Ren Xi's threat shocked everyone, including Ling Feng and Feng Ci. The alien demon is the biggest enemy. Compared to the alien demon, Ren Xi is just a poor person who loves Feng Linglong but cannot get her.

"Ren Xi, you are also the son of God Father. Do you really want to do something that will shame God Father?"

Ling Feng glanced at Feng Linglong worriedly and then said.

After Ren Xi's arrival, Feng Linglong's obsession seemed to be suspended. She looked at Ling Feng coldly, with deep hatred in her eyes.

This trace of hatred stung Ling Feng's heart, and Ling Feng complained about Feng Linglong in his heart.

"Linglong, we have been through seven lives and seven lifetimes, don't you still understand me? My love for you can be seen from the sun and the moon! It's just that my heart is too big, and there are too many holes carved out by love. I just love you, Can’t fill the hole of love in my heart.”

Ling Feng was heartbroken and said something sincere to Feng Linglong.

The gods have become numb. They have heard all the shocking words, but these words are nothing.

Feng Linglong was really hurt. Her eyes narrowed, and the black energy on her body became a thousand times stronger.

Then, the red wedding dress on her body turned dark black visibly to the naked eye, completely completing the demonization.

Feng Linglong is possessed!

Suddenly, the faces of the Celestial Clan and all the guests changed. Feng Linglong is the most respected goddess in the world. Such a goddess actually fell into the devil's path on her happy day.

"Ling Feng, I finally see your true face. You are such a cold and heartless person. I will never forgive you! Never!"

Feng Linglong screamed loudly and actually launched an attack on Ling Feng.

The magic weapon held by Feng Linglong is a sword inlaid with seven sacred stones. Each sacred stone has been refined into a kind of avenue, which together represents greed, anger, obsession, love, evil and desire.

She didn't know where she collected these sacred stones. There was an aura of chaos and immemorial nothingness lingering all over her body.

With the communication of these seven sacred stones, the power of the seven great avenues has skyrocketed.

All the Celestial Clan and Feng Clan affected by Feng Linglong's attack have become slaves of their emotions.

Ling Feng was shocked when he saw an attack coming straight towards Chonghua. As soon as he raised his hand, he activated his most powerful magic weapon - the Weapon Refining Tower.

The Weapon Refining Tower is indeed a Chaos Spiritual Treasure. It suppresses everything as soon as it appears and completely absorbs Feng Linglong's offensive.

"Linglong, what are you doing? I just did what most men in the world would do, and you became possessed. Are you worthy of me and the relationship between us?"

Ling Feng was shaken in the air, and a huge force suppressed it, shaking Feng Linglong back again and again.

Ling Feng was originally the number one god in the Hengyu world. After being poisoned by the Love Gu, he realized that "love alone cannot make a forest. Only by spreading the seeds of love in the three realms can we achieve the supreme love." reason.

Since then, his cultivation level has improved again, and he can completely crush Feng Linglong.

Feng Linglong also didn't expect that even though she was possessed by a demon, she still couldn't defeat Ling Feng.

She looked at Chonghua coldly: "You love her, does she love you? She gave up her demon body for Tongzhou. You don't mind at all?"

Feng Linglong's words directly hit Chonghua's Achilles' heel. Under normal circumstances, Ling Feng would definitely mind.

However, Ling Feng is a person who has been possessed by the Love Gu, and he is not normal at all.

When Ren Xi took action, he planted the Love Gu refined by Chonghua on Chonghua, and the Love Gu he refined himself was planted on Ling Feng.

You know, the Ten Thousand Tribulations Love Gu they refined. They are all refined with the pure tears and infatuation of gods, and are more powerful than those refined by Hong Zhou.

That's why Ling Feng would add love to love and calamity to calamity.

"You are wrong!"

Ling Feng looked at Zhong Hua tenderly, and then said righteously, "What Hua'er paid for Tongzhou was just a demon body, but what you have to give up now is the love between us. I don't mind if you give up. Love will not mind Chonghua giving up his demon body."

"Brother Lingfeng, you understand me best. I used to be blind and mistook fish eyes for pearls. It wasn't until I met Brother Lingfeng that I knew who the person who could really make my whole body tremble was. No matter what happens in the future, As long as I can be with Brother Lingfeng, I will do anything you want."

Chonghua was completely depressed. In front of Lingfeng, she lost all ability to think.

Feng Linglong looked at the two people who were leaning together and couldn't care about anything. She activated her magic power and attacked the two of them at the same time.

Although Ling Feng and Chong Hua were possessed by the Love Gu, their cultivation levels have not retreated but improved, and their magic power and supernatural powers have improved a lot.

The two of them put their palms together and jointly struck a blow. "The seas and rocks will break, and we will be united forever." Feng Linglong was immediately crushed, and even her body was impacted.

"You two idiots are bullying Linglong!"

When Feng Linglong was about to lose, Ren Xi couldn't stand it anymore.

He put Ling Feng and Chong Hua together to break up Ling Feng and Feng Linglong, not to let Ling Feng and Feng Linglong join forces to bully Feng Linglong.

So, on the great day when Ling Feng and Feng Linglong got married, the four gods fought together, and the wedding turned into a farce.

This farce was quickly learned by the powerful side of the world, and even Yuanshi Tianzun and Xuanyuan Holy Emperor found it eye-opening.

They know that it is very reasonable for these things to happen in Hengyu World. The rules of the Hengyu world are there. The more love-minded people are, the stronger their magic power will be.

However, they also realized that as long as the rules of Hengyu World remained, they would easily defeat their opponents.

"In this world, what is love, and what is love?"

In the human world, Fang Yang was sitting cross-legged on a large stone, thinking about the issue of "love".

After he used the power of reincarnation to create a false imprint of life, he once wanted to imitate the creatures in the Hengyu world, use love to generate electricity, and use love to enhance his magic power.

However, he failed.

There is no love in his heart at all. He feels from the bottom of his heart that love is the most boring and useless thing in the world.

They are all immortals, people with great supernatural powers, and saints, and they still make love to each other all day long.

Every time he thought of the prehistoric saints falling in love, he got goosebumps all over his body.

How ridiculous!

Fang Yang also knew that it was his thinking that limited him. It is impossible for him to love anyone; love is completely impossible for him.

"Why is only the love between men and women considered love? The love between father and son, mother and son, brother, brother and sister, friend... the love caused by these feelings is not love? The bigger the picture, the more important it is for the common people. Isn’t great love inferior to the small love between men and women?”

Fang Yang thought about it, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

He knows why humanity has never appeared, because there is no love in the human world.

In the world of Hengyu where love is the basic law, the absence of love is obviously a very bad thing.

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