Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 884: Confucianism and Taoism at a Lost Bet

If Chunqiu Academy did not make a move, it would already be a blockbuster. As soon as it took action, it launched an attack on the three major forces of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, the Great Chu Immortal Dynasty and the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

Anyone with some background knows that Confucianism and Taoism are behind Spring and Autumn Academy. Although Confucianism and Taoism had a moment of glory during the early tribulation of the Long Han Dynasty, and once stood in tandem with the immortals and demons, that is all in the past.

There are saints in the immortal way, there are saints in the demonic way, and there are saints in the shamanistic way. Only Confucianism and Taoism have no saints. In today's world, Confucianism and Taoism have become the lowest cultivation orthodoxy, worse than ghost Taoism.

No one could have imagined that Confucianism and Taoism would show up at this time and openly challenge the Ancient Dragon Clan, the Ancient Demon Clan, and the Wusheng Sect.

However, Confucianism and Taoism soon explained it to everyone.

In the name of the descendants of the human race, Spring and Autumn Academy dedicated all the Confucianism and Taoism resources accumulated over three calamities to the human world, without leaving any for itself!

This approach of Spring and Autumn Academy shocked the world. Everyone who heard the news was stunned.

You must know that what Spring and Autumn Academy handed over was not only the Spring and Autumn Academy's own resources, but also handed over all Confucian and Taoist wealth to the human race.


A portal full of humane and civilized atmosphere suddenly descended over the Spring and Autumn Academy. The five emperors of the human race walked out of the portal and announced to the world:

"Our human race appreciates Confucian Ancestor's friendship for our human race. Following the orders of Holy Emperor Fuxi, we and the five of us, on behalf of our human race, formally invite Confucianism and Taoism to preach in our human world. We promise that the human world will never be destroyed, and Confucianism will never be destroyed." The lineage of Taoism will never end!”

The sound resounded throughout the heavens, shook the world, and made countless people look at him.

The promise of the human race is really too great. The human world will never be destroyed, and the Confucian and Taoist traditions will never end. Doesn’t this mean that the status of Confucianism and Taoism in the human race is the same as that of human religion?

You must know that when the Wusheng Sect entered the human world, it only received the right to preach and did not receive any commitment from the human race.

It's hard not to be shocked by this scene.

"Hahaha, I am laughing so hard. In order to preach in the human world, Fang Yang worked hard and helped the human race develop a powerful civilization. But in the end, he is just a joke."

Fang Yang's old rival, God Haotian, almost fainted in the toilet with laughter.

So what if the Inanimate Sect is powerful? So what if Fang Yang becomes a saint? It's not like he couldn't even save his own sect and was driven out of the human world.

Zhou Qing and Kinnara were also laughing.

They have never been so happy since they met Fang Yang. Every time, they could only hear good news about Fang Yang.

They never imagined that one day they would see Wu Sheng Cult’s jokes.

Although the Human Religion, Chan Religion and other forces are not as happy as Haotian God and Zhou Qing, they are also very happy about the misfortune.

At the same time that the Five Emperors of the human race appeared, a mighty aura lifted a blue-clothed Confucian scholar up into the void.

This Confucian scholar is a middle-aged man, with a high official title, elegant face, and every move is full of etiquette. His eyes are gentle, like stars, embracing all things in the world.

As soon as he appeared, the sound of reading aloud rang out in the void, as if there were scholars everywhere in the world.

He is the founder of Confucianism and Taoism. He fought hard with Zulong and preserved the Confucianism and Taoism under Zulong.

According to the classic records of magic and Taoism, the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism were transformed from the innate stone platform that held the jade ultimatum of good fortune. The heels and feet are comparable to the innate sacredness.

He laughed, raised his hands to the Five Emperors of the Human Race and said:

"I accept the friendship of the human race. I promise that from now on, my Confucianism and Taoism will only be spread among the human race. The awe-inspiring righteousness of my Confucianism and Taoism will forever protect every living thing in the human race!"

"In that case, we will respectfully welcome fellow Taoists to the human world."

Emperor Zhuanxu smiled and nodded at the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism.

The conversation between the two was very short, but the impact it caused was like a storm, getting bigger and bigger.

"How unreasonable! The human race actually deceives me like Wusheng Cult. If I don't teach the human race a lesson, how can I stand between heaven and earth?"


The mountains and rivers shook, the earth trembled, the wind and clouds surged, and a huge face rose above Hengshan Mountain. The tall divine body of the Divine Lord appeared, exhaling into clouds, inhaling to gather wind, and his anger dyed the clouds in the sky fiery red.

As the protector of the Wusheng Sect, Nanyue Shenjun shares the honor and disgrace with the Wusheng Sect. Besides, after so many years, he also understood how much face Fang Yang gave him.

In the past, those who offended the Vacuum Alliance would not receive a happy ending. Lu Ya, Kong Xuan, and Ran Deng were each more miserable than the other. But his teacher lived a life that he envied.

If Fang Yang hadn't valued the friendship with him, how could he have treated Lu Wu so favorably.

Not only Nanyue Divine Lord, but also the entire vacuum alliance's great powers were angered by this operation of the human race.

Nuba, Xiangjiang Shuijun, and Ningbi Yuanjun sensed the changes in heaven and immediately sent a message to leave the human world with all their properties.

At the Yangtze River Water Palace, all the water tribes that had cooperated with the human race to create clouds and rain in the immortal world were recalled and no longer managed the affairs of the human race.

Dongting Dragon Lord and Qiantang Dragon Lord also issued orders to keep all aquatic people away from the shore. The human race, who originally relied on fishing for a living, was an air force every day. No matter how big the net was, they could not catch half of the fish.

Lord Taixuan Ru was originally the beneficiary of this incident, but he was not willing to accept the benefits of this incident.

He finally plucked up the courage and proposed to Qianqiu Confucian Lord that he wanted to seize the fate of Confucianism and Taoism with the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism.

The ancestor of Taixuan Confucian Lord is the master of Taishan Academy, and the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism is just his uncle. Even if he wants to compete with the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism for their destiny, it would not be considered as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

Even Jie Jiao came forward to help Wu Sheng Jiao.

Although Yang Jiao handed the metaverse over to the Heavenly Dao, Jiejiao was still the manager of the metaverse. With one order from Yang Jiao, all Confucian and Taoist monks and monks from the human world were driven out of the metaverse.

Among all the counterattacks, Jiejiao's counterattack was the most powerful.

Fengshen Sect was originally a sect founded by Jiang Ziya. Since Jiang Ziya had become a saint, Fengshen Sect was not affected after Jiang Ziya and Chanjiao parted ways.

A sect founded by a saint is no different from a saint's sect!

Fengshen Sect sent out two trump cards, Dong Yong and Princess Longji. Both of them are sea king-level figures, and they have a lot of true fans in the prehistoric world.

The two sea kings used their advantages to incite true fans, spread the information that the human world was treacherous, the emperor was biased, and did not regard the human race in the earthly immortal world as human beings, and strongly resisted the human world.

The sea king is the sea king, and he has followers in every major force.

The royal family members and officials of the dynasties of Daqin, Dachu, Dali, Taixuan, etc., the leaders, elders, and supreme elders of the Shushan Sword Sect, Hunyuan Dao Sect, Maha Temple, and Immortal Palace. Almost all the major forces have their lickers.

The lickers formed a licker alliance, completely united together, and helped their male gods and goddesses without reservation.

So, the human forces in the entire earthly immortal world began to resist the human world and frantically discredited the human world.

In the end, the only one who did not take action was Wusheng Sect himself. (End of this chapter)

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