Things went smoothly beyond Fang Yang's imagination.

Just in case, he even used the most powerful Pangu Kaitian Dharma. But he didn't expect that this treasure bottle was not a big killer.

After successfully intercepting the treasure bottle, Fang Yang had no intention of checking it himself. He carefully marked hundreds of millions of restrictions on the surface of the treasure bottle, each one stronger than the last. After confirming that there was no abnormal movement in the treasure bottle, he started to rush back.

Experience told him that things of unknown origin should not be inspected casually, let alone refined directly.

This vase flew from the world of chaos. Fang Yang knew nothing about the methods of the Chaos Demon God or other worlds.

Just in case, Fang Yang decided to take the treasure vase back to the ancient world and give it to the Empress Houtu.

He thought very clearly that even if there were any opportunities in the bottle, it would have nothing to do with him at this stage. His most important task is to prove Hunyuan.

On the other hand, if there is any ghost realm method in the treasure bottle and he opens it rashly, won't he be plotted by others?

Fang Yang didn't leave Dijiang City very quickly, but he returned very quickly. Thirty years later, the outline of Dijiang City appeared in his sight.


Fang Yang let out a long breath.

Along the way, he kept paying attention to the vase, fearing that it would suddenly open and a Chaos Demon God would emerge from it.

It's safe only when you reach your doorstep.

He flashed and entered the scope of the heavenly secret. He held up the vase and said to the void: "Empress Houtu, this junior has obtained an acquired treasure. Judging from its refining techniques, it is definitely not from my ancient world. Please take a look at it!"

Not to mention Empress Houtu, even Yue Feng, who had just attained enlightenment, could sense someone calling his name under the secret of heaven.

"It is indeed not my acquired treasure from ancient times. Where did fellow Taoist Fang Yang get this thing?"

A voice suddenly sounded, and what appeared at the same time as the voice was a purple-robed Taoist. He appeared without warning, with a divine light in his eyes, staring at the vase.

"I've met Senior Hongjun!"

Seeing this person, Fang Yang secretly complained. He obviously wanted to invite Empress Houtu to show up, so why did he invite this great god?

Before, he repeatedly jumped on the bottom line of Ancestor Jidu. Due to the role he played, Ancestor Jidu tolerated Fang Yang again and again.

Now, his true form is here, and if he comes to settle accounts with him, the situation will be very bad.

Empress Houtu did not let Fang Yang wait for a long time. After Fang Yang saluted, Empress Houtu also appeared and arrived here.

Another big boss arrived, and Fang Yang saluted again.

"Why are fellow Daoist Hongjun here?"

Empress Houtu seemed very surprised when she saw Patriarch Hongjun, with a puzzled look on her face.

Ancestor Hongjun said calmly: "Of course it's for this treasure. The poor Taoist sees this treasure, it doesn't have the slightest breath of chaos, it must not be something refined by chaotic creatures."

"Your Majesty, the origin of this treasure is unknown. I dare not handle it without authorization."

Fang Yang walked quickly to Empress Houtu and presented the vase to Empress Houtu.

Queen Houtu was speechless when she saw the thick layer of restrictions on the vase, but she still took the vase into her hand.

"Should we go to Zixiao Palace to talk, or should we talk here?"

Regarding important matters related to the chaotic world, Empress Houtu naturally has to discuss the details together with Ancestor Hongjun. Because this is not a matter of the whole family, but of the whole prehistoric period.

"Go to Zixiao Palace!"

Ancestor Hongjun waved his sleeves and turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the void.

Empress Houtu said to Fang Yang, "With your current level of cultivation, you are qualified to know some things about the chaotic world."

After all, she took Fang Yang into the Zixiao Palace regardless of whether Fang Yang agreed or not.

Zixiao Palace was very deserted. The leader of Tongtian didn't know which space he was locked in. There were only three people in the palace, Patriarch Hongjun, Empress Houtu, and Fang Yang.

Empress Houtu and Patriarch Hongjun sat side by side above the main hall, while Fang Yang sat on the futon where the listeners of Zixiao Palace had sat.

"Are you coming here, a poor Taoist or a fellow Taoist?"

Ancestor Hongjun only had eyes for Empress Houtu and Baoping. A small person like Fang Yang could not catch his eye at all.

"Come on, fellow Taoist! Fellow Taoist is the leader of the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings, and it should be handled by fellow Taoist."

Empress Houtu stretched out her hand and pushed the vase towards Ancestor Hongjun. Ancestor Hongjun raised his hand and pointed, and the vase was fixed in front of him.

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the treasure vase, and immediately, all the restrictions placed by Fang Yang were destroyed, not a single one was left.

Fang Yang was not surprised when he saw this.

It couldn't be easier for a spokesperson of Heaven to break his restrictions. I'm afraid that the restrictions imposed by the leader of Lian Tong Tian are just childish in the eyes of ancestor Hongjun.

When the answer was revealed, Fang Yang finally became nervous.

He had never seen a treasure bottle flying from another world. I don’t know what gifts the creatures from the other world gave to the creatures in the primitive world.


I saw Patriarch Hongjun gently pulling out the cork of the treasure vase.

In fact, any Daluo Jinxian could remove the cork, but Fang Yang was afraid that he would fall into someone else's scheme and did not dare to remove it.

Plop! Plop!

Looking at the deep mouth of the bottle, even Queen Houtu became a little nervous. What secret does this treasure bottle hide?

"There won't be any Chaos Demon God or Saint coming out of the vase, right?"

Fang Yang started thinking wildly.

At this moment, the treasure bottle suddenly emitted divine light, and countless light points flew out from it, making the Zixiao Palace shine brightly.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful!"

Seeing that Patriarch Hongjun didn't make any move, Empress Houtu quickly reminded him.

Then, nothing dangerous happened. After those light spots flew out, they gathered in the void and finally formed a female phantom in white clothes, white skirt, white headscarf, white boots, and even her skin was as white as a layer of wall paint.

"It is indeed a creature from another world!"

Seeing this woman, Hou Tu Niangniang finally let go of her hanging heart.

After this woman appeared, she saw the people in the hall and glared, as if she was shocked, but there was still no expression on her face: "Is there really another world in the chaos!?"

Hongjun Patriarch said: "Of course there is! One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. If there is one, there will be two, and if there is two, there will be all worlds. Daoyou can refine the acquired treasure, and it should be an existence that transcends the long river of fate."

In front of the creatures from another world, Hongjun Patriarch opened the chatterbox.

His status in the prehistoric world is too high. Except for Hou Tu Niangniang, no one dares to communicate with him on an equal footing. The creatures from another world are different. The creatures from another world are not afraid of him at all.

The woman took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Okay! Whether you are the Chaos Demon God or the creatures from another world, since you have obtained the Wuji Treasure Shuttle, you will definitely be able to find the world where I am."

The three ancestors Hongjun heard this and felt unbelievable in their hearts.

The woman in the treasure bottle actually took the initiative to expose the location of her world to the Chaos Demon God and other worlds. Does she want to destroy the world?

The woman smiled sadly: "You will definitely find it very strange. However, it is better to destroy that world without love. I want to let the four seas and eight wastelands be buried with Brother Lingfeng!"

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