The Emperor Fuxi went to the underworld to seek help from the Empress Hou Tu. In the prehistoric world, only the Wu Clan had the ability to help the human race overcome difficulties.

Of course, Patriarch Hongjun also had this ability, but the Underworld was the ally of the Human Way.

The situation in the prehistoric world was still that the Underworld and the Human Way joined forces to fight against the Heavenly Way. If Emperor Fuxi spoke to Patriarch Hongjun, it would be tantamount to admitting defeat to the Heavenly Way.

However, don't forget that Emperor Fuxi was only a spokesperson, not the Human Way itself. He could represent the Human Way, but he could not make decisions for the Human Way.

"I didn't expect that Taoist friends would come to my Samsara Palace."

Empress Hou Tu looked at the sudden arrival of Emperor Fuxi and was quite surprised.

Of course, she knew what happened in the human world. There was nothing she didn't know about the affairs of the heavens and the world.

In the past few thousand years, the number of new ghosts in the underworld has increased sharply, and these new ghosts were all human beings in their lifetime. She didn't even need to calculate the secrets of heaven, and she just sent a ghost messenger to ask about it, and she knew everything about the human world.

"I am ashamed. I have to come for the sake of the human race."

Sage Emperor Fuxi sighed.

The Queen Mother Hou Tu just smiled faintly and said, "Daoyou should know that Wusheng Sect is also a member of my Pangu League. Your human race treats Wusheng Sect like this. Even if I want to help you, I have to consider the attitude of Wusheng Sect."

With Fang Yang and the Master of Samsara becoming saints, the status of Wusheng Sect in Pangu League is in full swing, almost catching up with the Wu Clan.

Fang Yang achieved the Pangu Saint, and the Master of Samsara achieved the Great Dao Saint. These two kinds of saints are not under the jurisdiction of the three ways of heaven, earth and man.

For example, the Heavenly Dao can knock the Heavenly Dao Saint off the Sainthood, or even kill the Heavenly Dao Saint, but the Heavenly Dao cannot knock Fang Yang off the Sainthood, let alone kill Fang Yang.

Sages like Fang Yang, even Queen Mother Hou Tu has to treat them with respect.

Of course, in addition to Fang Yang and the Master of Samsara, the Wusheng Sect itself is also strong. Although not as good as the Wu Clan in its heyday, it is not worse than the Wu Clan now.

Hearing this, Emperor Fuxi could only sigh.

"The human race is responsible for the Wusheng Sect. It is natural for Fellow Daoist Fang Yang to launch a counterattack against our human race."

Empress Hou Tu did not agree with Emperor Fuxi's words, and her face was calm and indifferent.

"Back then, you and I agreed that the earth and the human way would become allies to fight against the heaven. The Wusheng Sect is a member of my Pangu League. The human race's betrayal of the Wusheng Sect is equivalent to the human way betraying the earth. As for everything that the human race has encountered, I don't think it was Fellow Daoist Fang Yang's counterattack, it was the price paid by the human race for breaking faith."

During the Earth Marriage period, the Wu Clan suffered losses from the human race.

Empress Hou Tu did not believe that the two foreign forces, the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect, could calculate Emperor Zhuanxu and Jiufeng together. There must be people in the human race who agree with the conspiracy of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect and plan for it.

The only thing the people behind the scenes missed was that Emperor Zhuanxu would abandon the dignity of the emperor of the human race and be willing to be a hostage to send Jiufeng away in order to protect Jiufeng.

Now, the Wusheng Sect was stabbed in the back by the human race, which was equivalent to the human race cutting another blow to the Pangu Alliance. If you say that Hou Tu Niangniang is not angry, Hou Tu Niangniang herself does not believe it.

"What Hou Tu Daoyou said is very true. I do not deny the mistakes of my human race. However, everyone makes mistakes, and it is a great virtue to be able to correct them. As long as the Wu clan helps my human race through the difficulties, I can promise that as long as the Wu clan does not go to war with my human race, my human race will never be the first to invade the Wu clan."

The Holy Emperor Fuxi was forced to make this promise.

Nowadays, the strength of the human race is still stronger than that of the Wu clan. Only one of the great masters of the Wu clan died, and this only one is still trapped in Buzhou Mountain.

After a moment of silence, Empress Hou Tu shook her head: "I believe in Daoyou's promise, but I don't believe in the promise of the human race."

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are the emperors of the human race, but they are not equal to the human race. The human race is like this every time, allowing the people below to make trouble, and the people above turn a blind eye to the actions of the people below.

The first time, someone will be fooled, the second time, someone will be fooled, and the third time, no matter how stupid, no one will be fooled again.

The face of Emperor Fuxi became extremely ugly. He looked at Empress Hou Tu and couldn't say a word.

Before, the human way had already questioned the credibility of the human race, and now, the earth way also doubted the credibility of the human race. Could it be that the human race has broken its promise to the earth and the human way?

"Daoyou Fuxi, you'd better go back and find a way yourself! I don't dare to believe in the human race, and the witch race doesn't dare to believe in the human race."

After Empress Hou Tu finished speaking, she waved her sleeves, turned into a ball of yellow light, and disappeared in the hall.

Empress Hou Tu dared to refuse Emperor Fuxi, and she had the confidence.

After the battle in Hengyu World, Wushengjiao produced three saints. Together with Fengdu Emperor and Kunpeng Patriarch who had just joined Pangu League, there were already five saints on the side of Didao.

Moreover, Hou Tu Niangniang had some guesses about Yang Jiao's identity.

In this way, Didao did not need to join hands with Rendao to compete with Tiandao.

Even if Didao was not confident, Hou Tu Niangniang did not dare to agree to the request of Emperor Fuxi. She had already said that she did not dare to trust the human race.

After Emperor Fuxi left the underworld, he was in a trance.

When did the human race become so unwelcome? The human race did not trust the human race, and the witch race did not trust the human race. Who else could trust the human race?

Emperor Fuxi thought about it and went to the chaotic world.

In this world, in addition to the witch race and Wushengjiao, there is another force that can help the human race.

"Zixiao Palace"

Looking at the three words on the plaque, Emperor Fuxi could only smile bitterly in his heart.

Originally, the human race was a race supported by the Heavenly Dao. However, after the formation of the human world, the human race broke away from the Heavenly Dao and joined forces with the Earthly Dao to fight against the Heavenly Dao.

Fuxi Saint Emperor came to Zixiao Palace with the last glimmer of hope. He was betting on the compassion of Hongjun Patriarch.

If even Hongjun Patriarch was unwilling to help the human race, then the human race would really have no way out.

"Fuxi Saint Emperor, the teacher invites you!"

As soon as the door of Zixiao Palace opened, Jin Buhuan walked out and greeted him.

With the identity of Fuxi Saint Emperor, he naturally did not need to show goodwill to a boy. He nodded gently and followed Jin Buhuan inside.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Patriarch sat on the pulpit as usual.

However, this time there was one more person in the hall, dressed in black, with sword energy penetrating his body, containing the aura of Hunyuan Wuji, it was Tongtian Sect Master.

Tongtian Patriarch ignored Emperor Fuxi, or he did not sense it at all. He was immersed in his inner demons and could not get out.

Emperor Fuxi did not care about so much, and bowed to Patriarch Hongjun: "Fellow Daoist Hongjun, please help my human race!"

Patriarch Hongjun said expressionlessly: "Humanity has separated from Heaven. I am sorry that I cannot intervene in human affairs."

Empress Hou Tu took into account the meaning of the alliance between earth and humanity, and expressed her words more tactfully, but Patriarch Hongjun was not polite at all.

Although he knew the result long ago, when Emperor Fuxi heard Patriarch Hongjun's reply, he also felt unspeakable sadness in his heart.

"Is it true that the human race is really not tolerated by heaven and earth?" (End of this chapter)

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