"Brahman Mahadeva, I am your most devout believer. Please bless me and let me have eternal life!"

"Mahādha, I, the believer, pay my respects. Today is the 300th day of my ascetic practice. Please bless me to succeed in my ascetic practice."

In the Brahman temple, large numbers of believers bowed down to the statue of Brahman. They were enthusiastic and pious, and the pure power of faith flowed out from them continuously.

The teachings of Brahmanism are too tempting. The phrase "all requests will be answered" is more crazy than the "teaching without distinction" and "cutting a ray of life for all living beings" of Jiejiao.

The Brahmans did it.

All Brahman believers can make a wish to the Brahmans as long as they "practice asceticism".

No matter what wishes these "ascetic" believers make, the Brahmans will satisfy them and realize their dreams.

When Kinnara entered the Brahman temple, he saw a large number of believers practicing asceticism to worship the Brahmans.

"Amitabha, the world is ignorant, bewitched by evil demons and heretics, and fall into evil ways without knowing it. Sin, sin!"

Kinnara couldn't help shaking his head after looking at the Brahman believers who only knew how to practice asceticism and didn't know how to produce.

Things given by others are ultimately vain. If someone is unhappy one day, they can take these things back at any time.

At that time, what should these believers do?

"Bold, you don't kneel in front of the statue of Mahadeva?"

Kinnara stood for a long time and finally attracted the attention of the fanatics. A voice sounded in the crowd.

As soon as this person spoke, he immediately pushed Kinnara to the forefront.

Standing among a group of kneeling people, Kinnara was too conspicuous. Even if he used the transformation technique in advance to become a brown-skinned pig-lipped Western human.

"Heretic, he is a heretic!"

"Go and report to the guardian of the Holy Religion that a heretic has entered the temple."

"It must be a Buddhist bald donkey. These bald donkeys, instead of eating vegetarian food and chanting Buddha's name, are thinking about converting us to Buddhism all day long."

There are still talented people among the believers of Brahmanism. As soon as they opened their mouths, they guessed Kinnara's identity.

In fact, Kinnara's identity is not difficult to guess. In the entire West, only Buddhists and Western Heavenly Court dared to stand in the Brahman temple.

Since the incident of Lu Ya and his son, the Western Heavenly Court has been on the verge of disintegration. Some of the demons quietly left the Heavenly Court and defected to the ancestor Kunpeng.

So, only Buddhists can do this.

Even though his identity was pointed out, Kinnara was not panicked.

As soon as his mind moved, circles of Buddha's light emanated from his body, and in an instant, he restored his true body of Bodhisattva.

I saw a white-robed monk with a handsome face and compassion for the world sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, making a Buddhist seal with one hand, and countless Buddhist sounds lingered, and countless lotus flowers bloomed in the void.

If it were a Buddhist believer, seeing a Bodhisattva appear would definitely be so excited that he would be at a loss. However, the people in the Brahman temple were not only not Buddhist believers, but also believers of Buddhism's old rivals.

Seeing a Bodhisattva come to the Brahman temple openly, these believers were angry.

"Evil foreign gods, get out of the temple of Datian!"

"Everyone, don't practice hard, fight for the glory of Datian! The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, and the glory of Datian must not be tarnished."

The crowd was surging. When these believers saw Kinnara, they were like seeing the murderer of their father. They rushed up one by one without hesitation to expel Kinnara.

Kinnara was at the peak of the Golden Immortal of Daluo. His cultivation was even higher than that of the Taoist Master Ran Deng before the Conferred God Tribulation. How could these believers be his opponent?

Of course, Kinnara came to preach, not to cause a massacre. To preach, you have to follow the rules of preaching.

Kinnara waved his hand, and invisible ripples spread out, freezing everyone on the spot.

A trick like the immobilization technique, in the hands of the Daluo Jinxian, can easily freeze everything below the Daluo.

Seeing that Kinnara had taken action, the Brahman hiding in the dark had to come out.

"Disciple of the Buddhist sect, you came to my Brahmanism's territory, are you going to fight with me, the Brahman?"

A pressure descended from the statue, and the Brahman appeared.

The Brahman was a Hunyuan Jinxian, although he was only in the early stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, but he was not something that Kinnara could contend with.

However, Kinnara was not afraid, because he had a teacher, and his teacher was a quasi-saint.

"I am Kinnara, and I am honored to meet the leader of the Brahman religion!"

"You, a monk, do know some etiquette. Tell me, why did you come to my Brahman religion?"

The Brahman said according to the script that had been prepared long ago.

If it weren't for Fang Yang's order, he would have definitely attacked Kinnara.

Seeing that the Brahman didn't take action, Kinnara was relieved. He stepped forward and continued.

"I am here to preach."


The Brahman waved his hand and refused flatly.

"My Brahman religion doesn't need outsiders to preach. I, the Brahman, will teach all living beings!"

Kinnara's face tightened when he heard it.

Before he went down the mountain, he knew that this mission was not easy. But he didn't expect that he would meet the leader of the Brahman religion.

The Brahman's magic power was far superior to his, and it seemed hopeless to force his action.

Kinnara thought for a moment and said, "Brahmanism, your fellow Taoist, is full of greed and murder. Living beings do not cultivate morality, and theft, rape and looting are everywhere. Is this also the teaching of Brahmanism?"


Who would have thought that the Brahman was not angry but laughed out loud.

"Little monk, you are laughing at someone you are not. My Brahmans are greedy and murderous, but at the foot of your Mount Xumi, there are many demons. If I hand over my people to you for teaching, this huge Xiniu Hezhou will probably become a place where demons are rampant."

The demons he was referring to were the demon tribe.

After the demon tribe entered Xiniu Hezhou, they did not do many good things, but did a lot of bad things.

Of course, in the eyes of the demon tribe, they just acted in accordance with the way of "survival of the fittest".

The demons, without anyone to teach them, naturally have no moral values, no sense of good and evil, and no values.

In order to "prosper in the West", Buddhism did not care about the demon tribe at all and let them do whatever they wanted.

When Kinnara heard the Brahman talk about this, he was speechless and had nothing to say.

The Brahman did not embarrass Kinnara. He smiled and said, "I see that you are different from other Buddhist disciples, so I will give you a chance."

"I would like to hear more details!"

Kinnara was refreshed and said quickly.

"It's simple. There are three notorious troublemakers in Tiansha City. They are called A Liu, A Dao and A Xiu. As long as you can enlighten them, I will let you preach in Tiansha City." (End of this chapter)

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