Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 945 The cancer that cannot be eliminated

The five emperors could never have dreamed that the Six Soul Banner, which had disappeared after the Conferred God, would suddenly appear on the battlefield between the Wusheng Sect and the human race. They could not have imagined that the Wusheng Sect would actually take out the Six Soul Banner to deal with them.

The Six Soul Banner can be used by even saints. No matter how high their cultivation, merits, and luck are, can they compare with the Saint Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun?

Seeing this big killer, their only reaction is fear, because apart from fear, they can't do anything.

Unless, they can take the Six Soul Banner from Taiyuan Daozun before Taiyuan Daozun shakes it. Can they do it?

They can't!

At the moment the Six Soul Banner appeared, Wuchen Daojun and the nine immortal emperors had already blocked Taiyuan Daozun. Moreover, they released infinite brilliance, and their terrifying magic power was ready to explode at any time.

If they rushed forward, there would be no need for Taiyuan Daozun to shake the Six Soul Banner, Wuchen Daojun and the nine immortal emperors would self-destruct in the human world.

The power of a great supernatural power and nine powerful people close to great supernatural power self-destructing can be imagined.

Therefore, Wusheng Sect gave the five emperors a choice, whether to keep the human world or themselves.

The choice of the five emperors is obvious. They have paid too much for the human world. The human world is their hard work and their Tao.

As long as the Tao is not destroyed, they will not lose even if they die. On the contrary, if they lose the human world, it will be difficult for them to reshape it again.


Everything between heaven and earth stopped. Under the pressure of the Six Soul Banner, the Wusheng Sect and the human race, who had just fought to the death, stopped their actions.

Everyone knew that this war would end soon.

Either the five great emperors and the founder of Confucianism and Taoism fell under the six soul flag, and the Wusheng Sect marched straight in and occupied the human world; or the five great emperors and the founder of Confucianism and Taoism were severely damaged by the six soul flag, and the Wusheng Sect still marched straight in and occupied the human world.

These two situations seem to have the same results, but there are actually differences.

As long as the emperor is still there, the backbone of the human race will still exist, and the spirit of the human race will not fall. If the human race loses the emperor, the human race will change dramatically.


The founder of Confucianism and Taoism and his disciples were also very nervous.

The founder of Confucianism and Taoism just didn't react at first. After all, he was an old antique from the first disaster of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, and didn't know much about the things in the future.

But he was a great supernatural being after all. He soon guessed what the magic weapon in Taiyuan Daozun's hand was.

"The Wusheng Sect is still worried about me, and even used a magic weapon like the Six Soul Banner. It seems that the Wusheng Sect can put me in an irreparable situation without the Wusheng Sect Master's help."

After seeing the Six Soul Banner, the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism completely gave up the idea of ​​being a fence-sitter. The strength of the Wusheng Sect made him afraid and prevented him from having the idea of ​​betrayal.

Just like this time, he just had a change of heart, and the punishment of the Wusheng Sect came.

Qianqiu Rujun stared at the back of the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism, and sighed in his heart: "Taixuan disciple is on the right path. He follows the Zhenkong League. Even if he cannot become a saint in this reincarnation, the Wusheng Sect Master will support him to become a saint in the next reincarnation. Uncle, I have said long ago that the Wusheng Sect Master is not easy to fool. You want to please both sides and fish in troubled waters, but you are actually digging your own grave."

The ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism certainly couldn't read Qianqiu Rujun's mind, and he was about to regret it. If he didn't fight with all his strength, maybe his name wouldn't be on the Six Soul Banner.

At the moment when everyone was thinking, Taiyuan Daozun mercilessly shook the Six Soul Banner.

Yes, he did not hesitate.

Fang Yang said, either don't make a move, or make a move to the end. If you show mercy to others halfway, they will only feel humiliated and will never thank you for not killing them.

The idea of ​​not killing them is a joke in itself. You are about to kill them, and you still want them to be grateful, which is simply inexplicable.

At the moment when the Six Soul Banner was shaking, the five emperors and the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism felt at the same time that a force full of weirdness and ominousness poured directly into their souls.

"Not good!"

At this moment, the five emperors and the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism knew why Tongtian Sect Master was so confident and wanted to use the Six Soul Banner to deal with the saint.

The power of the Six Soul Banner has surpassed the Great Dao and reached another level. Those who have not touched this level are absolutely unable to resist the Six Soul Banner.

"Hehe, such a pure soul."

"This is the soul of a flesh-and-blood creature, and his blood is so strong."

"It's a great tonic!"

When the six people were full of fear, part of their souls became uncontrollable and separated from the main soul, forming a foreign soul with a hideous head and horns and barbs all over its body.

Seeing this, the six people were shocked and hurriedly used their magic power to suppress this foreign soul. However, as soon as their magic power was activated, they were dumbfounded.

This foreign soul has exactly the same magic power as the six people, and the essence of the soul is also the same as the six people. As soon as they activated their magic power, these foreign souls suppressed the magic power they activated back.

"What is this strange thing?"

The five emperors felt deeply desperate.

They understood that those tumor-like things that grew out of their souls were also part of them. What they could do to themselves, those foreign souls could also do.

"My fellow Taoists, quickly cut off the souls. Only by abandoning these souls can we get rid of them."

Emperor Zhuanxu's Taoism was the most profound and his reaction was the fastest.

His mind moved, and his soul split in the middle, and the half that belonged to the alien soul was also abandoned by him.

"Ah, I will definitely come back!"

After the alien soul left his soul, it screamed, turned into a ball of black gas, and returned to the Six Soul Banner.

Seeing that this trick worked, the others were overjoyed and cut off their own souls.

On the surface, they seemed to have found a way to solve the Six Soul Banner. However, as the Six Soul Banner shook, their souls had problems again.

"I'm back again!"

"Hehe, you will never get rid of us."

"Hand over your spirit, energy and spirit quickly, we want to transform, we want to be human!"

The six people looked extremely ugly. In order to get rid of these tumors, they did not hesitate to cut off part of their souls. But who could have thought that these tumors could regenerate.

As the tumors took shape again, the six people's spirits and spirits were madly lost, and even the Tao fruit was invaded by the tumors.

The six people knew that if they continued like this, they would become tumors. Therefore, they could only bear the pain and cut off their souls again.

The pain of cutting off their souls made the six people feel like dying, but they had to cut off their souls.

At this moment, they finally knew how terrible the Six Soul Banner was. (End of this chapter)

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