Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 816 Those who gave birth to me cannot

After learning about Fang Yang's plan, Yuanshi Tianzun did not object.

When dealing with enemies, Yuanshi Tianzun never talks about mercy. As long as he can take down the Hengyu World, there is nothing he can't do.

All saints have the same attitude on this point.

In the war between the two worlds, you can do anything. If one side is soft-hearted, it may be defeated and swallowed up by the other side.

All plans start from the heaven, who makes the heaven so many masters?

In order to complete the plan of stealing and replacing the pillars, the prehistoric world adopted the method of suppressing people with realms and bullying the few with the majority.

Specifically, the great supernatural powers deal with the existence of the middle stage of the quasi-saint and below, the quasi-saint deals with the existence of the Daluo Jinxian level, and many great supernatural powers hunt down the other side's lone great supernatural powers.

With Fang Yang and Yuanshi Tianzun covering, things went very smoothly.

Fang Yang used the reincarnation road to turn the Yuanshen of the powerful people in the Hengyu World back to the weakest period, and then let the prehistoric power split the soul and seize the body.

In just a thousand years, 70% of the high-ranking officials of the Heavenly Clan were replaced by the great powers of the Primordial World.

It is difficult to succeed in destroying a world like the Hengyu World from the outside. Only by disintegrating from the inside can there be hope for complete destruction.

When the Primordial World has the right to speak in the Heavenly Court of the Hengyu World, it can use its power to stir up trouble in the Heavenly Realm.

A thousand-mile dam collapses because of an ant hole. Even the Heavenly Court has worms. The failure of the Hengyu World is foreseeable.

However, the high-ranking officials of the Hengyu World know nothing about these situations. The human world is occupied by the Wusheng Sect. They are all busy talking about love and using their true bodies to survive the emotional tribulation. They have no energy to care about the affairs of the Heavenly Realm.

In this way, the old immortal who is known as the first person under the Emperor of Heaven in the Heavenly Clan first had a problem.

Of course, this old immortal is not the original old immortal, but the body of Taiyi Taoist. After taking over the body of the old immortal, Taiyi Taoist prepared for hundreds of years and staged a "dream of dreams" with Taisu Yuanjun and Biqi Fairy.

Among them, Taisu Yuanjun played the role of the old immortal's Taoist partner Di Po, and Biqi Fairy played the role of Di Po's sister Qi Po.

Biqi Fairy's words "She lost only a child, but I lost my love", and Taiyi Taoist's words "You broke us up, you are the third party", stirred up half of the heaven.

In the script, the old immortal and Qi Po fell in love with each other, and the old immortal married Di Po to repay Di Po's kindness.

Because the old immortal is a big man in Hengyu World, he is in a high position and has great power. His every move plays a role as a model.

Therefore, the love concept of Hengyu World has been greatly impacted.

Originally, the immortals in Hengyu World are love-brained, and the old immortal's statement of "true love first" has been recognized by countless beings.

Yes, as long as it is true love, you can get the blessing of the Tao. Is there anything more precious than true love?

With the guiding ideology of "true love first", the heaven is completely in chaos.

In the face of true love, life is not important, heavenly rules are not important, and laws are not important. As long as you can get love, you can do whatever you want, and even the Emperor of Heaven cannot punish you.

Of course, there are still some sober people in Hengyu World. Driven by a sense of justice, these people want to seek justice for the victims, but it is useless.

Because the high-level officials of Hengyu World have long been replaced by the high-level officials of the prehistoric world, the result of their seeking justice is that they are treated decently by the powerful people of the prehistoric world.

This fire burned more and more, and finally burned to the court of Hengyu World.

The high-level officials of Hengyu World felt that the situation was not good, and they wrote to the Emperor of Heaven one after another, hoping that the Emperor of Heaven would set things right.

However, how could they have imagined that under the influence of the Wanjie Qing Gu, Ling Feng also became love-minded, and with the help of the Honghuang Great Power, Ling Feng ruthlessly refuted the petitions of these high-level officials.

The high-level officials of Hengyu World looked at each other in surprise, and they didn't understand why things turned out like this.

Fang Yang and Yuanshi Tianzun, the two instigators, saw the chaos in the heavens and smiled with satisfaction.

The situation was better than they thought. The Taoist hearts of the immortals in Hengyu World were too unstable. As soon as they made a move, the world was in chaos.

However, this was just the beginning, and the real good show was yet to come.

For a long time, in order to show the loyalty of love, Hengyu World has been a monogamous system. If you want to completely defeat the Taoist hearts of the gods, you must first change this system.

Fang Yang didn't just wait, he also caused a storm in the demon world.

The demons in Hengyu World are brave and fierce, and a little friction will trigger a bloody battle. Bixia Yuanjun and others did not use much effort to make the high-level officials of the demon world in chaos, and they completely tore off their faces and started fighting.

Tongzhou, Renxi, and Feng Linglong were just like Lingfeng and Chonghua. They were in love all day long and didn't care about the affairs of the demon world at all.

Even if all the people in the demon world died, they didn't care as long as it didn't threaten their love.

Seeing that the three gods didn't care, Bixia Yuanjun and others became more unscrupulous, acting as treacherous ministers, fabricating charges, framing the elites of the demon world, and eliminating them one by one.

In just 40,000 years, more powerful people died in the Hengyu world than in the previous war between the two worlds.

This situation fully proves that the fortress is often breached from the inside.

When the demon world suffered heavy losses, the transformation of the heavenly world also kicked off.

The old immortal proposed at the court meeting to abolish monogamy and change it to polygamy, that is, every immortal can find more than one Taoist partner.

After all, the top leaders of the Celestial Clan are mostly male immortals, and male immortals have the habit of eating what is in the bowl and looking at what is in the pot.

Just like Ling Feng, if he didn't have the idea of ​​marrying three thousand concubines in his heart, the Wanjie Love Gu would not be able to make him, a god, fall into the trap.

As soon as the old immortal's suggestion was put forward, it was approved by most of the important officials of the Celestial Clan and the Emperor of Heaven. The female immortals wanted to oppose it, but they were weak and their voices were drowned out in the court as soon as they were raised.

So, overnight, there were countless "Ximen officials" in the Hengyu World.

These Ximen officials used "I love too much, and one woman can't bear my love" as an excuse to marry wives crazily and constantly enrich their harem.

Some people even shouted the slogan "I can't give birth to me, I can't give birth to others, and the rest can't give birth to others", turning the good Hengyu World into the ancient Greek mythology world.

It is said that when the immortals are emotional, the three realms are not at peace. The desires of the creatures in the Hengyu world were already strong, and after being stimulated by Fang Yang, all kinds of desires burst out.

In an instant, the Hengyu world was filled with smoke and miasma, and true love slowly dissipated in the smoke and miasma. (End of this chapter)

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