Everyone came out of the space-time channel and immediately divided into four teams and went their separate ways.

Empress Nuwa is the most cultivated and powerful among all people, so she is responsible for guarding the passage of time and space and maintaining contact with the prehistoric world.

The remaining people form teams according to their respective camps.

Fang Yang was not surprised by this. The unity of earth and humanity is when facing the way of heaven. Now, all three parties want to take over Hengyu World and make the first move, so it is naturally impossible for them to continue to cooperate.

However, non-cooperation does not mean that we are enemies. Many times, it is also a kind of etiquette to live in peace.

The tunnel team is headed by Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu, with Bixia Yuanjun, Xuanling Ancestor, Taiping Cult Leader, Tianji Daojun, and Sansheng Taoist as the main force, and monks from the middle stage of the Holy Saint Stage are supported by the monks.

This force is almost the core strength of the tunnel. If the group is destroyed, the tunnel will completely lose the power to compete with the heaven.

Of course, the situation in heaven and humanity is similar, and no one can afford to lose.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang is the most experienced in attacking the world. In this war, I am willing to listen to Friend Fang Yang's command."

As soon as Emperor Fengdu opened his mouth, he put a high hat on Fang Yang.

If Fang Yang were the stupid young man who had just traveled to the prehistoric times, he might have really agreed. However, he has been struggling in the wilderness for so many years, and the word "Leng Tou Qing" has nothing to do with him.

"Fellow Taoist Fengdu is so commendable. The worlds I attack are the worlds within the prehistoric world, and the rules of the world are similar to those of the prehistoric world. This is the first time for me, like all of you, to attack the world in chaos. The qualifications of Taoist friend Fengdu The deepest, most knowledgeable, and more suitable to be a leader than me.”

Most of the great powers that followed had problems with their mentality. If they attack Hengyu World with their mentality, no matter how many lives they take, they won't be enough to die.

Fang Yang was not willing to delay the reincarnation master's enlightenment for them.

Fang Yang still has some plans for capturing Hengyu World. The strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

Since the other person's world is full of love brains, he will use these love brains to let them destroy their own world.

However, there is a premise for all this, that is, Feng Linglong’s words are true!

On the surface, Feng Linglong seems to be a super love brain, but what if she is just faking it?

Just like in a certain north, they advertised that people there are stupid and have a lot of money, but in fact they are tricking people into having their waists cut off.

There are so many tricks in the prehistoric world that it is difficult for people to guard against them. The powerful people in the chaotic world cannot be so stupid and sweet.

Emperor Fengdu could not have imagined that Fang Yang, a junior, would be so difficult to deal with. In fact, like Fang Yang, he was not willing to be a nanny.

Bixia Yuanjun and others are all great supernatural beings and are not stupid. When they saw Fang Yang and the two pushing back and forth, they understood what they meant.

Bixia Yuanjun stood up and said: "The two fellow Taoists underestimate me. Although we have not yet become enlightened, we are all masters in the ancient world. We have our own way of survival and do not need the protection of others."

Several other great supernatural powers also felt that they were being underestimated and spoke out one after another.

"That's right! We can fight our way out of the bloody prehistoric world and achieve the honorable status of a person with great supernatural powers. No matter how dangerous the world of Hengyu is, can it be more dangerous than the prehistoric world?"

"Don't mention the matter of taking the lead again. In the Pangu League, I only listen to the orders of Empress Houtu."

People with great supernatural powers have their own dignity, and they have absolute confidence in themselves.

The actions of Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu made them feel extremely humiliated.

Neither Fang Yang nor Emperor Fengdu wanted to comment on this.

The Pangu League was established to resist the way of heaven and the number of days. The members of the alliance all pursue freedom.

The original intention of the establishment of the Pangu League determined that this alliance would not have much cohesion.

Since everyone in the alliance is highly free, at the critical moment, people in this alliance still cannot change their habits of freedom.

The Vacuum Alliance is different. The members of the Vacuum Alliance have a common pursuit and a common goal. This goal allows everyone in the Vacuum Alliance to unite and cooperate for win-win results.

After the powerful men left, Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu also tacitly separated, and each chose a direction to leave.

Fang Yang flew a certain distance away from the Hengyu world, and stopped after arriving at a place where the chaotic energy was extremely thick.

He waved his hand, and he and the Karma Body of the Master of Samsara appeared in front of him at the same time. The true body of the Taoist Master of Samsara is still in his natal world.

"Is this chaos?"

The Master of Samsara looked at the chaotic environment around him and asked.

This was his first time entering the world of chaos, and he was very curious about the environment in chaos.

"Listen to me, the world of Hengyu is not simple. Therefore, our bodies must not enter it before the end of the war. When the war situation becomes dangerous and irreversible, we can detonate the Karma Body of Karma and destroy this world. "

"Self-destruction of the Dharma Body? Senior brother, are you sure you want to self-destruct the Dharma Body?"

Master Samsara was startled when he heard Fang Yang's words.

Even if he self-destructed his Dharmakaya, Fang Yang became a Taoist figure. When a saint self-destructs, what will the world of Hengyu look like?

Fang Yang said sternly: "If even Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun are defeated, the tyranny of this world must be beyond our imagination. In order to prevent them from following the clues, finding the prehistoric world, and attacking the prehistoric world, we must destroy Hengyu Great The awareness of the world.”

Although Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun were his enemies, he had to admit that the strength of these two saints far exceeded his. They had become saints for two calamities, and it was impossible for them to stand still.

"Okay! Whatever you say is true."

The Lord of Samsara was convinced.

The Destiny World still depends on the Primordial World to exist. If the Primordial World suffers, the Destiny World will not be better off.

"What is your original body going to do?"

The Lord of Samsara asked curiously.

Fang Yang looked into the depths of the Chaos World: "I want to explore around the Hengyu World to see if I can find chaotic creatures or the great powers of the Hengyu World. Feng Linglong can't just send out one treasure bottle containing information about the Hengyu World."

The Lord of Samsara was shocked when he heard this.

"Brother, do you mean that we might have fallen into someone's trap?"

"Not necessarily!"

Fang Yang shook his head. "What I can think of, can't Ancestor Hongjun think of? This time, Ancestor Hongjun should have gone with the flow. There is no trust between two different worlds. Who wins and who loses depends on the foundation of each world. Yuanshi Tianzun and Xuanyuan Shenghuang are not simple figures. Even without Ancestor Hongjun's reminder, they should be able to think of this."

Fang Yang's words were scattered with the wind, and his Dharma body and the Dharma body of the Lord of Samsara also turned into light and projected towards the Hengyu World.

After about half a cup of tea, Fang Yang's Dharma body took the lead, penetrated the fetal membrane of the world of Hengyu World, and officially entered this world. (End of this chapter)

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