This soul was a middle-aged man wearing fiery red armor, with red eyebrows like flames, and a calm expression. As soon as he opened his eyes, he let out a loud roar.

"Old man, how dare you play with me like this?!"


Fang Yangming obviously didn't feel much power from the loud shouting, but after the sound came out, Hengshan came alive!

After the middle-aged man spoke out, the mountains shook, birds and beasts chirped, and even the flowers, plants and trees in the mountains fell because of the middle-aged man's voice.

A steady stream of inspiration and Taoism rose from the mountains. The divine light of Hengshan Mountain filled the sky. The rays of rays dispersed the clouds and mists that shrouded Hengshan Mountain. Nanyue Mountain was bathed in the glory of the sun and the moon.

"Innate God!"

Fang Yang had accumulated a hundred thousand years of knowledge in the demon sect's library. When he saw this scene, he still didn't know the origin of the soul in the man's body.

The mountain god of Hengshan Mountain, the innate god!

Only the mountain god of Hengshan Mountain can possess such power and ability.

"Thank you so much for this fellow Taoist! If it weren't for this fellow Taoist who broke the totem formation of that old man, I would have been sleeping in the power of reincarnation forever, unable to awaken my true spirit."

The mountain god of Hengshan Mountain separated from the man's body, and the surrounding spiritual energy roared out, condensing a flaming body for the mountain god out of thin air.

Without the support of his soul, the man's body instantly became cold and turned into a colorful Nine-aperture Immortal Stone.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yang knew that the man was really born from the stone.

However, the origin of this fairy stone is very unusual. After it turned into a human form of flesh and blood, Fang Yang could not tell its details at all.

He held the man for a long time, but he didn't realize that the man's body was an immortal stone.

Seeing that Fang Yang was interested in the Nine-Aperture Immortal Stone, the Hengshan Mountain God explained: "This stone is called the Five-Colored Stone. It was refined when the saint Nuwa mended the sky. The old man got this stone from the Qinggeng Peak of the Dahuang Mountain. The old man." After defeating this god with a trick, the man put his soul into the colorful stone and summoned the power of reincarnation, causing him to fall into reincarnation. "

At this point, he sneered.

"However, the old man forgot one thing. This is Hengshan, and Hengshan is the true body of this god. Under the feedback of the spiritual energy of the true body, this god has to awaken the true spirit several times. Therefore, the old man can only use the totem formation. The seven orifices that sealed the reincarnation of this god made him an idiot."

Hearing this, Fang Yang immediately understood the reason.

Other spiritual objects either transformed into monsters or immortals, but the Heaven-Mending Stone was refined by Nuwa.

In the absence of external interference, most of the people that emerge from the Sky-Mending Stone are humans.

Of course, Fang Yang couldn't see through the person formed by the five-color petrification.

"Since fellow Taoist is the mountain god of Hengshan Mountain, you must know where the cave in Hengshan Mountain is, right?"

Fang Yang asked bluntly.

The grudges between the mountain god and the high priest were their business and he would not interfere.

But one thing is that if the Jiuli clan imitates Yu Gong and wants to dig up Nanyue Hengshan Mountain, then he must side with the mountain god.

A faint smile appeared on the face of the mountain god: "Of course I know that fellow Taoist wants to come to Hengshan to establish a dojo! Fellow Taoist arrived a little late."

Hearing this, Fang Yang frowned.

"It's okay. I will naturally discuss this matter with the current owner of the cave. Please also ask fellow Taoist to tell me the entrance to the cave in Nanyue."

The mountain god also saw that Fang Yang was not a good man or woman. However, he doesn't care about this.

No matter how high the mountain is, there are immortals and spiritual beings. The more immortals there are, the stronger Hengshan's spirituality will be, and the faster his strength will improve.

He wished that there were more immortals in Hengshan Mountain, the better.

"Nanyue Cave Heaven has no owner. It's just that tens of millions of years ago, a monster called Nuba came to Hengshan. As soon as she arrived, she brought a disaster to Hengshan. Countless creatures died on the red ground for thousands of miles. For the sake of this mountain of creatures, I had no choice but to tell him where the cave was and let him enter the cave. If fellow Taoist wanted to discuss it with her, then there would be no need. This monster has a fiery temper. Don’t accept anyone’s advice.”


Fang Yang fell silent.

Nvba, like Luo Shen, is a human princess, but her life is not as good as Luo Shen.

Although Luo Shen married Feng Yi, she did so willingly and treated everyone the same.

The female princess is different. As the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, she should have been favored by thousands of people and become the most noble princess in the human race.

However, she was poisoned by Chi You's fire and turned into a monster.

Although this poison gave her tyrannical strength, it also made her stand on the opposite side of the human race.

Once the female demon appears, the land will be red for thousands of miles. Even if the Yellow Emperor has supreme power in the human race, he cannot risk the lives of hundreds of millions of people for the sake of a daughter.

He drove away the female slave!

After the female demon was driven out of the human race, her tragedy began.

She thought she could live in seclusion with her Taoist companion Yinglong and never get involved in ancient affairs. Who knows, Yinglong failed to achieve Daluo's enlightenment, and both body and soul were destroyed.

This time, even her last source of support disappeared.

Having lost all hope, she went crazy and caused trouble everywhere. In the end, she was hunted down by human masters.

From then on, she and Huang Di turned against each other.

Even so, Fang Yang still couldn't give up Hengshan Cave Heaven. He had long regarded Hengshan Cave Heaven as his own.

"It's okay. Fellow Taoist, just tell me the location of the Hengshan Cave."

After thinking about it, Fang Yang continued.

The mountain god had no choice but to point forward and draw a map of Hengshan Mountain, on which every peak, every river, and every cave of Hengshan Mountain was marked.

Fang Yang only took a glance and remembered the whole picture of the map.

He bowed to the mountain god and said "Thank you, fellow Taoist". Then, his figure disappeared into the void.

Fang Yang found it very interesting that he had saved the mountain god.

The mountain god of Hengshan Mountain has returned. Will there be Emperor Nanyue on the list of gods?

People in the Xuanmen do not like the Conferred God Tribulation, but he is looking forward to it.

A good show like this can only be seen once in 5.6 billion years. Just think about it and you will know how exciting it is.

After the mountain god used his divine power to break the fog array of the Jiuli tribe, everything in the mountain returned to normal. Fang Yang quickly found the entrance to the Hengshan Cave Heaven according to the instructions on the map.

The name of the Hengshan Cave Heaven is well-deserved. It is located in a mountain shaped like a flame.

The cave was deep and narrow, and the narrowest part could only accommodate a person of normal size, and a person who was a little fat could not pass through.

Fang Yang was too tall, so he could only become a little smaller to pass through the cave.

After passing through the narrow area, he entered a cave full of volcanic rocks and magma.

The temperature in this cave was very high, and even gold and iron would be sublimated instantly when they entered the cave.

The entrance to Hengshan Cave Heaven was located in the largest crater in the cave.

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