"Taiyi, you are alone now, and you have even lost the Chaos Bell. Why do you still want me to come?"

Dijiang walked to Taiyi's side, but did not look at Taiyi, and turned on the mocking mode.

The mockery between old rivals is a unique way of greeting. The more rivals there are, the easier it is to appreciate each other.

Taiyi turned his head and looked at Dijiang, and said in an unquestionable tone: "What is a demon? Everything in the world, everything that can open up its spiritual wisdom and transform into a human form can be a demon. The dragon clan has dragon demons, the phoenix clan has phoenix demons, and the human clan has human demons. Even if your witch clan is destroyed, my demon clan will not be destroyed."

Dijiang heard this and did not refute Taiyi's words. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the human world.

"Look, that's the human world, the world that Fuxi created with two calamities. He thought that he could establish eternal humanity with the human race as the foundation. But he didn't know that he was no different from you and me. If you pursue perfection blindly, you will never be perfect."

Dijiang, Taiyi, and Fuxi are from the same era. They represent the witch clan, the demon clan, and the human clan respectively. In many ways, the three are very similar.

When seeing the failure of the human race, Dijiang and Taiyi seemed to see the witch and demon clan in the past.

"Taiyi, there is one thing I don't understand. As the emperor of the demon clan, why did you ignore the ideas of Fuxi and Nuwa after the birth of the human race, directly declare the prehistoric, guard the human race for a thousand years, and let the heavenly way witness it?"

As time passed, with the rebellion of Bai Ze and others, the demon clan became the dust of history. The grievances between the witch clan and the demon clan also disappeared completely.

All of them were calculated to death by the saints, so what else can't be seen? People can't always live in the past. They have to look forward to go far.

Therefore, Dijiang and Taiyi can stand together and talk calmly.

But as Dijiang said, Dijiang is worried about some secrets of the witch-lich era. If he doesn't figure it out, he always feels that something is missing.

Dijun and Taiyi have a very strange attitude towards the human race.

On the one hand, they let the demon race suppress the human race and hinder the rise of the human race. On the other hand, they like to transform into the human race and teach the human race as a saint.

After discovering these things, Dijiang immediately sent people to investigate, but after investigating for a kalpa, they still couldn't find out the intention of Dijun and Taiyi.

When Taiyi heard Dijiang's question, his eyes flickered slightly: "There is no reason. People of my generation can do whatever they want. What they seek is nothing more than the word "free and easy."

Naturally, he didn't dare to tell the real reason. He and Dijun protected the human race in order to gain merit.

Fortunately, the great powers in the heavens didn't know what he and Dijun thought, otherwise, they would definitely be ridiculed by the whole prehistoric world.

Before they entered the human race, they were prepared to teach the human race how to make fire by drilling wood and weave nets to catch fish. But when they entered the human race, they were dumbfounded when they saw the first generation of the human race where the golden immortals were everywhere and the mysterious immortals were worse than dogs.

The creatures created by the blood of the saints all have magical powers. The gods who eat air are immortal, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to water and fire. Why do they need the tricks of mortals?

They only protected the human race for 800 years before they were caught by the Holy Emperor Fuxi. After staying for 200 years, they left the human race in embarrassment.

Taiyi still regrets why he let the Heavenly Dao judge. Without the four words "Heavenly Dao judge", he would not have needed to stay for another 200 years.

"So that's it. I have judged the gentleman by my own mean heart."

Hearing Taiyi's explanation, Dijiang believed Taiyi's statement without any doubt. Dijiang felt a little ridiculous. He pursued the truth of a catastrophe, but it was so simple.

While feeling ashamed, Dijiang was also completely relieved. He no longer needed to be troubled by this problem.

"Speaking of which, your Wu clan is in a much better situation than my demon clan. You have two saints, Hou Tu and Sheng Xin, in your Wu clan, and you have Wu Sheng Jiaozhu and Fengdu as external aids. With the addition of Kunpeng, your Wu clan can already compete with Xuanmen."

Taiyi said with envy.

Pangu authentic is Pangu authentic, which is something that those of them who are not Pangu authentic can never compare to. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he fights, he can't get the sainthood.

He and Dijun lost because there is no saint among them. Once they enter the land of eternal calamity, the foundation they worked hard for in their previous lives will disappear.

Unlike the twelve witch ancestors, with the saint Hou Tu Niangniang, the Wu clan can be recreated even if it disappears.

"The only one in this world who can understand me is the Chaos Bell. Now that the Chaos Bell is in Yang Jiao's hands, I don't know what kind of slavery it will suffer. I must become a saint as soon as possible and rescue the Chaos Bell."

Recalling the past, Taiyi missed the Chaos Bell more and more. The Chaos Bell was not only his magic weapon, but also his confidant.

However, the Chaos Bell that Taiyi was concerned about was desperately trying to please Yang Jiao, hoping that Yang Jiao could take it to see the Immortal Heart Lamp and the Five Elements Imperial Sky Tower. The Taiji Diagram and Pangu Banner were in a group and were unwilling to pay attention to it, so it wanted to form its own innate treasure group.

Even if it was an innate treasure, there was also the ambition to transform into a human form and prove the Dao of Hunyuan.

Yang Jiao was so worn out that he had no choice but to agree to let it meet the Immortal Heart Lamp once if there was a chance.

"You demons also have Nuwa! Nuwa has always been unfathomable. Even though her fame is not as good as Jie Yin and Yuan Shi, her true cultivation is probably better than Laozi's."

He knew something about the relationship between Di Jun, Tai Yi and Nuwa.

When the Thirty-Three Heavens came into being, the two tribes of witches and liches had fought a battle for the Thirty-Three Heavens.

In the battle for the Thirty-Third Heaven, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Fuxi stalled for time, while Nuwa, as a disciple of the Tao Ancestor, sought help from the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, showing extremely high tacit agreement.

When the Demon Clan Heavenly Palace was established, the Eastern God Taiyi, the Western God Emperor Jun, the Southern God Fuxi, and the Northern God Nuwa stood side by side, which became a good story among the Demon Clan.

"Fellow Taoist Nuwa, the moment the human race was born, her heart was split in two. She is a saint of the demon race, but she is also a saint of the human race. Humans and monsters cannot coexist, so Nuwa cannot be a human race saint. You can’t become a saint from the demon clan.”

Taiyi once implemented a plan for the coexistence of humans and demons, allowing humans and demons to understand each other, put aside their hatred, and achieve peace. However, he failed every time.

The inside of the demon clan is too complicated, with all kinds of races. Those who are stronger than the human race will use the human race as food, and those who are weaker than the human race will become the human race's food.

Later, after Taiyi saw the struggle within the demon clan, he understood more clearly that the fight between races was not because of hatred or an inability to understand each other, but because of the laws of nature.

Big fish eat small fish. This is the basic law of the biosphere and a law of nature. This kind of law is the same even in the human race. The weak eats the strong, and no one can change it.

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