harm of human cancer, but he had no scruples and took back the humanity infected by human cancer.

He couldn't understand this kind of behavior at all.

Fang Yang's eyes were focused, with a contented look on his face, and he spoke slowly: "Fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I have forgotten that this human cancer was created by me."

After saying that, Fang Yang's aura soared, and even the river of destiny was crushed by him. Countless parallel time and spaces turned into reality, and from reality into virtuality, evolved into countless rivers of humanity. These long rivers are like countless colorful ribbons, filling the sky of Hengyu Human Realm. Every living being can see countless versions of himself in them when he raises his head.

Emperor Fuxi found it incredible when he saw this scene.

He felt that the moment Fang Yang spoke, the cancer in the part of humanity that he had abandoned disappeared instantly, just like a dream.

"You, you did it on purpose?"

He pointed at Fang Yang with trembling hands, obviously very angry.

After taking back half of the Hengyu Human Dao and swallowing half of the Prehistoric Human Dao, Fang Yang felt refreshed. He felt that the sky was blue and the water was green, and he couldn't help but look at Holy Emperor Fuxi kindly.

Fang Yang raised his hands to Holy Emperor Fuxi and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help! Why don't you, fellow Taoist, help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and hand over the remaining half of humanity."


Fang Yang had the absolute upper hand, and the Great Desolate Humanity and Holy Emperor Fuxi were no longer Fang Yang's opponents.

The speed of assimilation of the cancerous Hengyu Humanity was too fast. Only then did Emperor Fuxi peel off the origin of humanity, and Hengyu Humanity infected all of this part of the origin of humanity.

This means that Fang Yang has completely controlled half of the prehistoric humanity, and Holy Emperor Fuxi has completely lost control over this half of the prehistoric humanity.


Fang Yang took a step forward and arrived in front of Holy Emperor Fuxi. The void boiled, the avenue exploded, and the time and space where the two of them were and countless parallel time and space nearby collapsed instantly.

Facing such a powerful Fang Yang, Holy Emperor Fuxi had no choice but to use the remaining power of humanity to try his best to contend.

However, the prehistoric humanity has lost too much power and is no match for Hengyu humanity. The power of ancient humanity collapsed at the first touch, and the power of Hengyu's humanity struck the Holy Emperor Fuxi hard.


In the human world, Holy Emperor Fuxi's body shook, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out from his mouth.

Seeing this, Holy Emperor Shennong and Holy Emperor Xuanyuan knew that something was not good, and something might have happened to both Humanity and Holy Emperor Fuxi.

"Fang Yang, if you take away my destiny from the human race, we, the human race, will fight you until death!"

In the human world, Holy Emperor Fuxi looked up to the sky and roared. He could not accept this result no matter what.

He asked himself, the human race has paid the price for their actions. However, the Wusheng Cult is too unwilling to forgive, and even wants to take away all humanity.

How could Fang Yang care about what Holy Emperor Fuxi thought?

Let me ask, if the opportunity to become a humanitarian spokesperson is right in front of you, who can resist taking action? None of Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Jieying Saint, and Tong Tian Cult Leader will miss this opportunity.

Holy Emperor Fuxi knew that he was no match for Fang Yang. If he and Primordial Humanity continue to stay in the human world, they will definitely not end well.

He shouted loudly, and the Hetu Luoshu moved to the extreme. A sea of ​​stars shot out from the book, and countless stars exploded at the same time.

At this point, Fang Yang couldn't tell that Holy Emperor Fuxi was trying his best. The power unleashed by Holy Emperor Fuxi was so tyrannical that the stars in the Hetuluo Book were like the main stars in the ancient starry sky, exploding with endless power.

Fang Yang refused to give in, the flame on the immortal heart lamp became more and more intense, and a wall of fire appeared, blocking Hetu Luoshu's attack in front of him.

Emperor Fuxi was not surprised at all when he saw this. He had no expectation that he could defeat Fang Yang. At this moment, all he wanted was to hold Fang Yang back and escape from the human world of Hengyu with the prehistoric way of humanity.

The prehistoric humanity must not be swallowed up, otherwise, the human race’s leading position in the world will be difficult to protect!

He knew that Fang Yang's philosophy of governing the world was completely different from his. He has entered the world of destiny, and there is no protagonist in the world of destiny.

However, just as Holy Emperor Fuxi was about to leave, a figure walked out of the flames.

This man, dressed in Confucian robes, seemed to be a gentleman, and he was none other than the Taoist Lord of the Sacred Heart.

"Fellow Sacred Heart, is it you?"

Holy Emperor Fuxi just looked at the visitor, then his body froze, and his steps suddenly stopped. He was attacked mentally!

With the Taoist Sacred Heart's own cultivation, it would be difficult for him to penetrate his power into the depths of the soul of the Holy Emperor Fuxi. However, with the addition of the Eternal Heart Lamp, the situation is completely different.

Following the spiritual attack of the Taoist Sacred Heart, a crack appeared in the heart of Holy Emperor Fuxi for no reason, and a violent spiritual storm raged within it, cutting off the connection between Holy Emperor Fuxi's mind and the outside world.

"Junior Brother Samsara, take advantage of the moment!"

Without the reminder from the Holy Heart Daoist Lord, the Lord of Samsara Dao had already made his move.

He moved his body, and a hexagonal disc pattern flew out from the top of his head, spinning non-stop, crossing countless time and space, countless worlds, and following the route of the Holy Heart Daoist Lord's spiritual power, it hit the heart of the Holy Emperor Fuxi in one fell swoop.


At this moment, the Holy Emperor Fuxi felt that his memory was fading, everything was flowing forward, and countless scenes of witches and liches fighting appeared in front of him. Then, his consciousness fell into the witches and liches era.

The Holy Heart Daoist Lord and the Lord of Samsara Dao joined forces and finally trapped the Holy Emperor Fuxi. However, Fang Yang knew that they would not be trapped for long. At most, in an incense stick of time, the Holy Emperor Fuxi would break through the blockade of the Great Way of Samsara and the Great Way of the Heart and return to the world.


Fang Yang blasted out a force of humanity, and with one blow, he separated the original spirit of the Holy Emperor Fuxi from the prehistoric humanity.

Dealing with a spokesperson for humanity and dealing with pure humanity are completely different in difficulty. Only with the help of the spokesperson of humanity can humanity exert its most powerful force.

Moreover, the spokesperson of humanity can also self-destruct.

"Not good! Fellow Daoist Fuxi, hurry up."

Honghuang Human Dao realized that he had reached a dead end and was horrified. He sent out his will to wake up the Holy Emperor Fuxi. Who knew that when his will was transmitted, it encountered the mental storm of the Holy Heart Dao Lord.


Hengyu Human Dao flew out of Fang Yang's body and swallowed Honghuang Human Dao into his body in one gulp! (End of this chapter)

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