Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 630 The Beginning of Preaching (Subscribe again tomorrow)

Emperor Zhuanxu still believed in Fang Yang's promise.

Emperor Zhuanxu learned a lot about Fang Yang through Shuijun of the Xiangjiang River, including the internal situation in the world of destiny.

Fang Yang's acting style is both good and evil, unlike a pure immortal. But one thing is that Fang Yang is trustworthy.

Fang Yang has never gone back on anything he promised.

A promise made by a person who values ​​commitment will never be false. Moreover, Emperor Zhuanxu had his own confidence.

The human world is different from the prehistoric continent.

The prehistoric continent is the territory of the Sage Cult, and the disciples of the Sage can certainly make waves.

The human world is the territory of the human race. When the dragon comes, it has to coil up, and when the tiger comes, it has to lie down. Even the saints of heaven cannot interfere in the affairs of the human world.

Fang Yang talked with Emperor Zhuanxu for a long time. Emperor Zhuanxu listened with great interest, from the teachings of the Immortality Sect to the methods of preaching, from the methods of preaching to the content of preaching.

"Fellow Taoist, do you want to combine the content of the Vacuum Creation Sutra with preaching?"

Emperor Zhuanxu's eyes also lit up when he heard that Fang Yang wanted to spread the Vacuum Creation Sutra among the human race.

It should be noted that the vacuum creation realm is something that can alarm humanity. If such a treasure could be passed down to the human race, how much benefit would it bring to the human race?

He had heard that the life of the human race in the Destiny World was getting better and better day by day, and even the great casual cultivator disappeared in the Destiny World.

"Of course. Therefore, I want to borrow some people from the human race to complete the entire preaching process."

Emperor Zhuanxu laughed after hearing this.

"Fellow Taoist's wishful thinking is really clear. He came to my human race to preach, but he borrowed people from my human race."

He said this, but he was very happy in his heart.

There is merit in preaching. The larger the scope of preaching, the more merits can be obtained. Fang Yang's move was not to seek help from the human race, but to share merits with the human race.

He understood Fang Yang's thoughts.

The Wusheng Sect spreads its word among the human race, and the source of its merits is the human race. If an outsider uses the human race to gain merit, the human race itself will not even be able to get a share of the water. It is inevitable that there will be some unpleasant noises among the human race.

Today's human race is a race with four saints as its backers. In such a large race, there are all kinds of people.

It's impossible for an outsider like Fang Yang to come to Emperor Zhuanxu to deal with problems, right?

Therefore, bringing in some people from the top of the human race can very well protect the preaching of Wusheng Cult.

If there is a problem within the human race, the top management of the human race will deal with it, and the Wusheng Cult will not take action against the human race.

"Borrow, of course. In this way, Taoist friend has some friendship with Princess Nuba and Shun's son-in-law Xiangjiang Shuijun. Why not, I will let them help Taoist friend preach. What do you think of Taoist friend?"

"This couldn't be better!"

Fang Yang bowed his hand to Emperor Zhuanxu and thanked him.

With the two living signs of Nuba and Xiangjiang Shuijun, those particularly xenophobic people in the human race have to weigh themselves first even if they want to cause trouble for the Wusheng Cult.

Especially the female slave, she has a lofty status in the human race, and there is no one she can't afford to offend.

After discussing official matters, Emperor Zhuanxu discussed personal matters again.

Emperor Zhuanxu sighed and asked, "Fellow Taoist Fang Yang is from the Pangu League. Does he know the whereabouts of the Nine Phoenix Great Witch?"

The people of the Wu clan were stubborn and thought that Emperor Zhuanxu was held hostage by Jiufeng because he was unprepared.

In fact, he did it on purpose.

The moment Taoist Ran Deng rushed into the bridal chamber, Emperor Zhuanxu already knew that he had fallen into the sage's plan.

Therefore, he used the trick to make himself the talisman for Jiufeng to escape.

Judging from the relationship between the human and witch clans, if Jiufeng dies, the human race and the witch clan will definitely become sworn enemies.

Judging from the relationship between him and Jiufeng, they got married under the witness of heaven and earth.

No matter from which aspect, Emperor Zhuanxu wanted to save Jiufeng.

Ever since Jiufeng was chased into the ancient starry sky by Ran Deng Taoist, his whereabouts were unknown. Emperor Zhuanxu felt apologetic towards the wife that Ming Media was marrying.

"I don't know this."

Fang Yang said truthfully.

He had communicated this matter with Xingtian and Xiangliu, but even Xingtian and Xiangliu didn't know Jiufeng's whereabouts.

Seeing what Fang Yang said, Emperor Zhuanxu showed a hint of disappointment on his face.

At this time, a stunningly beautiful woman entered the palace together with the Xiangjiang Shuijun. When Xiangjiang Shuijun saw Emperor Zhuanxu, he bowed to Emperor Zhuanxu very carefully. The female emperor was more casual. She nodded and sat directly opposite Fang Yang.

The seniority of the female emperor is too high, Emperor Zhuanxu is a generation above her. When Emperor Zhuanxu saw the female slave, he would call her aunt.


Sure enough, when Emperor Zhuanxu saw the female slave, he handed her over and called her aunt.

The female demon smiled and said: "Okay, you invited me here, why?"

"My nephew invited my aunt here because he wanted to ask her to help this fellow Taoist preach."

Emperor Zhuanxu did not hide anything and told the female slaves exactly what happened.

After hearing this, the female demon waved her hand and looked at Fang Yang: "If it is Taoist friend Fang Yang who asks me for help, I can consider it."

The arrogance of the female slaves is staggering. However, she has her capital. As an elder, she really does not need to listen to Emperor Zhuanxu's words.

Emperor Zhuanxu and Xiangjiang Shuijun looked at Fang Yang at the same time.

Fang Yang took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I would like to ask the Taoist female Taoist friend to help me with this."

"Okay! Since it is Fellow Taoist Fang Yang's request, I agree."

The female demon said with a smile.

Although she and Fang Yang only made a deal, that deal saved her future and her life.

Without Fang Yang, she would still be hiding in the Hengshan cave, afraid to see anyone. Without Fang Yang, she would not see Chi Songzi again.

She is still waiting, waiting for the man who can make her whole body tremble to come back. However, this waiting is a waiting full of hope, not a waiting of despair.

For the female slave, Fang Yang is the one who brings her hope.

Emperor Zhuanxu's reaction when he saw the female slave was not surprising at all.

He had seen the female slave when she was down and out, and he knew very well how the female slave was feeling now.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, I heard that your world of destiny is prosperous. I wonder if I have the opportunity to enter it and travel around?"


Fang Yang said with great certainty.

The female demon also helped him a lot, including the Hengshan Paradise and the Tiger Demon Sword, so he was willing to accept the female demon's friendship.

"How about you, Taoist friend Xiangjiang, are you willing to preach with me, the Wusheng Cult, and educate all human beings?"

After responding to the female slave, Fang Yang looked at Xiangjiang Shuijun again.

"And me?"

Xiangjiang Shuijun was very surprised that such a good thing as preaching actually happened to him.

"Of course. In this human world, Taoist friends are the hosts. With the help of Taoist friends, our teaching will go more smoothly."

Xiangjiang Shuijun looked up and saw Emperor Zhuanxu looking at him with encouraging eyes. He no longer dared to hesitate and nodded in agreement. (End of chapter)

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