"The disciples don't understand what the teacher says. The teacher often teaches his disciples that as long as they can achieve enlightenment, it is necessary to occasionally use some extraordinary means."

Jiang Ziya looked confused, like a poor student answering the teacher's question.

Thump thump thump!

After receiving this answer, Yuanshi Tianwang was spinning for a while. He couldn't even stand still and took several steps back.

This result is not what he wants.

When Jiang Ziya finished his words, he felt that his heart was being torn apart. Although Jiang Ziya was not his favorite disciple, he was also the disciple he focused on training.

In order to train Jiang Ziya, he took out all the apricot-yellow flags. When the Conferred God was measuring the calamity, he also took action and obtained the Hunyuan Spiritual Treasure of the Conferred God Altar for Jiang Ziya.

What made him most uneasy was that after Jiang Ziya became a saint, he became so famous in front of other saints.

Looking back, he was so ashamed.

When the suspicion in his heart was confirmed, King Yuanshi felt that the sky was about to collapse.

In the chaotic world, a small world was directly destroyed, penetrated by the dense chaos sword energy, and scattered into countless fragments. A suppressed aura radiated around the small world, and the anger directly ignited the chaotic world.

Jiang Ziya raised his head and saw what was happening in the chaotic world through the endless void.

He persuaded with an expressionless face: "Teacher, why should you be angry? Chan's teachings are beneficial to the disciples' enlightenment, and the disciples have never thought of being detrimental to Chan's teachings."

"You are helping the Wusheng Cult and the enemies of this sect, and you still say that you have done nothing wrong to this sect?"

King Yuanshi finally suppressed his anger and questioned Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya shook his head: "It doesn't matter who is right or wrong between Chan Jiao and Wu Sheng Jiao. Teachers and disciples are both saints. Saints only have great ways and no right and wrong. Anyone wants to ruin the disciples' practice. , the disciples will not tolerate adultery. Didn’t the teacher also destroy the Jie Jiao for the sake of his own righteousness, regardless of brotherhood? "

In the prehistoric world, fighting with others is the worst thing to do, because there is no court in the prehistoric world. This world is no longer a world where one can protect one's legal rights by issuing a lawyer's letter.

The justice of the prehistoric world is hidden in everyone's fist. Whoever has a strong fist and strong strength is the right side.

King Yuanshi didn't expect that Jiang Ziya would bring up the Battle of the Gods to make an argument.

He and I know that they are here for the Tongtian Cult Leader, but others don’t know! When Jiang Ziya said this, King Yuanshi was speechless.

For the sake of the Dao, a person who can collude with outsiders to deal with his own brother, what position does he have to accuse his disciples of being disloyal to him?

Of course, the premise for Yuanshi Tianwang to talk nonsense is that Jiang Ziya is also a saint.

If Jiang Ziya didn't have the strength to compete with Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun would never talk nonsense. He would directly excommunicate Jiang Ziya, and then issue a fatwa to kill Jiang Ziya.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun discovered it too late.

King Yuanshi took a deep breath: "Okay, if you still care about the relationship between master and disciple, tell me who you are."

In fact, he had already guessed Jiang Ziya's identity.

No matter how talented Fang Yang is, he can't send a saint to explain the teachings as a detailed work. In this way, Jiang Ziya's identity is very obvious.

A solemn atmosphere enveloped the entire hall, like black clouds over the city, and a boundless chilling aura emanated from the Yuanshi Heavenly King and Jiang Ziya.

The two stared at each other without saying a word.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped, and only the two of them were left in the whole world.

Until a smile appeared on Jiang Ziya's face, a sense of relaxation and relief emerged spontaneously.

"I am the leader of Wusheng!"


Jiang Ziya's voice was not loud, but in the ears of King Yuanshi, it was like thunder.

He remembered that when Jiang Ziya became a disciple, Fang Yang was a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. His teachings were actually infiltrated by a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Thinking of this, the fear in Yuanshi Tianwang's heart far outweighed the shock.

He knew everything about the Magic Lantern Festival. At that time, the Magic Lantern Club had been destroying Da Luo, a group of casual cultivators.

This means that he Chanjiao and Fang Yang have a grudge against each other. If Fang Yang were a little narrow-minded and tried to do something in the Conferring God War, his teaching group might be destroyed.

"Okay, okay, okay! Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, you really opened my eyes. I explain the great religion, but my fellow Taoist actually made fun of it and applauded me."

As King Yuanshi was talking, he suddenly realized something and his voice suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Ziya: "You must have used some kind of treasure to hide this from me. However, no matter how powerful the treasure is, it cannot be hidden from the teacher. The teacher knew that you were from the Pangu League, and yet he made you the Emperor of Heaven? "

At this time, in addition to doubts, he was also afraid. He was afraid that Patriarch Hongjun would give up teaching.

"That's not surprising."

Jiang Ziya spoke again, and this time, his eyes changed. Not only his eyes, but also his temperament and demeanor completely changed.

He changed from a majestic emperor to a vague and ethereal supreme existence.

Fang Yang's true consciousness has arrived!

King Yuanshi also noticed this, and he looked at Jiang Ziya more cautiously.

Jiang Ziya is Fang Yang, but Fang Yang is not Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya wears the skin of a disciple of Chan and has to be scrupulous about what he says and does, but Fang Yang doesn't have any scruples.

"Fellow Taoist Yuanshi, I didn't expect that you discovered the identity of my clone so quickly."

King Yuanshi said coldly: "If I am not wrong, my Taoist friend deliberately let me find out. My Taoist friend can even penetrate my teachings, so why should I expose my clone when dealing with a mere Buddhist sect?"

"Yes, Tianzun is indeed Tianzun. I am forced to do this because I have no other choice but to let fellow Taoists sneak into my Wusheng Cult."

Fang Yang smiled slightly, there was no anger in his tone, only admiration.

After hearing Fang Yang's words, King Yuanshi looked calm on the surface, but his heart was filled with waves.

He didn't understand how his clone was exposed.

"Fellow Taoist Yuanshi, your methods are very clever, and I have only found some clues. After all, there are billions of creatures in the world of destiny. I exposed this clone to give you and I a chance, said If you insist on destroying the Wu Sheng Sect, I can guarantee that there will not be a single living disciple of the Chan Sect in the chaotic world for endless years to come."

When Fang Yang spoke, the entire heaven shook, and boundless murderous aura emanated from him.

Jiang Ziya just took action against Buddhism, which made Yuanshi Tianzun suspicious. This shows how determined Yuanshi Tianzun is to destroy the Wusheng Sect.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against thieves. Fang Yang does not allow Yuanshi Tianzun to have such a heart.

If Yuanshi Tianzun's heart is indestructible, then Fang Yang dug out his heart. (End of chapter)

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