Fang Yang has a clone in Jiuli World, and he clearly knows the development of Jiuli World.

During the more than 500,000 years he spent in seclusion, the Wu Clan conquered eight more great worlds. Adding the previous nineteen great worlds, the Jiuli Great World was already a super great world that integrated twenty-seven great worlds.

In comparison, the foundation of the Destiny World is much shallower, and it has only now integrated twelve great worlds.

"Why do you want to become Jiuli Saint?"

Lord Sacred Heart asked curiously.

With the help of Hongmeng Enlightenment Fruit, he has refined 90% of Jiuli's Qi. His current mind is very close to the truth.

As long as his natal avenue grows to its peak, he will be able to guide the consciousness of the center of the earth, use the power of the tunnel to combine his natal soul and the natal world into one, and build a small tunnel to achieve the fruity taste of an authentic saint.

Therefore, he never thought about becoming a Jiuli Saint.

Empress Houtu did not directly answer the Sacred Heart Taoist Lord. She just glanced at Fang Yang and said, "For what purpose does fellow Taoist Fang Yang pull the ancient monks into the destiny of the great world of destiny?"

Of course she was not asking about Fang Yang's purpose, but was giving some advice to Taoist Sacred Heart Lord.

Why are there so many Da Luo Jinxian in Wu Sheng Sect? It was because Fang Yang pulled all the disciples of the Wusheng Sect into the river of destiny.

Disciples of the Wusheng Sect feel that they can attain enlightenment, and they can enter the river of destiny at any time and hit the catastrophe of enlightenment.

If the impact is successful, you will not only be able to absorb the power of the river of destiny, strengthen your own cultivation, but also have the experience of enlightening Daluo; it does not matter if the impact fails, you will only experience suspended animation once, and then be resurrected and reborn.

Such superior conditions greatly increase the chances of Wusheng Cult disciples attaining enlightenment.

Sacred Heart Taoist Lord suddenly realized and understood what Empress Houtu meant.

"Teacher is saying that we should first become saints in the great world of Jiuli, accumulate experience of becoming saints, and then achieve enlightenment and become saints in the prehistoric world?"

Empress Houtu nodded, her tone extremely serious.

"That's right. In fact, as long as you get genuine recognition, becoming a saint is not difficult, but you have to know that different methods of becoming a saint will lead to different strengths after becoming a saint."

"Is there still such a thing?"

Emperor Fengdu looked surprised.

Basically, none of the great powers of the Pangu League have ever entered the Zixiao Palace. They don't know much about the realm of saints.

Fang Yang did know some, but not much. There is a level difference between the great world of destiny and the prehistoric world. The difference between a saint in the great world of destiny and a saint in the prehistoric world is the difference between a slave and an emperor.

"You should have heard that there are three ways to achieve enlightenment. One is to achieve enlightenment by force, the second is to achieve enlightenment by killing three corpses, and the third is to achieve enlightenment through merit. But do you know the essence of these three methods of enlightenment? ?”

"I don't know."

The three of them said in unison.

Fang Yang only knew the essence of how to achieve enlightenment by killing three corpses, but he didn't know much about how to achieve enlightenment through force and merit.

After all, what Patriarch Hongjun said was to use force to prove the Tao is the method of becoming a saint, not the method of realizing the Tao of Hunyuan. If Patriarch Hongjun said that proving the Tao through force is the way to achieve Hunyuan, then Fang Yang has the right to speak.

Empress Houtu nodded: "You have never been to Zixiao Palace, and you have not attained enlightenment, so you can be forgiven for not knowing. I came to you to tell you this, so that you will not take detours."

"Detours? Your Majesty is saying that some of today's saints have taken detours?"

Fang Yang immediately heard the implication of Houtu Empress' words.


Empress Houtu glanced at Fang Yang approvingly, "Strictly speaking, among the six heavenly saints, only one is on the right path, and the other five are all on the wrong path."

Emperor Fengdu and Taoist Sacred Heart were shocked when they heard this.

This news is so shocking. Five of the six high-ranking saints of heaven have actually gone astray?

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with our Wu Clan. They were too eager. In order to completely defeat our Pangu League and to catch up with Taoist Nuwa, they changed the method of enlightenment in one day, from killing three The path of corpse enlightenment jumps to the path of merit and virtue. Especially those two in the west actually made great wishes for the way of heaven and borrowed immeasurable merit to achieve enlightenment."

By this time, if the three of them could no longer understand Houtu Empress' words, they would have falsely claimed to be people with great supernatural powers.

Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Sarutobi Jieyin, and Shimura Zhunti took detours on the road to sainthood.

Five Saints in one day is unique in the history. Apart from the five of them, there is no one else.

"Teacher, what's going on? Haven't all the saints successfully attained enlightenment?"

Lord Sacred Heart was shocked by Queen Houtu's words.

Soon, he will also attain enlightenment and become a saint. If you accidentally take a detour, it will be difficult to come back.

Although Emperor Fengdu was not so eager, his longing eyes revealed his state of mind.

When it comes to matters of sanctification, no one can remain calm, and Emperor Fengdu is no exception.

In contrast, Fang Yang was not anxious at all.

His path to enlightenment has long been determined, and it is to attain Hunyuan. The path of the saint is just a reference for him.

Empress Houtu knew that Fang Yang didn't care about this, but she still wanted to tell Fang Yang.

It is too difficult to realize the Tao of Hunyuan, even harder than to realize the Tao and become a saint. She hoped that if there was a problem with Fang Yang's Hunyuan Zhengdao, he could settle for the next best thing and become a saint like Patriarch Hongjun.

“Between heaven and earth, there are three ways of becoming holy.”

"The first is to please the heart of heaven with one's own heart, so as to gain the recognition of the way of heaven, and cultivate one's own life world and life spirit into a small way of heaven. This way of becoming a saint is called proving the way with merit."

"The second is to kill the three corpses, so that one's heart is more and more in line with the way of heaven, and with the help of the power of the three corpses, one's heart is combined with the way of heaven. This way of becoming a saint is to kill the three corpses and prove the way."

"The third way of proving the way is to suppress the heart of heaven with one's own heart, forcibly seize the power of the way of heaven from the way of heaven, and cultivate a small way of heaven. This way of becoming a saint is to prove the way with force."

Hou Tu Niangniang used the simplest words to tell Fang Yang and the other two about the contents of the three ways of becoming a saint.

When the three heard what Hou Tu Niangniang said, they all felt enlightened, as if they had opened the door to a new world.

They never knew that the real difference between proving the way by killing the three corpses, proving the way by merit, and proving the way by force was actually in the heart.

However, Fang Yang believed that Hou Tu Niangniang's words could be said more directly.

The heart of the self is not something else, but a person's philosophy, a person's avenue. That is to say, the core of the way to become a saint is still one's own avenue.

If the avenue of the natal is relatively weak, one must obtain the recognition of the heavenly way by pleasing the heavenly way.

If the avenue of the natal is stronger, one can invade one's avenue into the heavenly way, and thus become one with the heavenly way, you have me, I have you.

If the avenue of the natal is extremely strong, one can directly seize the power of the heavenly way and force the way to become a saint.

When the six saints were proving the way, Nuwa had the weakest magic power, so she chose to prove the way with merit. The other saints thought that they had strong magic power, so they chose to prove the way by killing the three corpses.

None of these six people took the path of proving the way with force.

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