"It is said that brothers who work together can cut through metal. What your three brothers have done is an eye-opener for me."

"The Immortal Court was established, and Prince Dong became the leader of the male immortals. The three of you were afraid that Duke Dong would gather his luck and attain enlightenment before your brothers. So, the three of your brothers joined forces to set up elaborate arrangements in the Immortal Court, and attracted the attention of the Witch Clan. Attack the Immortal Court. In the end, you get the remaining luck of Dong Wanggong, and Tongtian takes possession of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation that Dong Wanggong painstakingly comprehended. "

"Originally, Shennong had tasted all kinds of herbs in the world, and his medical skills were naturally perfected. However, you and Tongtian took action again and designed Shennong's daughter, Nvwa, to die in the East China Sea. You used the death of Nvwa to disrupt Shennong's Taoist mind. Thus, the luck of the medical profession was taken away. Through this matter, Tongtian made the Dragon Clan surrender to him, and all the land in the East China Sea was owned by Jie Jiao. "

"After the Xingtian catastrophe, Haotian held the Feitian Conference in the ancient world in order to recruit talents. Such an event, which was related to the overall situation of the ancient world, was still sabotaged by your brothers. You and Yuanshi joined forces to secretly sabotage it, and finally selected Haotian. All the talented people were demoted to the rank of maids and officials on duty.”

"The relationship between you three brothers is very good!"

Ancestor Hongjun's eyes were so poisonous that even a saint could not hide any secrets in front of him. He seemed to be an omniscient and omnipotent supreme god.

"Since the Lich Era, you have used all means to suppress the mighty powers of the heavens in order to consolidate your authority. In order to achieve your goals, you have not even spared the innocent old, weak, sick, disabled, orphans and widows. The tragedy in the prehistoric times, Most of them were led and planned by you.”

"I have always hoped that you could return from your lost ways, but I was wrong. Not only have you not repented, your methods have become more cruel, and even the prehistoric world has been shattered by you."

At first, Patriarch Hongjun hated iron for not becoming steel, but later on, his tone became extremely calm, without any disturbance.

Sage Lao Tzu listened silently and did not refute.

If other people say this, they should say "We are adapting to the destiny". In front of Ancestor Hongjun, he really couldn't speak.

No one knows the number of days better than Ancestor Hongjun, and the number of days is determined by Ancestor Hongjun.

When Saint Laozi saw that Patriarch Hongjun wanted to settle the accounts with them, he immediately became dissatisfied.

He didn't believe that Patriarch Hongjun had never done a single evil thing. Not to mention anything else, Ancestor Hongjun is inseparable from the destruction of the Western Land.

Ancestor Hongjun speaks so righteously now, but the things he does are no different from saints like them.

However, it is impossible for Saint Laozi to directly respond to Patriarch Hongjun.

"Teacher, the disciples did do some things that made the teacher unhappy in the past. However, the Wusheng Cult provoked wars and devastated all living beings in the world. Their sins were much greater than mine. Those human beings who died under the Wusheng Cult Soldiers, no one has parents, no wife and children. It is very inappropriate for the Wusheng Cult to start a war with the human race over a misunderstanding."

Sage Laozi tried to bring down the Wusheng Cult. At least, he hoped to divert the attention of Patriarch Hongjun.

Empress Nuwa also said: "Yes, teacher. As a saint, Master Wusheng is supposed to maintain peace and tranquility in the ancient world. He violated his duty by provoking a war."

She is the closest to the way of heaven, and she can often feel that Patriarch Hongjun has the idea of ​​dealing with veteran saints like them. As a member of the established saints, Empress Nuwa did not want Ancestor Hongjun to keep staring at them, the established saints.

Holy Emperor Fuxi did not speak. He was not a disciple of Patriarch Hongjun, and there was no need to rush to be trained.

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the faces of Saint Laozi and Nuwa Empress. He saw that both of them looked serious and serious, and he felt even more unhappy.

He talked so much and his feelings were all in vain.

"No matter what Master Wu Sheng has done, I only want to ask, if you are my disciple, are Master Wu Sheng the same?"

As soon as these words were spoken, I, the saint, and Nuwa Empress had nothing to say anymore.

Fang Yang is not a disciple of Patriarch Hongjun. No matter what Fang Yang does, Patriarch Hongjun doesn't need to pay attention to it. However, I and Nuwa are disciples of Ancestor Hongjun, and Ancestor Hongjun has the responsibility to intervene in all their affairs.

"You don't need to plead anymore. I will not step forward to stop the war between the Wusheng Cult and the human world. The cause was planted by the human race, and the consequences should also be borne by the human race."

Patriarch Hongjun ignored Saint Emperor Fuxi's mood and sent the three saints out of Zixiao Palace with a wave of his hand.

He now had some doubts as to whether he was too kind, which was why these saints came to him again and again to ask for help.

Normally, no saint would come to Zixiao Palace to visit him and show his filial piety in front of him. Whenever something goes wrong, he becomes everyone's target for help.

In the chaos, Holy Emperor Fuxi and the other three looked at the Zixiao Palace with its door closed, with a look of fear on their faces.

The three of them are saints after all, but they have no power to fight back in front of Patriarch Hongjun. The feeling was like returning to the pre-sanctified period.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi and fellow Taoist Nuwa, you have also seen the result. The teacher will not agree to us. In this case, the old Taoist bids farewell!"

Sage Lao Tzu failed to help, and was even commented upon by Patriarch Hongjun, who never wanted to stay outside Zixiao Palace again. He bowed his hands to the Holy Emperor Fuxi brothers and left.

Emperor Fuxi and Empress Nuwa saw this and refused to stay.

During this trip to Zixiao Palace, they learned a lot of things. One of the most critical things is that the human race will not always be the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Every time he thought about this, Holy Emperor Fuxi felt a strong sense of suffocation.

However, the facts cannot be reversed, he can only take one step at a time, hoping to prolong the fate of the human race as much as possible.

In the human world, the war is still going on.

In the dimensional divine formation, the five emperors of the human race completely joined forces to set up a mysterious formation to resist the attack of the dimensional force.

At this point in the battle, the human army has been completely destroyed, and even the quasi-saints can't bear the poison of losing me and turned into a walking corpse.

The miserable situation of the human race aroused the anger of the five emperors of the human race, and also aroused the cultivation of the five emperors of the human race. With only five people, they resisted the dimensional divine formation practiced by the Wusheng Sect.

"I really underestimated their strength. If we fight against such an opponent, we are not sure of winning."

"Yes! The Dimension God Formation can decompose everything into digital information. However, the power of the Dimension God Formation has not yet entered the bodies of these five people. I wonder what they rely on."

"What do you rely on?"

"It may be a magic weapon, it may be a magical power. There are all kinds of things in the world. Maybe they can use merit to protect themselves."

The three Wuji Daozun discussed and almost analyzed the opportunities that may be hidden in the five emperors of the human race. (End of this chapter)

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