Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 674: Besieged on all sides (Subscribe again tomorrow)

Emperor Zhuanxu smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes: "Human race affairs, all human race can manage. Whether I am the emperor of human race or a peddler, I can do this for human race."

His voice was loud and full of righteousness, which made the Emperor of Heaven feel great pressure.

The five emperors of human race are all great masters, and they are great masters at the peak state. Even if only one came, the Emperor of Heaven would not have a chance of winning.

It is true that the Emperor of Heaven has a karmic position, but does Emperor Zhuanxu not have a karmic position?

The Emperor of Heaven does not want to fight this battle.

The Emperor of Heaven raised his eyebrows: "I am the Emperor of Heaven appointed by Daozu. Everything I do is to maintain the majesty of Daozu. A small mortal who dares to offend the Emperor of Heaven and Daozu should be punished."

Emperor Zhuanxu has a special status, and he believes that Emperor Zhuanxu will not take action. The Human Emperor's attack on the Heavenly Emperor was equivalent to the human race declaring war on the Heavenly Court.

Can the human race go to war with the Heavenly Court? No!

The war between the witches and the lich has not completely become history. Only the ruins of Mount Buzhou are left, reminding future generations all the time not to repeat the same mistakes.

Emperor Zhuanxu looked at the Heavenly Emperor, as if he had seen through the Heavenly Emperor's thoughts at a glance.

"Haotian, you don't think that I dare not attack you, do you?"

The Heavenly Emperor was shocked when he heard this. Emperor Zhuanxu's tone did not sound like he dared not to.

"I don't attack because I don't want to cause suffering to the people, not for anything else. If you dare to wantonly harm our human race again, our human race will definitely go to war with your Heavenly Court. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Emperor Zhuanxu was not a strong-mouthed king. After he spoke, the flying sword soared into the air, and the sword light flew out of the sky, slashing at the head of the Heavenly Emperor.

This scene frightened the gods in the Lingxiao Palace.

They could never have imagined that the emperor of the human race would be so decisive, and would act without hesitation.

The battle between the great gods and immortals started in the Lingxiao Palace. How could these little gods and immortals survive?

The Emperor of Heaven was also stunned by the sword of Emperor Zhuanxu. Fortunately, he was a great god, so he could act in time.

The collision of the Haotian Sword and the Tengkong Sword made a roar that shook the world.

At this moment, the officials and maids in the Lingxiao Palace were directly turned into ashes, and some heavenly soldiers and generals were also affected and turned into ashes.

The gods in the palace were intact. I don’t know if it was because Emperor Zhuanxu deliberately held back.

Emperor Zhuanxu only made one move, and it destroyed the pavilions and towers of the Lingxiao Palace, and killed the officials and maids around the Haotian God.

Looking at the ruined Lingxiao Palace, Lord Haotian was furious. However, he could do nothing except being angry.

Could he still chase to the human world and seek revenge on Emperor Zhuanxu?

Good news never goes out, but bad news spreads a thousand miles. Soon, the news that Emperor Zhuanxu of the human race broke into the heaven, destroyed the Lingxiao Palace, and strongly condemned Lord Haotian spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Among them, of course, the Jiejiao and Wushengjiao were indispensable.

Many times, to deal with the enemy, you don’t have to do it yourself. As long as you do the right thing at the right time, you can also achieve your goal.

After learning about the scene in the heaven, Shengxin Daojun was excited with regret: "Old Haotian must have a wonderful look on his face, but it’s a pity that I didn’t see it with my own eyes. It would be great if I could overthrow the Emperor of Heaven."

If it weren’t for the special status of the Emperor of Heaven, he would have gone to trouble the troublemaker Emperor of Heaven long ago. However, it’s also good to see the Emperor of Heaven suffer.

Yang Jiao shook his head and said, "It's not impossible to overthrow the Emperor of Heaven."

In the history of Honghuang, there was a male immortal leader and a Heavenly Emperor. Like the current Heavenly Emperor, they were appointed by Hongjun Patriarch.

Dong Wanggong and Dijun can step down, and Haotian God can also step down.

After hearing this, Shengxin Daojun shook his head repeatedly: "This is impossible. The position of the Emperor of Heaven is not trivial, how can it be abolished lightly. Moreover, Haotian has just stabilized the Heavenly Court and balanced the various forces in the Heavenly Court. If he suddenly leaves, the Heavenly Court will fall into chaos again. From the overall situation, Hongjun Patriarch will never replace the Emperor of Heaven at this time."

Of course, Yang Jiao understood this.

"Is there a possibility that the Emperor of Heaven is not capable enough to suppress the various forces in the Heavenly Court, which will lead to chaos in the Heavenly Court?"

Yang Jiao did not agree with Shengxin Daojun's words.

This is the world of Honghuang, not the world of fictional history. In Honghuang, as long as you are strong enough, you can control a large force by yourself.

But Haotian God went astray.

He was afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind, and played the emperor's mind in the heaven. A good emperor of heaven, but he made it the same as the emperor among mortals.

He is a great supernatural power! He can defeat the gods in heaven by beating them one by one. Whoever doesn't obey, he will beat, and if he doesn't obey, he will kill directly.

It's hard to find a three-legged toad, and people with two legs are everywhere.

But this is not the fault of Lord Haotian. He was born as a boy, and after becoming the emperor of heaven, he still has the boy's thinking.

The last time he appeared in Zixiao Palace, he actually dressed up as a boy and tried to please Hongjun Patriarch. How could this be something a heavenly emperor would do?

Yang Jiao believed that Hongjun Patriarch would never be happy to see such a Haotian.

What Hongjun Patriarch wanted was a heavenly emperor who was capable of governing the prehistoric world, not a boy who was proficient in serving tea and pouring water.

It's a pity that Lord Haotian never understood this. He went further and further on the road of playing power games and could not turn back.

Emperor Zhuanxu's destruction of the Lingxiao Palace was just the beginning, because the Emperor of Heaven was unwilling to bow his head for the sake of his own pitiful face.

The Emperor of Heaven felt that he would never be wrong, and even if he was wrong, he was right.

Didn't Emperor Zhuanxu forbid him to create floods? Well, he didn't create floods, he created droughts.

In short, the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven cannot be offended!

The operation of the Emperor of Heaven was not understood by the gods in the heavenly court, and even the Queen Mother of the West couldn't understand it.

"What is he doing? He is acting recklessly with the support of the Taoist Patriarch behind him, and he doesn't take the warning of the Emperor of Humanity seriously?"

The Queen Mother of the West thought her idea was ridiculous.

If the Emperor of Heaven continues like this, the Patriarch Hongjun will definitely give up on him. A god who brings disaster to all living beings all day long is no longer worthy of being called a god, but has entered the devil's way.

The Patriarch Hongjun may not care about the creatures who died under the anger of the Emperor of Heaven, but he cares about the balance of the two energies of good and evil in heaven and earth.

Once the evil energy overwhelms the righteous energy, the way of heaven will launch a catastrophe to cleanse the evil energy.

This is not what the Patriarch Hongjun wants to see.

Emperor Zhuanxu did not disappoint Lord Haotian. After three years of drought in Nanjun, Emperor Zhuanxu appeared in Lingxiao Palace again.

This time, Emperor Zhuanxu did not destroy Lingxiao Palace, but cut off one arm and one leg of Emperor Tian.

The Emperor Tian was extremely humiliated and thought of Queen Mother Xi.

After knowing that Emperor Zhuanxu had launched an attack, his allies closed their doors and ignored him. They joined forces only to deal with Wushengjiao and Jiejiao, not to confront Emperor Zhuanxu head-on.

The only person he could think of was Queen Mother Xi.

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