The woman who accompanied Fang Yang to Dijiang City was colder than Wangshu. The coldness of this woman was stronger than the coldness of the Ice Hell. She froze time and space, froze everything, and seemed to turn the heavens and the world into a world of ice and snow.

When Fang Yang saw this woman, he immediately guessed her identity.

Among the witches, there was no one else who had such a strong power except the original wife of Emperor Zhuanxu, Jiufeng.

Fang Yang didn't know what Jiufeng had encountered in these years, and he didn't ask. He was not a person who liked to meddle in other people's affairs. He was not interested in things that had nothing to do with the proof of the Tao.

On the contrary, Jiufeng was very interested in Fang Yang.

She heard a lot about Fang Yang from Xiangliu. In the years when she was away, such a big man actually appeared in Pangu League.

"Fellow Daoist Fang Yang, your Wusheng Sect is so generous that you can easily send out nine Hunyuan Golden Immortals. If I am not mistaken, these nine fellow Daoists are all from the same big world."

Jiu Feng swept his eyes over the nine immortal emperors and said expressionlessly.

The nine immortal emperors bowed to Jiu Feng and said nothing. It was Fang Yang who responded to Jiu Feng.

"Fellow Daoist, you are too kind. Compared with the Wu Clan, the family business of my Wusheng Sect is nothing."

Fang Yang can subdue the powerful people in the big world, and the Wu Clan can do it too, and the Wu Clan has conquered more big worlds.

Don't look at the growing strength of the Wusheng Sect, the Wu Clan has not stood still. Not only the Wu Clan, but also the big forces like Xuanmen, the human race, and the demon race, all have deep foundations.

What Fang Yang can do, other big forces can also do, maybe these forces started doing it in the prehistoric period.

The waters in the prehistoric world are very deep. If someone becomes arrogant and thinks he can walk sideways in the prehistoric world just because he has a little strength, then he is not far from death.

If they can't beat you in a single fight, they can fight in a group; if they can't beat you in a group fight, they can set up a formation; if the formation can't deal with you, they can ask the saints for magic weapons.

In short, there are mountains that are higher than mountains. To survive in the prehistoric world, you can be as low-key as possible.

Jiufeng was very satisfied to see Fang Yang value the Wu clan so much.

Some members of the Pangu League began to look down on the Wu clan after they became great masters, thinking that the Wu clan, which did not even have great masters, had declined.

However, with an ancestor witch who is the spokesperson of the local way, the Wu clan will only become stronger and stronger, and will not decline.

So what if the Wu clan does not have great masters? The Wu clan still has guest elders, the Twelve Gods and Demons Dutian Formation, and the mysterious Pangu Palace.

Can the Pangu authentic have no trump cards?

The chaotic world is boundless. A group of ten people left the prehistoric world and followed the road signs left by the major forces in the chaos, heading straight to Dijiang City.

Yes, road signs.

There is no up, down, left, right, east, south, west or north in the chaotic world. Even with the prehistoric world as a reference system, it is very difficult to find a city.

Along the way, Fang Yang saw many road signs with the names of various cities written on them, "Fuxi City", "Shennong City", "Xuanyuan City", "Nuwa City", "Hongjun City", "Void City", "Dijiang City", just like getting on a highway.

"In the prehistoric world, various forces are constantly fighting, but when we enter the chaos, we have to face a common enemy. Therefore, we have reached a cooperation in dealing with the chaotic creatures. No matter which force people are, when they encounter powerful chaotic creatures and cannot get rid of them, they can go to the nearest Chaos God City to ask for help."

Jiufeng thought Fang Yang didn't understand, so she patiently explained.

This is Jiufeng's misunderstanding. Fang Yang understands very well, he is not the time traveler who just came to the prehistoric world. Having lived for so many years and experienced so many things, he understood everything he should understand.

"It should be like this. As long as the prehistoric world exists, we will exist. If the prehistoric world is gone, no matter whether it is the saintly Taoist ancestor, the emperor of heaven, or the emperor of man, they will all become stray dogs."

"That's right!"

The group flew in the chaos for five thousand years and finally arrived outside Dijiang City.

Juntian Immortal Emperor couldn't help but look at the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world that swallowed the heaven and earth and suppressed the heavens turned into a point as small as a star.

It is not difficult to imagine how far Dijiang City is from the prehistoric world.

"This place is beyond the coverage of the sky eye, and even the heavenly secrets cannot reach it. However, this place is not too far from the heavenly secrets. The Daluo Jinxian can re-enter the coverage of the heavenly secrets after flying for ten days and half a month."

Fang Yang's divine consciousness swept through the surrounding void, but did not catch a trace of the breath of the heavenly secrets, and couldn't help thinking.

Dijiang City is not a small world, it is a continent floating in the chaos. The entire continent is covered by a large formation, isolating it from the inside and outside.

Even so, the city is still full of chaotic energy. However, the chaotic energy in the city is very docile, not as violent as the outside world.

There are not many people in the city, and those who can enter the chaos are all above the Daluo Jinxian. Although there are many Daluo masters in the Wu clan, the Wu clan has a large family business in the prehistoric world, and it is impossible to send all the Daluo Jinxian here.

As soon as Fang Yang stepped onto the continent, he noticed something strange. The land of this continent is not ordinary soil, but soil that exists in the chaotic world.

There are records in ancient history books that the chaotic world is not empty, but also has structures such as continents, lakes, oceans, mountains, etc. The existence of Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang is the best evidence.

The three Penglai Islands are all made of chaos fragments. If chaos is full of chaotic air, how can a ball of air be called a fragment?

"Back then, my queen and the three emperors of the human race joined forces to capture a chaos demon god. By reading the memory of the chaos demon god, my queen learned the location of a piece of chaos continent. This Dijiang City, as well as Fuxi City and Shennong City, are all built with the soil of the chaos continent."

Fang Yang didn't quite understand it at first, but when he went deeper, he knew the reason.

This Dijiang City is simply a large-scale testing ground.

In the city, many semi-chaotic creatures are kept in captivity. The so-called semi-chaotic creatures are hybrids of chaos creatures and prehistoric creatures.

The Wu clan cultivated these semi-chaotic creatures, let them breed offspring, select them for high quality, and continue to cultivate them.

For those who are strong and have a higher chaos bloodline, the Wu clan extracts their blood, bones, and souls to make various weapons, magic weapons, and elixirs.

Not only that, the Wu Clan also opened up large areas of nurseries on the continent, planting all kinds of strange and bizarre spiritual medicines, spiritual herbs, and spiritual roots in the nurseries.

The nine immortal emperors could not see the intention of the Wu Clan, but Fang Yang saw it at a glance.

The Wu Clan is cultivating "space spiritual medicines" and "space spiritual roots"!

"Who said that the Wu Clan is stupid? They just don't like to think. If they think, they are no different from other races." (End of this chapter)

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