Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 818 The Emperor of Heaven is in a bad mood

The collapse of order first affects the luck of Hengyu World.

It is said that when many hands gather, the flames rise high. When a force gathers people's hearts and unites as one, the luck of the force will rise steadily.

Why is there a saying that disasters make a country prosperous? It is because after a disaster, when one side is in trouble, all sides support it, and people's hearts gather in one place. When many hands gather, the fire rises high, and the national fortune of the country will rise.

On the other hand, if a force's people are scattered and there are evil spirits everywhere, then the luck of this force will decline.

This is the situation that Hengyu World is facing now.

Of course, the instigation of the prehistoric world is indispensable. If it were not for the prehistoric power to take advantage of the opportunity to harvest the great powers and masters of Hengyu World and destroy the foundation of Hengyu World, the luck of Hengyu World would not collapse so quickly.

The luck of the two worlds of heaven and demon began to lose madly, and anyone who cultivated to the existence of the immortal monarch (Daluo Jinxian) could feel it.

The first thing that appeared was that no new immortals were born in the heaven and demon worlds. Specifically, there are no new creatures born, and no new demons and monsters take shape.

The witch clan faced this situation in those days.

During the war between witches and demons, the birth rate of the witch clan has always been very low. Although there are reasons that the lower-level tribesmen in the witch clan are unwilling to give birth during the period of catastrophe, it is more of a matter of luck.

When the witch clan controlled the prehistoric world, they were not a qualified protagonist of heaven and earth. In the eyes of the witch clan, they are the authentic Pangu, and all the tribes in the prehistoric world should be allowed to take whatever they want.

The twelve witch ancestors raised the banner of "commanding the world, no one dares not to obey", and set off countless killings in the prehistoric world.

The result of doing so is that the luck of the witch clan is damaged. Races with damaged luck are not smooth, and the decline in birth rate is one of its manifestations.

Now, the birth rate in the Hengyu world has reached zero, which indicates that the heaven and the demon world have no future.

If a world wants to move forward, it must have the injection of fresh blood. The luck between heaven and earth is constantly rotating, and the world is always in reincarnation. Without fresh blood, the rotation of luck and the reincarnation of the world will stop.

This is very scary for any world.

The result of the loss of luck in the heaven and demon worlds is that the human world has gained huge benefits. The luck lost from the heaven and demon worlds still flows back and returns to the human world.

In history, the heaven and demon worlds absorbed a lot of luck from the human world, causing the human world to decline from then on.

In the human world where luck returned, the speed of spiritual energy recovery suddenly accelerated. Even the most barren corners began to revive spiritual energy, and many people with magical powers were born.

There are too many similarities between heaven and earth and living beings!

In fact, the self-repair ability of heaven and earth is very strong. Under normal circumstances, after a period of recuperation, the heaven and earth can be restored to their original state after being destroyed.

Of course, if it is broken into pieces like the prehistoric world, it will be difficult to restore the original appearance. Just like a person who has something cut off by someone, no matter how well his wound recovers, the things can't grow back.

The fortune of the human world has returned, and the one who has benefited the most is humanity. Unknowingly, humanity has grown a bit.

This phenomenon made Fang Yang very happy.

At this point, the prehistoric world was not in a hurry. They no longer made any moves, but let nature take its course and watched the Hengyu world go to doomsday.

In order to relax the Celestial Clan, the prehistoric world also deliberately launched several small wars and were deliberately repelled by the Celestial Clan.

In this way, the Celestial Clan completely ignored the prehistoric world. They closed the door, those who should be indulging in luxury and those who should marry wives and concubines marry wives and concubines, without any sense of crisis.

Ling Feng felt that the situation was not good and wanted to discuss with the Phoenix Emperor, but the Phoenix Emperor had long been addicted to the gentle countryside and could not extricate himself.

"As long as the four seas and eight wastelands are not about to be destroyed, all other matters are decided by the Celestial Emperor!"

Ling Feng waited for two days before getting such a reply. He could only turn to the Demon Realm with a full heart of anger.

He felt that this crisis was for the entire Hengyu World, and the Demon Realm should also contribute.

Moreover, in the Demon Realm, there was Feng Linglong, whom he had been thinking about.

If the Hengyu World was doomed, he hoped to take Feng Linglong away with him.

He did not believe that such a large chaotic world would not have a place for him and Feng Linglong to live.

Yes, Ling Feng was ready to give up.

He saw the situation in the Heaven Realm, and he felt powerless. Perhaps he could win the war with the prehistoric world, but he could not save the Celestial Clan.

The Celestial Clan had lost order, and although he, the Emperor of Heaven, could still command the world with his cultivation as a god, it was meaningless.

A force has hope only if everyone does things spontaneously.

If everyone in this force has to be ordered and arranged to do things, then this force is basically finished.

The situation of the Celestial Clan is almost the same. The senior members of the Celestial Clan have collectively become pig teammates, and Ling Feng can't lead them at all.

Think about Kinnara, he failed because his subordinates were too incompetent. But no matter how incompetent Kinnara's subordinates were, they knew how to do things. The Celestial Clan didn't even know how to do things.

In such a situation, how could the Celestial Clan not fail?

Since he couldn't save the Celestial Clan, Ling Feng could only "let go of the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others".

It's not that he didn't want to work hard, but the situation was too bad and it was irreversible.

When the Emperor of Heaven arrived at the Demon Realm, he wanted to take Feng Linglong away without saying a word. As a result, his move was opposed by Tong Zhou and Ren Xi.

The two licking dogs were afraid that Feng Linglong would "rekindle her old feelings" for Ling Feng, and they tried their best to stop her. However, Feng Linglong's cry of "Brother Ling Feng" shattered all the fantasies in their hearts.

"Brother Ling Feng!"

In front of Feng Linglong, the two licking dogs didn't even have the courage to stand still, let alone fight. They watched Feng Linglong fall into Ling Feng's arms again.

Ling Feng was overjoyed to see the beauty, and held Feng Linglong in his arms, touching her here, looking at her there, and constantly asking about her well-being.

"Brother Lingfeng, why did you come so late? Linglong missed you so much."

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have come to see you so late. Linglong doesn't know that I regretted it since you left. But I knew you were angry and didn't dare to come to see you. I could only find some people who looked like you. Seeing them was like seeing you. Every time I did something with them, I thought of you in my heart."

"Linglong knows it all. Linglong has always known it. Brother Lingfeng, let's never separate again."


Lingfeng and Feng Linglong were very affectionate for a while. Lingfeng looked at Tongzhou and Renxi with a proud look from time to time, as if he was declaring his sovereignty. (End of this chapter)

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