In the mind of Emperor Fuxi, the stability of the human world is the first priority. The human race in the earthly immortal world must give way to the human race in the human world.

Only when the human world is stable will humanity continue to favor the human race, and the human race can sit firmly in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Of course, this does not mean that Emperor Fuxi does not care about the human race in the earthly immortal world.

During the Conferred God Calamity, when the human race in the earthly immortal world encountered the crisis of the Saint War, Emperor Fuxi would immediately think of the danger of the human race and quickly think of an emergency response plan.

However, compared with the human race in the human world, the human race in the earthly immortal world is not so important.

Knowing that leaving the human race in the prehistoric land would be affected by the Saint War, Emperor Fuxi did not hesitate to reject the proposal to temporarily move the human race to Huoyun Cave in order to make the human world take shape.

Once anything is divided into primary and secondary, there will be a certain number of people who must make sacrifices.

The human race in the earthly immortal world is the one that has been sacrificed.

Among the sages in Huoyun Cave who ascended, which one ascended empty-handed?

You should know that those who can ascend to the Fire Cloud Cave Heaven are all high-ranking people among the high-ranking people of the human race. Because only the high-ranking people have the ability to benefit the entire human race and become sages.

If Fang Yang traveled to the prehistoric world as a human race, even if he was still a mortal and had the talent of governing the world, he could not display his ability. A small person, no matter how many merits he has, is not what he can have.

Every time the sages ascend, they will not only take all their belongings with them, but the emperor will also reward them with fiefdoms in the human race, and everything in the fiefdom belongs to the sages.

Since the human world is full of sages and the elites of the human race, as well as the descendants of these people, the high-ranking people of the human race are more and more partial to the human race in the human world, and more and more resources are tilted to the human world.

As a result, the human race in the human world is getting richer and richer, and the human race in the prehistoric world is getting poorer and poorer.

In the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Daluo Jinxian emerged in large numbers, and Taiyi Jinxian and Jinxian could not enter the court without special talents. When the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors is over, even Taiyi Jinxian can become a frontier official of the human race.

This time, the human world was forced into a desperate situation.

Humanity only gave a thousand years, and it was obviously impossible to solve all the problems within this thousand years. In the case of resource shortage, Emperor Fuxi could only think of the human race in the earthly immortal world.

Only by using sufficient resources to plug the financial hole of the human world, hand in the answer sheet to humanity, keep humanity, and then plan for other things.

However, it may really be that the fate of the human race is shaken. This time, Emperor Fuxi is destined to return disappointed.

The current earthly immortal world is in a period of contention among a hundred schools of thought. Various great masters from ancient times and ancient times have reincarnated and returned to divide the territory among the human race and establish a foundation.

Although these great masters are human in this life, they are not willing to submit to the human world.

How many great masters are willing to submit to others?

Even if the emperors of the human race who are not the reincarnations of great supernatural powers, after accepting the ideas of the great supernatural powers, will no longer obey the orders of the sages of Huoyun Cave.

The most representative one is the "Heaven, Earth, King, Parents and Teachers" proposed by Confucianism and Taoism. The status of the king is only below heaven and earth, higher than relatives and teachers.

When Emperor Fuxi returned to the human world, he immediately sent people to the countries of the Earth Immortal Realm to collect resources from them.

He also calculated the thoughts of many emperors in the Earth Immortal Realm, and sent out quasi-saints. In this way, even if these emperors are the reincarnations of great supernatural powers, or have the support of great supernatural powers behind them, it is not easy to disobey his will.

Emperor Fuxi did not realize that he had made another stupid move.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the human race has the support of humanity. As long as the human race's heart is cohesive enough and the human race is clear and clear enough, even if it loses humanity, other races still cannot replace the human race.

Even if humanity leaves the human world, it will enter the prehistoric world and become the humanity of the prehistoric races, and will not support other races.

The only races that can compete with the human race are the dragon race, the witch race, and the demon race, but these three races are all losers.

What the Holy Emperor Fuxi should do most is to restore the reputation of the human race while purging the human race from within.

In this disaster, the elites of the human race were not lost. The most damaged were the lower-level human race. But the lower-level human race does not affect the overall strength of the human race.

Under the condition that the overall strength remains unchanged, it is not difficult for the human race to develop to the original level.

However, the Holy Emperor Fuxi was too persistent. He was determined to keep humanity in the human world and did not consider whether it was worth it.

When the Holy Emperor Fuxi sent an envoy to the earthly immortal world, the face of the Hongjun Patriarch of the Zixiao Palace showed a look of disappointment.

"Daoyou Fuxi, I thought you really understood. You are the ancestor of the human race, and the shortcomings of the human race are your shortcomings!"

Hongjun Patriarch did not agree with the actions of the Holy Emperor Fuxi.

His original intention was to let the Holy Emperor Fuxi give up greed and persistence. Unexpectedly, Emperor Fuxi did not understand at all.

The root of the calamity in the human world is not in other things, but in Emperor Fuxi himself.

However, how many people can see their own shortcomings and correct them?

In the Vacuum Hall, after the Master of Samsara won a game of chess, he left with satisfaction, leaving Fang Yang alone in the hall.

"This world of Daoist friend is indeed extraordinary."

At this time, a thought directly broke through the defense of the Heavenly Dao of the Destiny World and entered Fang Yang's mind.

The appearance of this thought made Fang Yang's face change greatly. You know, he is already a saint, and the world of destiny is his home. Someone sneaked into it, but he didn't notice it at all.

Even if he sensed the existence of this thought, Fang Yang still couldn't find the location of the owner of the thought.

"It's not Hongjun, it's not Houtu, it's not Lingfeng, Feng Linglong"

Fang Yang tried his best to figure out the identity of the person who came, but he couldn't figure it out.

"You can develop a big world to a more prosperous level than the human world. Daoyou and your Wusheng Sect really make me look at you with new eyes. However, Daoyou kept a lot of things when you preached in the human world, right?"

Fang Yang's face became even uglier.

It was understandable that he didn't find it just now, but now the person who came said so much again, he still couldn't find the person's location.

"Don't waste your energy, I don't have a physical body, you can't find me."

A thought was transmitted to Fang Yang's mind again.

After receiving this hint, Fang Yang reacted immediately and guessed the identity of the person who came.

The person who came was not a human, nor any living being. It was a will that was omnipresent and omnipotent.

"Daoyou, is it, the human way?!!"

Fang Yang said in a questioning tone. (End of this chapter)

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