The power of the Wusheng Sect is growing day by day, and Fang Yang himself is also undergoing a transformation.

He is in seclusion not only to complete the innate positive and negative five elements formation, but also to try to use the formation to promote his cultivation and enhance his strength.

In the origin space of the Heavenly Dao, Fang Yang and the Heavenly Dao are one, and by extension, the entire world of destiny is his body.

With him as the center, five towering trees burst out with infinite divine light, and the origin power of the five top-grade innate spiritual roots of the golden apple tree, the yellow plum, the laurel, the phoenix black wood, and the ginseng fruit tree is completely stimulated. An extremely grand formation seals the sky and locks the earth, speeding up time and running non-stop.

60 million years ago, Fang Yang had already refined the golden apple tree. After gathering the innate five elements spiritual roots, he immediately began to practice the innate positive and negative five elements formation.

The way of formation is not as simple as setting up a formation to kill people. Three thousand great ways, all of them can prove the way. Whether it is the Dao of Alchemy, Dao of Instruments, Dao of Arrays, or Dao of Calligraphy, practicing to a certain degree will lead to the Great Dao of Hunyuan.

If Fang Yang wants to walk out of his own Dao and prove the Dao of Hunyuan, he needs to comprehend his own Dao-proving technique. Proving the Dao with the array is one of his ideas.

The core of proving the Dao with the array is to regard the human body as an array, the human Yuanshen as the array spirit of the array, and the natal world as the array space. Once the human array is upgraded to the level of the Zhoutian Xingchen Great Array, the human Yuanshen will naturally transform into the Heavenly Dao of the natal world.

Such a concept is in line with the concept of the Three Yuan True Demon Jue, and it is very consistent with Fang Yang's own cultivation.

Now, with the right time, right place, and right people, Fang Yang has just perfected this Dao-proving technique.

Most things in the world are easier said than done.

To complete the Dao-proving with the array, the first thing to do is to unite the person and the array.

The formation is usually arranged in the natural world. If you want to achieve unity between the human and the formation, you must first transform the human body into the world.

The so-called transformation into the world does not mean creating the world in the body, but cultivating the body into a structure similar to the world, just like the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

After that, you can refine the five best innate spiritual roots into your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys according to the five elements.

After completing this step, you can set up the formation in your body.

Fang Yang knew that cultivation had reached the most critical moment. The mysterious art was running, and tens of millions of years of hard work helped him complete the final transformation, and his body completely turned into a huge world.

Every cell in his body has a law, and each law condenses into a law seed, cultivating the cell into a structure similar to a small world.

His whole body is like the prehistoric world, with three thousand laws clearly defined, and the divine consciousness derived into a heavenly secret, which can see everything in the body clearly.

At this time, Fang Yang finally understood why the heavenly secret can accommodate everything. The heavenly secret is equivalent to Pangu's divine consciousness, and there is nothing that cannot be accommodated.

The next step of the body transformation is to refine five top-grade innate spiritual roots and let them combine with his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

This step is almost not difficult for Fang Yang. His current cultivation level is that he can refine even the innate treasures, not to mention the top-grade innate spiritual roots.

He waved his hand and sent out five magical powers. In a short while, the five top-grade innate spiritual roots were completely refined by him.

Next, Fang Yang will refine many natural treasures and let them combine with his meridians to enhance the strength of the meridians, and engrave array runes in his meridians to stabilize the meridians.

To prove the truth with arrays is not simply to set up arrays, but to transform the arrays into exercises.

That is to say, after setting up the innate positive and negative five elements array, the power in the array will become magic power and run in the body.

Fang Yang's body is very powerful. After swallowing the chaos spiritual treasure, his body is comparable to the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. However, this strength cannot guarantee the normal operation of the innate positive and negative five elements array.

During this process, Fang Yang's cultivation was exerted to the extreme, and his body exuded a terrifying aura at all times.

In a blink of an eye, tens of millions of years passed.

Tens of millions of years of waiting, tens of millions of years of cultivation, let the innate positive and negative five elements array completely integrate into Fang Yang's body.

Cultivating the array, this is the last step, and the most difficult step.

If this step is successful, Fang Yang's soul will transform into the destiny of the heavenly way, and go one step further: if this step fails, Fang Yang will have to deduce and comprehend the way to improve his cultivation.

The next moment, the innate positive and negative five elements array started to operate inside Fang Yang's body. Once this array was in operation, it derived a power that shocked the world and made ghosts weep.

Fang Yang felt that an extremely huge force was injected into his soul. This power is very close to the power of the heavenly way, but it is completely under his control.

This is because the five top-grade innate spiritual roots have become a part of Fang Yang's body, and they are inseparable from Fang Yang. The power of the top-grade innate spiritual roots is Fang Yang's power.

"The unity of man and formation, the destiny of heaven!"

Fang Yang concentrated his mind and focused all his thoughts on one point. The power generated by the formation rushed into his destiny world and into his soul.


The wind and clouds surged, and his destiny world seemed to sense something. All things in the world revived, and the eighty-one great ways were fully manifested, and the eighty-one innate Pangu Dharma images appeared again.

Fang Yang's destiny avenue bloomed with the strongest brilliance, even the eighty-one innate avenues were eclipsed.

Many heavenly and earthly truths and the great way of creation emerged in Fang Yang's heart.

His soul finally transformed, condensing from a human form into a white lotus, and the majesty of the way of heaven appeared.

At this time, in the prehistoric world, the vision of becoming a saint appeared again.

All the creatures in the prehistoric world could feel that a boundless and vast breath descended on them. Along with it, there were golden flowers and golden lotuses all over the ground, almost blooming all over the prehistoric world.

In the sky, the purple auspicious air filled the entire sky. There was no purple air coming from the east, only purple air all over the sky.

"Becoming a saint is a vision of becoming a saint!"

"But why is the vision so big this time? This situation only appeared when Hongjun Daozu became a saint."

"Such a scene reminds me of an old friend."

"No! It's not becoming a saint! This is triggered by someone creating a new path of cultivation and cultivating the supreme saint realm with this path!"

"Who has this ability?"

The powerful in the prehistoric world looked at the visions everywhere, and they were amazed and shocked. Such a grand vision is even more terrifying than the vision that appeared on the day when the five saints appeared together.

Some of the older powers quickly realized what this vision represented.

The saints tried to calculate the source of the vision, but even they couldn't figure it out.

"Who is this person who has created a new path of cultivation?" (End of this chapter)

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