Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 703 The opposition of the six demon saints

Bai Ze and others arrived very quickly. Within less than half a stick of incense after Ji Meng sent out the communication talisman, all the demon saints arrived at Ji Meng's house.

As soon as everyone arrived, Ji Meng spoke coldly.

"No matter what you think, I don't want to listen to Nuwa's orders for another day."

There was a sound of gasping for cold air in the hall. It seemed that too much cold air had been sucked in, and the temperature of the hall had risen a lot.

The other five demon saints looked at Ji Meng with shock on their faces. Their eyes trembled, as if they were meeting this colleague for the first time.

Ji Meng didn't change his expression, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

"Don't forget, without the introduction of Nuwa and Fuxi brothers and sisters, we would not have gotten to know Dijun and Taiyi at all, let alone be controlled by others because of our mistaken belief in the character of Dijun and Taiyi."

"Back then, we hid our courage, endured the humiliation, and finally plotted against Emperor Jun Taiyi to death. There was only one step left. We were only one step away from destroying the demon-calling banner and gaining freedom. However, at the moment when we were closest to success, At this time, this woman took away the demon-beckoning banner, making all our plans come to nothing."

Ji Meng's voice conveyed deep hatred.

It's so frustrating for you to be so grateful to her when it's clear that someone else has plotted against you. After learning that the Demon Summoning Banner was not an invulnerable magic weapon, he no longer wanted to feel aggrieved.

During the years of being enslaved by the demon summoning banner, he understood the truth that death is not terrible, the most terrible thing is that life is worse than death.

If he is unable to attain enlightenment, he will always be like an ant, bowing to the saint forever and ever.

He really didn't want to live like this anymore. Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches dared to challenge the saint, and so did Ji Meng.

The worst result is death, but for him now, whether it is death or enlightenment, it is the way to get rid of the saint.

Ji Meng's voice was like a loud bell, resounding in the hearts of the other five demon saints.

Ji Meng's words brought back their memories.

Once upon a time, they were also ancestors of the same party, just like Zhenyuan Immortal and Minghe Ancestor. Ever since they followed Dijun Taiyi, they couldn't do it anymore.

From being entrepreneurial partners of Di Jun and Tai Yi, they gradually became subordinates of Di Jun and Tai Yi, and then became slaves.

If Ji Meng hadn't said that they wanted to get rid of the rule of the saint, they would have forgotten their original intentions.

"The Demon Clan was able to be established, and ten of us and I took the greatest credit. We conquered east and west, fought bloody battles, and conquered a kingdom for the Demon Clan. Why can't Emperor Jun and Taiyi become Demon Emperors, but we can't? ? It’s ridiculous that Nuwa, Emperor Jun and Taiyi died a calamity ago, and yet she helped Emperor Jun’s scoundrel become the Demon Emperor.”

Ji Meng's words were like a storm, and he expressed all the injustice in his heart.

The other five demon saints finally realized that Ji Meng was not angry for a moment, let alone joking, he was serious!

Although the five demon saints sympathized with Ji Meng's words, they did not dare to make a rash decision before the matter was investigated clearly.

If the Yuan Universe can really help the demon gods and demon kings of the demon clan restore their true spirits, it would be better to do it to Nuwa Empress.

They, the demon saints, were very worried about the summoning of demon flags. The demon gods and demon kings also hated Di Jun, Taiyi, and Nuwa with gnashing of teeth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, if they raise their arms and raise their voices, they will definitely get a response from the demons. They will depose Empress Nuwa from her position as Emperor Wa, and all the demons will be free.

"Brother Ji Meng, are you sure your message is true?"

Bai Ze said in a deep voice.

When he asked this question, he was prepared for the worst.

If he was loyal to Nuwa, he should shout out to stop Ji Meng. He did not stop Ji Meng, which meant that he also felt betrayal of Nuwa.

In the early days of the establishment of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court, they had a cooperative relationship with Di Jun, Taiyi, Nuwa, and Fuxi, not a subordinate relationship.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to say that he betrayed Nuwa.

Ji Meng's eyes were cold, and a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood were reflected in his eyes: "Of course it is true. Brother Shang Yang, you led the troops in the battle on Qingqing Grassland. You should still remember this person, right?"

He raised his hand and photographed a figure from the air, it was Li Yu.

Li Yu was talking about his resurrection with his colleagues when he was suddenly caught by Ji Meng. His head was dizzy. When he saw the people around him clearly, he quickly saluted the six demon saints.

All the demons in the demon clan know that the little demon emperor has long existed in name only. The current demon clan is dominated by the six demon saints.

"Is it you?"

Li Yu, the carp spirit, was once his subordinate and followed him to attack Lord Greedy Wolf Star's territory. At that time, Li Yu's cultivation level was not high, and he only had the cultivation level of Xuanxian.

However, Shang Yang is a powerful person in the Quasi-Saint Stage. As long as he sees anything once, he will never forget it.

"It's the last general."

Li Yu was very cautious. He didn't even dare to speak too loudly in the hall where big bosses gathered.

After Shang Yang confirmed Li Yu's identity, he appeared in front of Li Yu, put his palm down and landed on Li Yu's head.

Li Yu almost peed in fear!

"Have mercy!"

His face turned pale and he begged for mercy again and again.

"Spare your life, the Great Shang Yang is checking your true spirit!"

Seeing that Li Yu was afraid like this, Ji Meng felt a little embarrassed and immediately scolded him.

These big shots would never think from the perspective of a little guy. Anyone who looked at Shang Yang and slapped him with his palm would think that Shang Yang was going to kill someone.

However, with Ji Meng's reminder, Li Yu was really not afraid anymore.

Shang Yang retracted his palm, his expression solemn: "Yes, his true spirit has indeed recovered, and it is more perfect than the average Taiyi Golden Immortal. Yang Jiao's methods are really incredible."

"You go down!"

Ji Meng didn't want to kill his men for the sake of keeping secrets, and waved his hand again to send Li Yu out of the hall.

"The facts are in front of us. No matter what methods Yang Jiao used, Li Yu's true spirit has recovered. The mark of his true spirit in the demon-summoning banner can be completely discarded."

The recovery of the true spirit is definitely not an accident. You know, even the quasi-saints can't restore their true spirits. What accidents can compare to the quasi-saints taking action personally?

Bai Ze is still worried: "No, we can't gamble with the demon clan, especially our direct forces. In the future, when Di Jun and Tai Yi return, we will still rely on them to clean up the demon clan to prevent Di Jun and Tai Yi from becoming demon kings again."

After he became a great master, he also had some confidence in proving the Tao. After receiving the introduction of Kunpeng Patriarch and worshipping Yangmei Immortal, his fear of Nuwa was also removed a lot.

However, he wanted to take revenge on Dijun and Taiyi and wanted to seize the opportunity to prove his Dao, so the demon race must not be in trouble.

"To verify this, it's very simple! We can summon more demons who have resurrected from the dead to check, or go into the prehistoric world and capture one or two living beings, first damage their true spirits, then beat them until their true spirits dissipate, and see if they can restore their true spirits after resurrection."

Ji Meng's voice was cold and ruthless.

The demon saint is the demon saint. When they slaughtered the prehistoric races without blinking an eye, how could they have mercy on the little people? (End of this chapter)

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