Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 979: The Battle for Humanitarian Spokesperson

The Hengyu World is also paying close attention to the wonders of the world fusion.

For a long time, the creatures of the Hengyu World have been full of curiosity about the prehistoric world. A world that can drive away their gods and take their world for itself, no one is not curious.

Before the fusion of the two worlds, the creatures of the Hengyu World rarely had the opportunity to come to the prehistoric world. For most of the creatures of the Hengyu World, the prehistoric world is strange and mysterious.

At the moment when the Hengyu Heaven entered the prehistoric world, all the immortals in the Hengyu Heaven felt the vast secrets of the prehistoric world, and countless knowledge was automatically generated in their minds.

Heaven, earth immortal world, human world, Asura world.

Saints, quasi-saints, Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian.

Witch clan, demon clan, human clan, dragon clan, phoenix clan.

Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, Jieyin Saint.

The creatures of the Hengyu World were excited after reading the information of the prehistoric world.

"It turns out that after cultivating to become an immortal, you don't have to go to heaven to serve the gods as maids. This world is much stronger than our world!"

"There are too many gods in this world, more than twice as many as in our world. In addition to the saints, there are also spokespersons for the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity. If we cultivate in such a world, our achievements will definitely not be low."

"The most important thing is that we don't have to worry about being attacked by other forces in the chaotic world. I believe that there is no stronger world than the prehistoric world."

A world that is much stronger than the Hengyu world, a world that only pursues the way, from now on, they will become a member of this world.

However, the information in the secret of heaven is just an appetizer.

After all living beings digested the secret of heaven, a wheel of heaven appeared in the void. The wheel of heaven turned slightly, and the rain of merit fell from the sky.

All the new creatures who joined the prehistoric world received the gift of heaven. Under the washing of the rain of merit, their bodies became purer, their magic power became purer, and their souls began to grow.

Bathed in the rain of merit, the sentient beings of Hengyu World immediately knew that this was the prehistoric heavenly way welcoming them.

"Thank you for the blessing from heaven!"

When have the sentient beings of Hengyu World ever encountered such a good heavenly way? Before being attacked by the prehistoric world, Hengyu World did not even have a heavenly way.

The operation of the heavenly way made the eyes of the natives of the prehistoric world sore.

They felt that the heavenly way was too fond of the new and tired of the old. They had lived in the prehistoric world for so many years, and they had never seen the heavenly way give merit. The creatures of Hengyu World had just entered the prehistoric world and were rewarded with merit.

However, the heavenly way is fair, how could it be partial like the creatures?

It was not the heavenly way that gave merit to the sentient beings, but the ancestor Hongjun. After communicating with the heavenly way, the ancestor Hongjun won this rain of merit for the sentient beings of Hengyu World.

The reason why the ancestor Hongjun gave merit to the sentient beings of Hengyu World was to use the power of merit to change their bodies and souls, so that they could fit in with the laws of the prehistoric world.

The spiritual energy of the Hengyu world is different from that of the prehistoric world. At the beginning, the Taiyi Jinxian of the prehistoric world could not refine the spiritual energy of the outside world when he arrived in the Hengyu world.

The same reason applies. If the sentient beings of the Hengyu world are not transformed, they will not be able to continue to practice when they enter the prehistoric world.

As the fusion progresses, the human world and the underworld also drift over from the Hengyu world. The underworld begins to merge with the prehistoric underworld, and the human world enters the gap between the human world, the earthly world, and the heavenly world, preparing to become a world of its own.

The human world certainly cannot be integrated with the human world. The human race will not agree, and the human world cannot be integrated with the earthly world. The geological structure of the earthly world cannot accommodate a continent larger than the Dongsheng Shenzhou and half of the Xiniu Hezhou combined.

In the human world, the three holy emperors looked nervous as if they were facing a great enemy when they saw the human world that broke into the prehistoric world.

Not long ago, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun had a fight with the prehistoric heavenly way. No matter how slow the three holy emperors of the human race were, they could still associate something.

The most important thing is that they can't think of a reason for Fang Yang to give up the human world!

"Human world, please be careful. Fang Yang is ambitious, don't be fooled by him."

The Holy Emperor Fuxi reminded the human world.

In fact, there is no need for the Holy Emperor Fuxi to remind, the human world itself has wisdom no less than that of living beings, so there is still some vigilance.

"Don't worry, a new human world can't do anything to me. It's you, the human world, that you should care about. I'm leaving!"

Lightning flashed in the void, the human world came and went without a trace, a thought flashed, and it had left the human world.


In the human world, the atmosphere was extremely depressing, the sky was shrouded in a thick haze, and all living beings felt that a big stone was pressing on their hearts, and even breathing became difficult. A sense of impending storm filled this plane.

"Two senior brothers!"

After the master of the reincarnation was busy with the things at hand, he immediately came to meet Fang Yang and the others.

This time, the Wusheng Sect will have the ultimate showdown with the human world. In addition to the battle between the two sides' humanity, all the saints of both sides will also be on the field.

Whichever side is stronger, the side will be able to obtain the power of humanity. In general, the human world will have the upper hand, because the power of the Honghuang humanity is stronger than the Hengyu humanity.

However, Fang Yang was also prepared.

He used his own body as a medium to combine the Hengyu humanity and the Destiny World humanity together, complementing and strengthening each other, and greatly increasing the mystery of the Hengyu humanity.

After that, he gave the original energy of humanity of the prehistoric humanity to Hengyu humanity, allowing Hengyu humanity to become familiar with the power of the prehistoric humanity.

In addition, the entire world of destiny is also fully prepared for this matter, waiting for the prehistoric humanity to swallow up the Hengyu humanity.

"Humanity, don't be unwilling. Only by letting the prehistoric humanity swallow you up can the final integration of the prehistoric world and the Hengyu world be completed."

Fang Yang conveyed his thoughts and kind words to Hengyu who was about to go berserk.

After this idea spread, the atmosphere in the world became more solemn, and a chilling air arose spontaneously.

"Yes, he is worthy of being the leader of a religion. He really has a good sense of the overall situation."

Just when Fang Yang's persuasion was fruitless, another thought passed into Fang Yang's heart. Fang Yang heard the sound and quickly looked into the void around him, searching everywhere with his mind.

"No need to look for it, I belong to the ancient human world. It is very good that fellow Taoist can wholeheartedly think about the ancient world. Don't worry, fellow Taoist, even if I swallow Hengyu human world, the human world will still be controlled by fellow Taoist."

The prehistoric people were very pleased because of Fang Yang's actions just now.

In the "invisible" void of Fang Yang, the prehistoric humanity has locked onto the Hengyu humanity. With one package, it wrapped the Hengyu humanity in its own body and began to suppress and devour it. (End of chapter)

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