
When Ananda admitted his identity, the Brahman Hall was in an uproar, and the faces of the two guardians, Brahman, Tiema and Shengnati, became extremely ugly.

When they thought that they had recruited a spy into the Brahmanism, they were afraid.

"Now, Ananda's identity is clear. Brahman, do you have anything else to say?"

Fang Yang looked at the Brahman.

To make subordinates convinced, you can't deal with them for no reason. If you don't treat your subordinates as human beings, your subordinates will inevitably be chilled.

Di Jun Taiyi is the best example.

It's okay to have the enemy of the Wu clan, but they also force their own people to become invisible enemies. If they don't die, who will die?

"The great leader is very perceptive, and the subordinates admire him. Everything depends on the great leader!"

Fang Yang nodded, grabbed Ananda from the air, and Ananda turned into a light spot and sank into his palm.

"I will leave the matter of the fusion of the Destiny World and the Karma World to you, the Brahman Hall. I hope you will not disappoint me."

The Brahman's heart trembled, knowing that this was Fang Yang's test of him.

Although the Brahman Hall was incorporated into the Wusheng Religion, it had not yet been fully integrated into the Wusheng Religion.

Only by showing its ability to do things can the Brahman Hall truly become a part of the Wusheng Religion.

On the other hand, if the Brahman Hall is not capable enough, it is likely to be banished to the cold palace by Fang Yang and lose the opportunity to make merit.

"Yes! I promise that I will do this beautifully and will never disappoint the leader's expectations."

After Fang Yang and the other two left, the others discussed various things after the fusion of the two worlds as usual.

The two worlds have great differences in race, culture, thought, language, and faith, and they cannot be integrated in a short time.

So, everyone must discuss carefully, come up with a charter, and then arrange the people below to implement the plan.

Fortunately, those who can come to the Three Saints Hall are all Daluo and Hunyuan Jinxian, so this kind of thing is not difficult for them.

At this time, Fang Yang had brought Ananda back to the Vacuum Palace.

Fang Yang was very happy to be able to capture the clone of the Great Free Demon Lord.

Fang Yang wanted to transform from an immortal to a demon, so he had to first destroy the Demon Realm and destroy the Demon Dao left by Luo Hou. In this way, he could create his own Demon Dao according to his own wishes.

However, before leaving, Patriarch Ji Du changed the lock of the Demon Realm.

In the past, Fang Yang could use the third-grade black lotus of world destruction in his hand to open the door to the Demon Realm. Now, he can't do it at all.

Not to mention the third-grade black lotus of world destruction, even the twelfth-grade black lotus of world destruction can't open the door to the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm was opened up by Luo Hou after he seized a part of the power of the Heavenly Dao. This is why Luo Hou was able to plant the destiny in the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, Luo Hou didn't take much of the power of the Heavenly Dao, only one tenth of the Heavenly Dao itself. However, even if it was only one tenth, it could resist any existence below Hong Jun.

Fang Yang also knew that the part of the Heavenly Dao power that Luo Hou had seized had been regrouped and became the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm.

Ancestor Ji Du relied on the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm to lay out many times in the prehistoric world. Without the cover of the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm, the things that Ancestor Ji Du did would have been exposed long ago.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Fang Yang to destroy the Demon Realm.

But who doesn't have a dream of becoming a demon ancestor?

It is difficult to destroy the Demon Realm, but it is not necessarily impossible.

The Heavenly Dao is not a living being and cannot act at will. It must rely on people to act.

Just like when the Heavenly Dao relied on Ancestor Hongjun to defeat Luo Hou. Without Ancestor Hongjun, the Heavenly Dao could only watch Luo Hou demonize the whole prehistoric world and had no way to deal with Luo Hou.

What Fang Yang has to do is to find an opportunity to let the Demon Dao destroy the Demon Realm by itself.

"What happened in the Demon Realm after Ancestor Ji Du left?"

Fang Yang looked at Ananda and asked.

Knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in every battle. Only by mastering the intelligence of the demon world can we formulate a plan to destroy the demon world.

In the face of Fang Yang's question, Ananda did not hide anything and told everything in detail.

It turned out that less than a hundred years after the departure of Patriarch Jidu, the Demon Sect had an internal conflict and fell apart.

Due to the departure of Patriarch Jidu, the Demon Sect was leaderless, and all the demons wanted to become the Demon Ancestor. Among them, the eleven demon kings fought the most fiercely.

Fortunately, they still remembered the warning of Patriarch Jidu.

When the demons rose and the Tao fell, the Demon Sect had to face the entire Immortal Sect head-on. In order not to fight alone, the demon kings only fought, and did not fight to the death.

But it was because of this reason that the Demon Sect split faster.

If someone can use iron-blooded means to suppress the whole scene, it may not be impossible to unify the Demon Sect. However, every winner wants to subdue the loser, so that the struggle in the Demon Sect will never end.

In the end, the eleven demon kings turned against each other, each established a sect, and scattered in the four corners of the demon world.

"Did it fall apart?"

After knowing the situation in the demon world, Fang Yang was not surprised at all.

The demon world is originally a place where a group of ambitious people and real villains gather. So many people, if there is no leader, it is impossible to gather together.

"How to enter the demon world?"

Fang Yang asked the question he was most concerned about.

Ananda replied: "Outsiders cannot enter the demon world. Before leaving, the demon ancestor Jidu completely closed the gate of the demon world. Unless a saint appears in the demon world, the gate of the demon world will not be opened."


Hearing this answer, Fang Yang's face changed.

He always thought that the ancestor Jidu just changed the key to the gate of the demon world. Unexpectedly, the ancestor Jidu completely closed the demon world.

If he waits until a saint appears in the demon world before attacking it, what is the difference between that and performing a sliding tackle in front of a tiger?

"No, we can't let a saint appear in the demon world. I must destroy the demon world before a saint appears in the demon world."

Fang Yang finally felt the crisis.

He had not felt such a strong crisis since he came to the prehistoric world.

Although, without the destiny of the rise of demons and the decline of Taoism, he also had the confidence to prove the Tao of Hunyuan. However, it is always much easier to prove the Tao with the help of destiny than to go against the will of heaven.

He doesn't like to play against the wind and not play against the wind.

"Is there anyone else who can enter the demon world?"

Fang Yang thought about it, and he felt that it was impossible for the ancestor Ji Du to completely close the demon world. There must be loopholes.

Besides, he believed that even if he didn't pass through the gate of the demon world, he could enter the demon world.

The prehistoric world is countless times stronger than the demon world, and he, a traverser, has also come in. Why did the demon world keep him out?

He put away Ananda and pondered carefully.

No matter what, he must enter the demon world in advance and destroy it.

His divine light was shining brightly, and countless thoughts were radiating out, entering the world of destiny and entering all living beings.

The immortal heart lamp lit up, and the hearts of all living beings shone at the same time, and infinite wisdom gathered on him.

This is the power of wisdom, the power of all living beings!

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