Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 939: Support from Confucianism and Taoism


With the arrival of the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism, a majestic force began to impact the dimensional divine formation. This powerful force was far beyond what a great supernatural power user could possess, and it shook the formation with just one blow.

It turned out that the Lord of Confucianism had brought all the quasi-sages, Daluo Jinxian, and Taiyi Jinxian from Confucianism and Taoism. The masters of Confucianism and Taoism jointly activated a set of seventy-two chime bells, a top-notch innate spiritual treasure - the Nine Heavens of Chaos God Bell.

The power of this top-quality innate spiritual treasure is even more powerful than the Dinghai Divine Pearl. Seventy-two Da Luo Jinxian united and played a majestic sound that leveled the world and wiped out all the immortals. All the gods, ghosts, immortals and demons, under the sound of the chaos bell, became strange powers and chaos, and they were unbearable. One hit.

"Everyone of the human race, I will gather my lifelong cultivation, activate my magic weapon, and launch the most powerful attack on the formation. I believe that an attack of this intensity can put great pressure on the formation. Wait for me to attack At this time, please seize the opportunity to break up the formation and escape from the siege. "

The voice of the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism penetrated into the depths of the formation along with his magic power. When the five human emperors heard this voice, they felt as if they were hearing the sounds of nature.

Mountains and rivers are full of doubts and no way out, and there is a bright future and a bright future. When they are most desperate and helpless, the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism risked offending the Wusheng Cult to rescue them!

The five human emperors originally only wanted to use the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism, but now they were moved by the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism.

Good people! When everyone avoids the human race and refuses to help them, only Confucianism and Taoism are willing to help them. The icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in the snow. The friendship between Confucianism and Taoism towards the human race will definitely be repaid in the future.

"Friend Daoist, please take action!"

Emperor Zhuanxu was overjoyed, accumulated a mouthful of magic power, and spoke to the outside world.

In fact, his voice could not be heard at all. If his voice can be heard, he can blend into the sound and leave with it.

He responded like this to prevent the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism from sensing the situation inside the formation. Who knows how many magical powers this old antique from the Long Han period knew?


The chimes rang again. This time, the bells sounded like a gust of wind and rain, creating a battlefield of swords and swords. The battlefield slowly fell and pressed towards the formation.

"The disciples of Wusheng Cult obey orders and run the formation with all their strength, and don't give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it."

The voice of Taoist Wuji sounded, sounding very urgent.

This sound was extremely comfortable to the ears of the five Human Emperors. If Wujizun didn't feel the pressure, why would he use such methods?

Crunch! Crunch!

The next moment, something went wrong with the formation, swaying this way and that, as if it was about to be breached.

"What a great opportunity! Guys, here's my chance to escape from the formation."

Emperor Zhuanxu glanced at him, and the other four emperors immediately understood his intentions.

The five human emperors took action again, matching the rhythm of the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism. Their magical power was so powerful that it shattered the heavens and bombarded the formation.

With this blow, a familiar aura reappeared in the perceptions of the five Human Emperors.

"Let's go!"

At that moment, the five Human Emperors no longer hesitated and escaped from the gap that was torn apart in the formation. Seeing that the Human Emperor had escaped, the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism stopped entangled and left with his disciples, disciples, and disciples.

The three of them, Wuji Dao Zun, could only look at the ocean and sigh as they watched the Human Emperors and the Confucian and Taoist Supremes leave. However, then, they immediately sent out a large army and continued to attack the human race.

The Five Emperors returned home in defeat, feeling extremely depressed.

They originally thought that they would be invincible if they took action in person, but the reality gave them a severe blow.

Not only did they fail, they also destroyed the human army.

Thinking of the descendants of the human race who died under the poison of losing themselves, they have nothing but regret.

Why do they want to provoke the Wusheng Cult? If a good friend is forced to become an enemy by them, is there really any karma?

Fang Yang didn't need to know about the human race's embarrassment. As long as he knows what he needs, it's enough.

The original bodies of Taoist Taiyuan and Taoist Wuchen found Fang Yang and wanted to understand the reason.

"Master, why did you ask us to let the Five Emperors go? You know, they are the great supernatural beings of the human race, and they are very likely to become saints."

Tao Zun Taiyuan didn't understand at all.

The Wu Sheng Cult clearly had the opportunity to bring down the five emperors of the human race and make the human race regret it forever, but Fang Yang gave up time and time again and did not kill the human race.

When Fang Yang heard this, he just stared at Taoist Taiyuan: "Have you forgotten the purpose of this war?"

The Wusheng Sect's attack on the human world is not to occupy the human world, but just to teach humanity a lesson. But for some unknown reason, as they continued to fight, everyone came up with the idea of ​​​​exterminating the human race in the human world.

This kind of thinking is very unacceptable.

The Wusheng Sect is still in its infancy, and killing the five human emperors will have extremely serious consequences. Whether it is really for filial piety or for other reasons, the human race will fight to the death for the five human emperors and the Wu Sheng Cult.

Fang Yang is not afraid of offending others. What he is afraid of is that this matter will affect his cultivation.

The human race will go to war with the Wusheng Religion at all costs, and the Wusheng Religion will definitely be tired of dealing with it. By then, Fang Yang will have endless worries.

Of course, if the human race is poisoned by the dregs of Confucianism and Taoism, the situation will be different. A force without a successor cannot threaten him.

Taoist Lord Wuchen nodded and asked, "Excuse me, leader, how should our sect conduct the next war?"

The strength of Confucianism and Taoism should not be underestimated, but it is far from enough to shake the dimensional divine formation guarded by the Immortal Heart Lamp. If it were not for the Wusheng Sect's release, the five emperors would not have been able to escape. However, the combined power of Confucianism and Taoism and the human race poses a considerable threat to the Wusheng Sect.

The Wusheng Sect must both use Confucianism and Taoism and guard against it, lest it be a fence-sitter.

How to fight the next war has become a difficult problem. Neither can the human race be destroyed, nor can the war be lost. This is a test for the Wusheng Sect.

Fang Yang nodded slightly, his expression a little more solemn: "We must pay attention to the next war. If we go head-on, our sect and the human race will definitely suffer losses. With the addition of Confucianism and Taoism, my Wusheng Sect is likely to fail. Therefore, we must not go head-on with the human race. Let's do this, the three of you go into the treasure house and take out the six soul flag."

There are many powerful weapons in the Wusheng Sect, but the most useful one is the six soul flag.

You know, this magic weapon can even be used by saints to plot against you, and its power is even greater than that of the Seven Arrows Book. No matter how high the cultivation of the five emperors of the human race and the founder of Confucianism and Taoism is, they cannot resist the plot of the Six Soul Banner.

"Six Soul Banner?"

Hearing Fang Yang's words, Taiyuan Daozun and the other two's eyes lit up, "With the help of this treasure, great things will surely be accomplished."

"Well! Go ahead, I hope you will continue to work hard and make great contributions to our sect!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The two took the order, immediately withdrew, and happily went to get the Ten Thousand Soul Banner. (End of this chapter)

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