Tongzhou Gong takes part in nature, it is neither dirty nor pure, neither born nor destroyed, neither increasing nor decreasing, just like an immovable mountain, Fang Yang's avenue of power cannot break through his defense.

Chonghua has a deep evil heart and actually uses the power of the Love Gu for his own use. On an infinite timeline, he launches an offensive against Fang Yang.

The combination of two great gods, Buddha and demon, plus the help of a Chaos Spiritual Treasure, even without the blessing of the power of rules, the strength is still terrifying.

In this case, even if Fang Yang has the power of humanity, he can only fight to a draw with the two great gods, without even the slightest advantage.

"Your Majesty, just let it go and capture him. If you continue to fight, Your Majesty will only lose worse."

The majestic voice exploded like thunder from the sky, echoing in the void for a long time, with boundless domineering power. Tongzhou's left hand pointed to the sky, and his right hand formed a seal. The terrifying momentum made the sun and moon move in the opposite direction.

The more they fight, the better they become. During the fight, they actually learned the fighting skills of ancient monks from Fang Yang. They no longer used slow motion with their left hand and slow motion with their right hand, just to look cool.

The flame giant transformed by Fang Yang appeared in a flash and moved in front of Tong Zhou. His sword flashed brightly, shattering the world. He moved forward in an indomitable way and crossed Tong Zhou's palm print.


The Abi Sword did not cut through Tongzhou's palm, but instead killed him on the Chaos Treasure Ship.

The moment the Abi Sword broke through the seal, the Chaos Treasure Ship flew out of the seal, expanded at a speed faster than the Big Bang, and bombarded the Abi Sword.

This shows how strong Tongzhou’s learning ability is.

At this moment, Fang Yang only felt regretful. If the grade of the fallen treasure money is higher and reaches the level of innate treasure, maybe the Chaos Treasure Ship can be dropped.

However, he was just thinking about it. The treasure that can bring down the Chaos Spiritual Treasure has probably not yet been born.

Swish, swish, swish!

Fang Yang's figure began to change unpredictably. The edge of the Abi Sword turned and disappeared directly from its original position, and struck Tong Zhou between the eyebrows with the sword.

This sword came out of the blue, and when Tongzhou discovered it, it was already too late to resist.

At this time, he did something no one could have imagined. He actually tilted his head and used Chonghua's half of his head to face the Abi Sword.

The dense sword energy exploded, piercing through half of Chonghua's head at extremely high speed.


Chonghua never expected that Tongzhou would do such a thing of betraying his sister, and was shocked to the core by the sword energy of Ah Bi Sword, and his heart was soaring.

Boom boom boom!

The sword energy of the Abi Sword raged, and a series of big explosions occurred in Chonghua's body. Tongzhou was extraordinarily cunning. When the sword energy was about to explode but did not, he decisively broke away from the state of unity between Buddha and demon and separated from Chonghua.

"Chonghua, don't blame Brother Wei. In the last battle between immortals and demons, you also helped Ling Feng and plotted against Brother Wei. This time, you and I are even."

Tongzhou looked at Chonghua who exploded into powder and said apologetically. However, there was no apology in his words.

"Namo Posa Seal!"

"Namo Great Ming Seal!"

"Namo Prajna Hands!"

After explaining the cause of the matter to Chonghua, Tongzhou recalled the Chaos Treasure Ship and launched a more fierce offensive against Fang Yang.

After Chonghua regained his true form, his hair was visible to the naked eye and turned white from the roots. She glanced at Tongzhou gloomily and let out a long roar.

When Tongzhou saw this, he was afraid that Chonghua would do something to him. While he was fighting Fang Yang, he was distractedly guarding against Chonghua.

Tongzhou and Chonghua are naturally not plastic siblings. Chonghua plotted against Tongzhou just to keep Tongzhou in the devil world. However, Tongzhou let Chonghua suffer the harm alone, and their behavior was completely different.

Fortunately, Chonghua no longer loves Tongzhou, the person she loves is Lingfeng. Otherwise, Chonghua's obsession will deepen even further.

Even so, Chonghua was also hurt by Tongzhou's actions.

Chonghua bared his teeth and claws, his long snow-white hair danced wildly, and black energy surged all over his body. In the black energy, countless skulls condensed and formed.


She roared, and the skulls gathered into a sea of ​​bones and rushed towards Tongzhou.

"What are you doing?"

Yang Jiao came to the battlefield and took in this scene.

He didn't expect that after he took all the trouble to come, the other party would actually start an internal strife. You know, Tongzhou and Chonghua are brothers and sisters. Shouldn't brothers and sisters fight against each other together?

"Are you crazy?"

Seeing that Chonghua actually attacked him, Tongzhou was furious.

Originally, the battle with Fang Yang was a hard fight. It would be difficult for them, brother and sister, to defeat Fang Yang together. Chonghua turned the gun against him, didn't he want to win?

"Namo Utmost Bliss Blessed One!"

In an instant, the Buddha's light behind Tongzhou's head increased several times. Billions of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas flew out of the Buddha's light, chanting scriptures and filling the sky with Sanskrit.

After being saved by Buddha and Bodhisattva, the skull that Chonghua punched was instantly disintegrated like a chicken or a dog.

The Buddhist magical powers that Tong Zhou practiced were the nemesis of the demonic magical powers that Chonghua practiced. Only then did Chonghua realize that Tongzhou had been guarding against him.

Thinking of this, Chonghua became even more crazy.

She always thought that her brother had a brother-sister relationship with her. Now it seems that those brother-sister relationships are all fake.

Tongzhou loves her because she is valuable. Tongzhou wants to use her power to fight against the heaven and maintain her position in the demon world.

From beginning to end, Tongzhou only had Feng Linglong in her heart. Except for Feng Linglong, no one in Tongzhou cared about him, including her sister.

"Tongzhou, if you don't treat me as a sister, I don't need you as a brother."

Chonghua condensed countless claws and demonic energy in front of him, and pushed with both palms, launching the most unpretentious attack on Tongzhou.

She understood that her magical power was completely restrained by Tongzhou. Then, she simply did not use magical power, but used pure magic power to deal with Tongzhou.

Boom boom boom!

In just a moment, 30 million explosions occurred on the surface of Tongzhou's body. Each of these explosions was equivalent to 80% of the power of a saint, and 30 million explosions occurred together, blowing Tongzhou upside down.

"Chonghua, have you had enough trouble? If you help the enemy again, you will become a traitor to the Hengyu World."

Tongzhou was very hypocritical, and he seemed to have forgotten how he had just pitted Chonghua.

Chonghua just ignored Tongzhou's words, continuously output, and bombarded Tongzhou.

Yang Jiao was also surprised to see Tongzhou and his sister quarreling to this extent. But he did not make a move. He watched in the void, waiting for a suitable opportunity to give Tongzhou a fatal blow.

Just now, Tong Zhou was almost attacked by Fang Yang, so he changed his offense to defense to prevent being attacked by Fang Yang. On the other side, Fang Yang knew that Yang Jiao was coming, and he was not in a hurry at all, and he played more steadily.

Now, he is the one who has the advantage, not Tong Zhou.

If we continue to wait, the Master of the Samsara Dao will become a saint. At that time, with four against one, we will have a greater chance of suppressing Tong Zhou. (End of this chapter)

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