Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 637: The Demon God Reappears (Subscribe again tomorrow)

One hundred and eighty years after the Battle of Earth and Star, Jiang Chengzi cultivated into an immortal and ascended to Shenzhou City.

As the protagonist of the Battle between Earth and Stars and the protagonist of Wusheng Cult's missionary work, Jiang Chengzi is destined not to be an unknown person.

He had just entered Shenzhou City and already attracted the attention of many big shots.

However, this is not a big deal, because the female scourge has already said that Jiang Chengzi is hers. Since he belongs to the female slave, of course no one dares to touch him.

Jiang Chengzi repeatedly observed the Xuanyuan Order in his hand: "This token is actually the token of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. How can it be on the Earth Star?"

The token given to Jiang Chengzi by the female scourge was the Xuanyuan Order from the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.

The Xuanyuan Order is not a death-free gold medal or a sign such as "I am here in person". It is just an identity token, which means that the owner of the token has been recognized by the Holy Emperor.

Even so, the value of this token is also extraordinary.

Jiang Chengzi entered the inn and as soon as he showed his token, the owner of the inn treated him as an honored guest, completely ignoring his cultivation.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't know something. His Majesty the Holy Emperor cherishes talents the most. Whenever a genius appears in our human race, the Holy Emperor will issue the Xuanyuan Order. With this Xuanyuan Order, people with a higher realm than fellow Taoist can't deal with Taoism. Friends take action, otherwise, it will be against the will of His Majesty the Holy Emperor."

The owner of the inn explained diligently.

To put it simply, the Xuanyuan Order is a protection order for novices, allowing the geniuses of the human race to avoid being oppressed by those at a higher level.

On the Earth Star, mortal monks are ignorant and ignorant of Xuanyuan Order. Shenzhou City is the center of the human world, and its status is similar to Chaoge City back then. The people here naturally know the importance of the Xuanyuan Order.

"I see!"

Jiang Chengzi nodded.

"I heard that fellow Taoist has established a sect on the Earth Star. I wonder if fellow Taoist has any plans to continue to establish a sect when he comes to this Shenzhou City?"

The boss asked again.

The owner of this inn is a Xuanxian, two levels higher than Jiang Chengzi. However, his qualifications are mediocre. If it weren't for his strong background, he wouldn't even be able to open this inn.

Every inch of land in Shenzhou City is precious, and those who can survive here are either rich or noble.

Jiang Chengzi said: "Of course. Although Pindao's cultivation is shallow, he still has the responsibility to pass on the Taoism to the predecessors who taught Pindao Taoism."

He knew that he could not recruit disciples in this Shenzhou City. However, he has a sect leader system. If he does not establish a sect, he cannot take advantage of this system.

He is not worried that the system will be disadvantageous to him, because the system Fang Yang gave him is just a tool. His current cultivation level came from practicing little by little, not from being initiated by the system.

With the innkeeper as an NPC, Jiang Chengzi gradually integrated into Shenzhou City and became a member of the human race in Shenzhou City.

When the prehistoric world was peaceful, a war was going on outside the prehistoric world.

In the lower chaos, that is, the chaos in the direction of the eighteenth level of hell, Holy Emperor Fuxi, Holy Emperor Shennong, and Holy Emperor Xuanyuan joined forces to fight against a terrifying Chaos Demon God.

This Chaos Demon God is covered with tentacles, the number of which is no less than three thousand. Each tentacle has an eyeball growing on it.

If a person with trypophobia sees this Chaos Demon God, he will be disgusted to death without the Demon God taking action.

The three emperors stand in accordance with the three talents of heaven, earth and man, with long rivers flowing around them, and the boundless majesty of the saints exuding.

The three of them have just gained the strength to fight against the Heavenly Saints, and their strength is somewhat weaker than that of the old saints such as Laozi and Nuwa.

Facing the Chaos Demon God, they did not dare to be careless and could only fight.

"When did this Chaos Demon break in?"

Holy Emperor Fuxi asked.

The first person to encounter this Chaos Demon God was Shennong Holy Emperor. He sensed the strange movement of his clairvoyance and rushed over. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered a Chaos Demon God.

Holy Emperor Shen Nong swung his whip, the avenue roared, and a ball of extremely bright fireworks exploded on the body of the Chaos Demon God.

"I don't know. But it shouldn't be long."

The moment he responded, the Chaos Demon let out a roar and hundreds of tentacles attacked him.

The tentacles of the Chaos Demon God are not simple. Three Holy Emperors have tried them. These tentacles are indestructible, and the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan can cut them without stopping with the Xuanyuan Sword.

The Holy Emperor Shennong did not dare to raise his head. The rich earth-yellow avenue appeared on the surface of his body and condensed into a pair of armor.

As the Earth Emperor, his attainments in the Earth Avenue are more powerful than those of Zhenyuan Immortal. Even compared to Houtu Empress, she is not much weaker.

It's a pity that this is not the prehistoric era. If he were in the prehistoric times, he would be almost invincible standing on the ground.

Even so, the defense of Earth Avenue should not be underestimated.

The tentacles of the Chaos Demon God bombarded the surface of Holy Emperor Shennong's body. The power that could destroy the heavens could not shake Holy Emperor Shennong in the slightest.

When Holy Emperor Fuxi saw this, a Bagua Dao map flew out and transformed into eight worlds, trapping the Chaos Demon God in the center.

The eight worlds zoomed in rapidly, covering the void at once.


Holy Emperor Fuxi is worthy of being an emperor. With one blow, he broke the Chaos Demon God's defense and injured him!

All he could see was broken tentacles and blood everywhere in the void.

The Chaos Demon God was also shocked. He did not expect that he would be injured.

So, without thinking, he started to break out.

What he chose was the direction of Xuanyuan Holy Emperor.

Among the three Holy Emperors, the Earth Emperor Shennong is good at defense, the Emperor Fuxi is profound, and the Xuanyuan Emperor is the best to break through.

A Holy Emperor who prefers to attack has relatively weak defensive capabilities.

Chaos Demon God is different from Chaos Creatures. Chaos Demon God usually has wisdom. When they see that the situation is not good, they will choose to escape.

Xuanyuan Saint Emperor had fought in the prehistoric world and had the most experience in battle. As soon as he saw the Chaos Demon God's actions, he knew the Chaos Demon God's intention.

His choice was not to give in!

Facing the Chaos Demon God's full-scale attack, Xuanyuan Saint Emperor coped with it a little reluctantly. After all, Chaos Demon God has a strong foundation, and Xuanyuan Saint Emperor himself has just obtained the combat power of a Heavenly Dao Saint. The gap is there.

However, it is one thing to be unable to fight, and it is another to give in.

Xuanyuan Saint Emperor deeply knows the dangers of Chaos Demon God. He gritted his teeth and would not let Chaos Demon God leave even if his Dao body was injured.


A huge penetrating sound resounded through Chaos, Fuxi Saint Emperor. Shennong Saint Emperor's face changed.

Because they saw that the tentacles of the Chaos Demon God actually penetrated the body of the Xuanyuan Saint Emperor. The Xuanyuan Saint Emperor smiled and said, "I caught you!"

Crazy! Absolutely crazy!

The two Saint Emperors could not imagine that in order to prevent the Chaos Demon God from escaping, the Xuanyuan Saint Emperor actually used his body as a trap to trap the Chaos Demon God in place.

"Are you crazy? If you do this, you will get hurt too!"

The Chaos Demon God roared in shock, and the roar made the endless chaos explode.

Xuanyuan Saint Emperor seemed to be unconscious. He was pale and smiled and said, "Since you have come to the prehistoric world, how can you just leave like this?"


The Chaos Demon God noticed the image reflected in the pupils of the Xuanyuan Saint Emperor and was shocked. He wanted to cut off his arm to survive, but it was too late.

Twelve demon flags rose around, and with a light whistle of "Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation", the Chaos Demon God fell into despair.

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