After the explosion, the once magnificent Yuxu Palace was reduced to ruins. Except for the Yuxu Palace, which was protected by the holy light of Yuanshi Tianzun, all other buildings in the real space were destroyed by the explosion.

What's even more terrifying is that a strange poisonous gas is spread in every inch of the Yuxu Palace. Under the infection of this poisonous gas, even the laws of the great avenue have been destroyed.

Among the ruins, disciples of Chanjiao kept waking up. They looked at everything around them and couldn't believe it.

Their Yuxu Palace and their Kunlun Mountains have turned into this ghostly appearance. Where is this saint's dojo, where is the first fairy mountain in the world?

Master Lingbao worked hard to expel the poisonous gas around him, fearing that he would be injured by the poisonous gas:

"The Vacuum League, it must be the Vacuum League! They are simply bullying people too much. They deal with the Perfect Man Sect, and then they come to deal with my Chan Sect."

Although his name is Master Lingbao, he is a pauper. The innate spiritual treasure he finally obtained was used to kill corpses.

The Antarctic Immortal rushed out of the smoke and dust of the explosion with a big bald head and an extremely ugly face. His current psychology is extremely unbalanced.

"Why, why do you only destroy the dojo of my Chan Sect? Does the Vacuum Alliance think that my Chan Sect is easier to bully than the Human Sect?"


With a flash of divine light, Guangchengzi flew out from Yuxu Hall. When he saw the miserable state of his dojo, he was so angry that his head was about to explode.

"Who is it? Who is it? If you have the ability, just fight with me in an upright manner. Using such despicable means, how can you be regarded as a powerful person in the immortal world?"

Guangchengzi's voice penetrated the sky and the earth, triggering waves of sound storms that impacted all directions.

The peaks around Yuxu Palace could not withstand this kind of storm. They broke off one after another, rolled down from the top of the mountain, and hit the ground, causing big explosions one after another.

However, even so, the anger in Guangchengzi's heart did not diminish by half.

During his time as the leader, the Chan religion suffered such a disaster, and he would definitely become a laughing stock in the world. He, who cared about face the most, simply couldn't bear it.

However, Guangchengzi didn't know that the current situation was already very good, because what happened next would make him even more angry.


A huge ball of mana rushed into the sky, exploded into a ball of light rain, and returned to the earth.

Endless light rain fell from the sky, forming a spiritual rain composed of innate spiritual energy. This is the ocean of light, the ocean of aura.

At this moment, the Yuxu Palace that was infected by the poisonous gas was cleansed, and the poisonous gas slowly dissipated.

When Guangchengzi and others saw this situation, their expressions changed wildly.

This phenomenon of spiritual energy returning to heaven and earth will only appear after the death of Daluo Jinxian and quasi-sage. This means that his great power in teaching has fallen.

Guangchengzi's heart began to twitch, and it hurt every time. The world he saw suddenly turned dark.


A curtain of water rose from the Xingxiu Sea in the Kunlun Mountains, and Master Baiqi's unbeatable face appeared again.

"Fellow Taoists of all heavens and realms, I once again represent the Vacuum Alliance to inform you of a piece of news. In view of the fact that Chanjiao did not take my warning to heart, all members of Chanjiao evaded responsibility and hid in Yuxu Palace. I, In order to prove the determination of this alliance, we have already destroyed Yuxu Palace and killed Master Yuding. Chanjiao no longer needs to investigate the truth. I am here to claim responsibility for this incident!"

After Master Baiqi finished speaking, the water curtain lost the support of its magic power and fell into the rivers, lakes and seas again. However, this scene can never be forgotten.

The powerful people were so shocked that they didn't know what expressions to make.

Just to prove their determination, the Yangtze River Water Mansion destroyed Yuxu Palace and killed the real person Yuding. How come there are such crazy people in the world?

Listening to the extremely arrogant words of Palace Master Baiqi, the entire Chanjiao family could no longer care about their anger. They thought about the inexplicable death of Master Yuding and the destroyed Yuxu Palace, and their hearts couldn't help but feel chills.

The Yangtze River Water Palace caused him to suffer such losses with just a few moves. If a war really breaks out, will they be able to leave behind their orthodox teachings?

The ruins of Yuxu Palace fell into a dead silence.

"Bai Qi, we obviously didn't do this, why did you claim to be responsible for this incident? Our original intention was to lure Master Yuding out to explain his teachings, and then use the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to surround and kill him. Yu Master Ding’s death has something to do with us, but the destruction of Yuxu Palace has nothing to do with us.”

Ao Xuan didn't understand Palace Master Baiqi's actions. They in the Yangtze River Water Palace are not afraid of anything and they dare to take responsibility. However, taking the initiative to take the blame for others is not their style.

Palace Master Baiqi explained: "Even if I don't claim to be responsible for the incident, Chanjiao will think that we did it. In this case, why don't I admit it?"

When Ao Bai and the other four heard this, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In terms of brains, the four of them are no match for Palace Master Bai Qi. The main body of Baiji Mansion is Baiji Dolphin. Like the fox on land, it is famous for its intelligence.

When they thought about it carefully, they felt that what Master Baiqi said made sense.

Rather than letting people be wronged and come to seek justice, it is better to take over the matter proactively and generously. In this way, they can turn passivity into initiative.

Anyway, there is a dispute between the Yangtze River Water Palace and Chanjiao, and they are destined to fight to the death. It doesn't matter if they have one more debt or one less debt.

"It's just that we have to investigate which force is responsible for this matter. This person can destroy Yuxu Palace silently, and he can also destroy our Yangtze River Water Palace."

After thinking about it, Ao Bai reminded.

"That's natural. The one who was able to kill Jade Ding Zhenren in Yuxu Palace must be a great master. A great master is enough to attract our attention. Great masters have the possibility of attaining enlightenment. If they become saints, they will become the great enemy of His Majesty Zulong in the future."

"Great enemy? You underestimate His Majesty Zulong too much. In the world, apart from those old saints, only Saint Fang Yang can be on par with His Majesty Zulong. Other saints are not worth worrying about."

"That's true, but we can't be careless. It took a lot of effort for our dragon clan to have today's momentum. We can't underestimate any great master."

The five people discussed for a while, but they couldn't discuss the reason.

The person who took action was too hidden. Even the side of the Chan Sect thought it was done by the Zhenkong League. The five people couldn't get the result, so they passed the news to the Zhenkong League and asked others to pay attention.

"Who could a mysterious great master be?"

On the Wusheng Sect side, Fang Yang was also attracted by the great master who suddenly took action.

He knew all the great masters in the prehistoric times, but there were very few who had deep hatred for the Chan Sect.

Lord Haotian was one, but he didn't have that much courage. If he dared to deal with the Chan Sect disciples, he would have already grabbed the Conferred God List and the Divine Whip.

Ancestor Kunpeng was one, but he had already become a saint.

Apart from these two, Fang Yang couldn't think of any other great masters that the Chan Sect had offended. (End of this chapter)

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