"Everyone, this is a magic weapon specially made by the Wusheng Religion, which is extremely powerful. Everyone quickly use the defensive magic weapon to resist the enemy's attack."

The human race was indeed caught off guard at the beginning, but the human race was able to defeat all the races in the heavens and ascend to the throne of the protagonist of heaven and earth, so naturally they would not be so weak.

After experiencing a wave of casualties, the human race reacted quickly.

Those with strong strength used their own defensive magic weapons, while those with weak strength gathered together to form a defensive formation to resist together.

It's not that the human race can't fight back, but on the current battlefield, the human race and the Wusheng Religion have already fought into a group, you have me, I have you. If the human race wants to use large-scale lethal magic to kill the Wusheng Religion, it will definitely affect its own people.

This is also why the Wusheng Religion used firepower suppression at the beginning to force the human race to engage in a melee. Only in a melee can the Wusheng Religion play its own advantages and reduce casualties.

You must know that those who came to attack the human world this time are all elites from all realms of the Destiny World. They all hope to break through to the next realm, so naturally they would sacrifice as little as possible.

Seeing that the human race had launched a defense, the Wusheng Sect was not surprised. In the tens of thousands of years of preparation for war, they had encountered such situations countless times.

"Do you think hiding in a turtle shell will work?"

A Wusheng Sect disciple sneered, took out a gourd carved with insect patterns, and activated his magic power, and a cloud of smoke flew out of the gourd.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?"

Seeing the actions of the Wusheng Sect disciple, his opponent was confused. At the same time, this person's heart was also in his throat.

The smoke sprayed more and more, and finally, a dark cloud with a radius of one mile formed above the head of the Wusheng Sect disciple.

At this time, the human soldiers saw the essence of the smoke.

The smoke flying out of the gourd was not real smoke, but countless very tiny little people. These little people could not be seen clearly with the naked eyes of Xuanxian, and only the divine consciousness could observe their full appearance.

"How can there be such small puppets? The size of these puppets is less than one ten-thousandth of the size of dust in the universe!"


The Wusheng Sect disciple waved his arm, and the cloud of puppets above his head floated towards his opponent like smoke.

"Do you think that with these puppets that can't be any smaller, you can break my defense?"

The human soldier saw an opportunity, and made a seal with both hands. While opening the defense to guard against the Gatling flying sword, he controlled his war spear. The flames on the war spear were blazing, burning the space into pieces, and killing towards the smoke.

In his mind, those puppets were so small that he could use the divine fire to burn them into nothingness. However, it turned out that his idea was too naive.

The divine fire emitted by the war spear sprayed on the smoke, and it couldn't shake those tiny puppets at all. Under the burning of the divine fire, the smoke gradually changed from gray-black to platinum.

"Taiyi Jinjing!!"

The human soldier was dumbfounded.

Only then did he realize that the enemy's humanoid puppets were forged with Taiyi Jinjing, which can only be used to refine acquired spiritual treasures.

As a material for refining acquired spiritual treasures, the strength and hardness of Taiyi Jinjing can be imagined. However, such hard Taiyi Jinjing was cut into powder smaller than cosmic dust by Wushengjiao, and these powders were refined into puppets.

The difficulty of this operation is much more difficult than simply refining acquired spiritual treasures.

This human soldier didn't know that this was the gap in technical level. Wushengjiao has the law of space. Not only can it perform operations such as refining instruments and making talismans at the atomic level, but it can also enter the interior of atoms and open up small worlds inside atoms to complete more precise tasks.

On the surface, these puppets that make up smoke are just puppets. In fact, there is a small world hidden inside each puppet.

With so many small worlds bombarding, the fate of this human soldier can be imagined.

Seeing that his comrade was pierced through the heart by a golden smoke and his life was cut off, some human soldiers around him were in chaos.

The methods of the Wusheng Sect are endless, how can they fight?

This is just a battle at the bottom level, the most intense battlefield is still the battlefield of the powerful.

At the level of great supernatural powers, the strength of the Wusheng Sect is slightly weaker than that of the human race, but at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, the Wusheng Sect is superior.

The Haoqi Demon Lord, the Six Desires Demon Lord, and the Nightmare Demon Lord from the Demon Dao are old demons from the first calamity of Longhan. They have gone through countless battles and are famous in the war between Taoism and Demon.

Although the other demons are rising stars, their methods are much more powerful than those of the immortals. The cultivators of the Demon Dao do things without scruples, practice Taoism as they please, and their strength is naturally stronger than that of the same level.

The dream of the Nightmare Demon Lord is the most bizarre, turning reality into dreams and dreams into reality. What's more terrifying is that he can create multiple dreams.

As long as he is pulled into a dream, he will fall into a dream cycle and never get out. Even if you are lucky enough to break through the dream and return to reality, you may not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality.

Look, a human quasi-saint was trapped in the 3,600th layer of dreams. When he returned to reality, he immediately destroyed his soul and tried to wake up in this way.

As a result, he really died. No one thought that a quasi-saint did not die at the hands of other powerful people, but killed himself.

The quasi-saint fell, and the world was the same. The human race who sensed all this was only grief.

The Six Desires Demon Lord is the most proficient in the art of taking yang to replenish yin. If a person with weaker Taoism looks into her eyes, she may take away his yang energy. However, on the battlefield, she can only fight with real swords and guns.

She is worthy of being a veteran demon lord. She can beat her opponent to pieces in a few seconds.

In the long river of fate, the shadows of powerful people continue to sink to the bottom of the river. Every additional shadow at the bottom of the river symbolizes the fall of a powerful person.

Of course, there are casualties on the side of the Wusheng Sect. There are definitely casualties. The human race is not a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, the Wusheng Sect was too well prepared, and the human race did not even have time to prepare the elixir to replenish mana, which minimized the loss of the Wusheng Sect.

Looking at the entire battlefield, the battle situation was almost one-sided. The Wusheng Sect became braver and stronger as the battle went on, and the human race retreated again and again.

In this war, the morale of the human race was not enough. Who let the human race steal the treasure of the Wusheng Sect? The human race deserves to be beaten.

With a creak, the door to the human world was opened, and a large number of Wusheng Sect disciples rushed into the human world.

After entering the familiar human world, the Wusheng Sect disciples felt proud.

At that time, it was the human race that excluded them, but now, they have entered the human world with dignity, and no one can exclude them.

"Everyone, quickly occupy a star and use it as a foundation!"

After entering the human world, the war entered the second stage. (End of this chapter)

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