Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 876 Yaochi Enters the Primordial World

After receiving the advice, Holy Emperor Fuxi stepped out of the gate of Zixiao Palace with a relaxed expression. However, as soon as he stepped out of the Zixiao Palace, he regretted it.

After being enlightened by Patriarch Hongjun, he indeed realized his mistake and thought of a way to solve the disaster in the human world.

However, it is one thing to come up with a solution, but another matter to be able to do it.

It's like, if an asteroid is going to hit the earth, everyone can think of using a bomb powerful enough to blow it up. However, can this method really be implemented?

This was the case for Holy Emperor Fuxi. Ancestor Hongjun's words diverted all his attention away. He was focused on vigilance and understanding, and before he knew it, he was led into the ditch by Patriarch Hongjun.

"What can we do if we have a way? Those with evil intentions within the human race are easy to deal with, but restoring the environment of the human world is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It took more than a thousand years for our human world to develop to such a prosperous level. "

After Emperor Fuxi calmed down, he realized that the human world had reached a dead end and there was no way ahead!


With a muffled sound, the gate of Zixiao Palace was shut tightly, airtight, completely eliminating the idea of ​​Holy Emperor Fuxi turning back.

Ancestor Hongjun made it clear that he did not want to be taken advantage of!

So what if Emperor Fuxi realized he was wrong? The human race has betrayed the way of heaven, and correcting the mistake does not mean that the mistake does not exist.

Seeing that the three paths of heaven, earth and man can influence the whole body, Patriarch Hongjun is willing to give guidance to Holy Emperor Fuxi. But there is no more help.

"Hey, we, the human race, will suffer the consequences. After this incident, I am afraid that even the Human Sect, Chan Jiao, and the Wa Palace will no longer trust us, the human race."

Holy Emperor Fuxi was right. After seeing the "ungrateful" behavior of the human race, the three forces he mentioned all developed a sense of rejection towards the human race.

Of course they hoped to successfully plot against the Wusheng Cult, but when they saw the Wusheng Cult being driven out of the human world by the human race, they all felt a sense of sadness.

They just instigated a few words, and the human race followed their wishes and kicked out their so-called friends. Such a force is really too terrifying!

Fortunately, Chanjiao has always been close to the way of heaven. In their eyes, the human race is just a tool, but the human religion and Wa Palace are different.

The members of the Human Religion are all human beings, and they have deep expectations for the human race. While they are using the human race, they are also testing the human race. They hope to see more advantages from the human race.

However, the Terrans let them down.

Sects such as Renjiao, Chanjiao, Jiejiao, and Wushengjiao have all taught the human race, but none of them has taught the human race to be ungrateful.

Even Jiejiao, who was the most scolded, taught all sentient beings to be compassionate and righteous.

In this matter, the Human Cult could not see the friendship between the human race at all.

The situation in the Wa Palace is even more complicated. After Nuwa lost her humanity, her attitude towards the human race took a 180-degree turn.

During her usual sermons, Nuwa Empress showed her disappointment in the human race more than once. Under the influence of Empress Nuwa, most of the disciples in the Wa Palace have a filter on the human race.

This incident just proved to them that Nuwa's view was right.

"But, what does this have to do with the ordinary human race? It is not them who can make decisions, but the careerists and conspirators. As ordinary humans, they have no say in the human race. Even if they want to live a stable life, they will Being coerced by the general trend to participate in it. Anyone who says Wu Sheng Cult is good is a traitor and will be judged by the human race. In order to protect themselves, ordinary people can only follow the trend blindly. "

"Ordinary people must bear the consequences of the mistakes made by careerists and conspirators. In the past, it was the benevolence of widows and women that gave these cancers the opportunity to grow. In the future, widows can no longer be benevolent as women. Everything People who will harm the human race, no matter how senior they are or how great their achievements are, cannot be allowed to remain in the human race. "

Facing the current difficulties, Emperor Fuxi continued to self-examine. Therefore, he also made a decision in his mind.

He decided that even if he didn't have this face, he would still turn the tide and restore the situation.

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. I hope fellow Taoist Fang Yang can give my human race a chance."

Holy Emperor Fuxi swayed and left the Zixiao Palace.

Shortly after Holy Emperor Fuxi left, the door of Zixiao Palace opened a crack, and a small head poked out from the crack, looking out.

Seeing that there was really no one outside the door, Jin Buhuan walked out of the hall and went outside to get some fresh air.

Becoming the boy of Patriarch Hongjun can be said to be a promotion, but Jin Buhuan still misses the days when he was with Patriarch Jidu.

When he was the boy of Jidu Patriarch, he could often sneak into the Demon Realm and play in the Demon Realm. But now, he can only be trapped in Zixiao Palace and dare not leave the scope of Zixiao Palace.

He is a golden immortal. Unless he is protected by Ancestor Hongjun, he will die as soon as he enters chaos.

"Junior brother Jin Buhuan, did you sneak out again?"

Just as Jin Buhuan was looking east and west, a sweet voice sounded behind him.

Jin Buhuan was startled. He quickly turned around and saw a lively, agile, light and elegant girl wearing a blue robe.

"Sister Yaochi, you scared me."

Jin Buhuan said nervously.

Without knowing the true identity of Jidu Patriarch, he always felt like being dependent on others in Zixiao Palace.

In his heart, he was abandoned by the ancestor Jidu and left in the prehistoric world to be taken care of by the ancestor of the immortal way.

Therefore, every time he saw Yao Chi, he felt that he was inferior to him.

Yao Chi was also a boy beside the ancestor Hongjun. Although she looked like a boy, she was actually older than the Queen Mother of the West.

Her cultivation was not low either, and she was a serious great supernatural power.

"Brother Jin Buhuan, do you want to travel in the prehistoric world?"

Yao Chi suddenly asked.

Jin Buhuan opened his mouth wide, frightened. He could not imagine that Yao Chi was so bold that he wanted to enter the prehistoric world.

"This, this is not good! There is no decree from the master."

Yao Chi interrupted Jin Buhuan directly: "What's this, you and I are just going to the prehistoric world to play. There are very few people here. You and I can play for thousands of years and come back, and it won't delay anything."

Hearing Yao Chi say this, Jin Buhuan was immediately moved.

Indeed, who would be willing to stay in the chaotic world after seeing the prosperity of the prehistoric world?

"Then let's do as Senior Sister said?"


Yao Chi nodded with a smile on her face.

With Jin Buhuan's consent, Yao Chi waved her sleeves and took Jin Buhuan into her own natal world.

She looked at the prehistoric world, her heart was surging, and her eyes flashed with worry: "Senior Brother Haotian, are you okay in the prehistoric world? Yao Chi is here to see you!" (End of this chapter)

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