Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 700: Meeting of Yangmei World (Subscribe again tomorrow)

No one thought that after Xuanmen proposed the Metaverse Plan, a "Reincarnation Plan" would emerge in the Pangu Alliance.

However, the implementation of any big plan is not a matter of two or three days. It will take at least hundreds of thousands of years for the Pangu League to fully launch the "Reincarnation Plan".

This was so efficient because Empress Houtu was at the helm. If the Wusheng Sect is allowed to take the lead in this matter, it may take tens of millions of years.

After the Pangu League had a response plan, those Pangu League members who wanted to join the Metaverse Project were no longer in a hurry.

When you have your own plans, who cares about other people's plans?

However, the forces in the prehistoric era were not just Pangu Alliance and Xuanmen.

In today's world, there are five most powerful forces, namely Xuanmen, which represents the way of heaven, Pangu League, which represents the authentic way, Human Race, which represents the humanity, Yangmei World, which represents the Yangmei Immortal, and Buddhism, which represents the West.

Other forces are either affiliated forces of these five forces, or are completely inferior to these five forces.

After seeing the two religions of Ren and Chan successfully joining the Yuan Universe, Yangmei World and Buddhism were completely anxious.

Don't worry, they don't have a very good relationship with Jie Jiao. The former occupied Penglai Island, and the latter accepted the traitors of Jie Jiao, both of whom greatly offended Jie Jiao.

They are not members of the Sanqing sect. There is no saying that "red lotus root, green lotus and white lotus, the three religions are one family on the surface." It is impossible to turn their hostility into friendship with Jiejiao.

If you can’t find Jie Jiao, then what about starting from Wusheng Jiao? This is even more impossible!

You may not see it, but the members of the Pangu League have all encountered a soft nail with Taoist Sacred Heart Lord. When their two families arrived at Hengshan, they didn't even have a chance to see Taoist Sacred Heart Lord.

The Yangmei World is a world with extremely vast space. Because it is transformed from the body of the Space Demon God, the internal space is larger than the Jiuli World.

Even so, the world of Yangmei is still expanding and expanding.

It can be vaguely seen that in the east of the world, there are three big worlds that are being swallowed by the Yangmei World.

The integration of the three thousand worlds is a general trend and unstoppable.

The center of the Yangmei world is an extremely huge hollow willow tree. The willow branches extend tens of thousands of light-years long. The height of the hollow willow tree is even more horrifying.

This hollow willow tree is not the body of Great Immortal Yangmei, but the top-quality innate spiritual root within Yangmei Great World.

Back then in the Heavenly Demon World, Yang Jiao got a star fruit tree.

There is an exquisite palace on the branch of the hollow willow tree. The palace is full of carved beams and painted buildings, and fairy clouds are rising, just like a fairyland in a fairyland.

Above the palace, the three characters "Hollow Palace" shine brightly. This was not written in the innate divine script, but in the script exclusive to the Chaos Demon God. Similar words are engraved on the Temple of Destiny.

In the hall, Taoist Master Huankong is sitting in the main seat, and below are Taoist Master Taiyuan, Taoist Wuji, and Taoist Wuchen.

The four of them are the absolute core and leaders of Yangmei World.

"What do you think of Xuanmen's plan?"

As a disciple of Great Immortal Yang Mei, Taoist Master Huan Kong has a slightly higher status than others.

"Xuanmen is shameless! The Yuan Universe seems to be providing convenience to all living beings, but in fact, it is just a tool for Xuanmen to extract merit from all living beings."

Taoist Wuji is very shameless.

They are enemies with Xuanmen and cannot say good things about Xuanmen.

"Fellow Taoist Wuji is right. Everyone in Xuanmen is a hypocrite, especially the disciples of Jiejiao. A dignified saint, Pangu Zhengzong, claims to be a glimmer of hope for the world's creatures, but in fact, he single-handedly destroys it. In my opinion, Master Yangmei is the real Taoist of Immortality. He is a man of great humility, benevolence and wisdom, and is compassionate to save the world. Hongjun pretends to be a Taoist. Not worthy."

The one who said this was Wuchen Daojun, a disciple of Ancestor Shanhe.

The cultivation level of Patriarch Shanhe was far inferior to that of Patriarch Qiankun and others, so he always felt that he was lower than others.

In order to gain a foothold in the Yangmei world, he could only kneel down and lick the Yangmei Immortal.

Not only that, in order to show courtesy to the other people. After he achieved great supernatural powers, he still regarded himself as Taoist Lord and did not dare to change his Taoist title to Taoist Lord.

"Fellow Taoist Wuchen sees clearly."

Taoist Huankong was very impressed. He gave Taoist Wuchen a drink from afar, sighed, and put down his glass.

"Alas, it's helpless. There are not many people in the world like fellow Taoist Wuchen who can tell the difference between true and false Taoist ancestors. In the ancient world and all the worlds, there are many people who regard Hongjun's false Taoist ancestor as the true Taoist ancestor."

Taoist Wuji and Taoist Taiyuan are used to hearing such conversations, but they feel very happy every time they hear it. In their hearts, Ancestor Hongjun robbed them of the innate treasure that belonged to them. It would be strange if they didn't hate Ancestor Hongjun. However, they leave room for more or less words.

Like Taoist Master Huankong, they were satisfied with their words, but they invisibly offended Patriarch Hongjun and Tongtian Cult Leader. If one day, the Yangmei Immortal is defeated by Ancestor Hongjun, Taoist Master Huankong will definitely not have a good life.

"Hongjun, let's not talk about it in advance. Xuanmen uses the universe to plunder the merits of all living beings. We have to think of a countermeasure to fight against Xuanmen. If we continue to let Xuanmen grow stronger, it will be very detrimental to us."

Taoist Wuji stopped the topic of "Xuanmen is shameless".

After hearing what Taoist Wuji said, Taoist Wuchen stopped insulting Xuanmen. He looked at Taoist Huankong, waiting for Taoist Huankong to express his opinion.

Taoist Huankong was very satisfied with Taoist Wuchen's attitude towards him. He didn't like Taoist Wuji and Taoist Taiyuan's attitude of being on an equal footing with him.

His teacher is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the teachers of Wuji Dao Zun are dead ghosts. From this comparison, the level of status is obvious.

"Hongjun's Dharma lineage and we have sworn hatred, and we must never bow to Xuanmen. Why not, we destroy the Yuan Universe and make Xuanmen busy in vain."

Taoist Master Huankong thought for a moment and came up with a cruel idea.

His way of doing things is that if he can't get it, others can't get it either.


Taoist Wuji quickly rejected Taoist Huankong's suggestion, "Of course we know the evil intentions of Xuanmen, but the creatures in the primitive world don't know. If we destroy the Yuanverse rashly, Xuanmen will use his plan to make our destruction of the Yuanverse public. All in all, we will definitely be despised by all living beings."

He knows that countless casual cultivators like to play dungeons in the Yuan Universe to expend their cultivation resources. If they destroy the Yuanverse, they will destroy their own reputation.

Although Dao Zun Huankong was not happy, he did not persist.

To the primitive creatures, the Yangmei World was originally an external force. If Yangmei Dajie offends people indiscriminately, it will be difficult to carry out preaching activities in the future. (End of chapter)

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