Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 565 The demon tribe fell, Fang Yang was full

"You keep 10% of what you get from the demon clan's treasury and use it to train Jiejiao disciples to resolve the cause and effect between you and Jiejiao. The remaining 90%, you give it all to me."

Fang Yang said calmly.

The noumenon and the teaching of inanimateness are the foundation for his enlightenment of Hunyuan. The teaching of interception and the avatar are all side effects. He understood this very clearly.

Sensing Fang Yang's thoughts, Yang Jiao wanted to fight for himself, so he asked:

"The innate immortal aura?"

Fang Yang said in an unarguable tone: "Of course it is used to cultivate the twelfth-grade vacuum white lotus. Although this treasure belongs to the innate, it is not a real innate spiritual treasure after all. Only the innate immortal spiritual light can completely transform it. . It’s not like you don’t know which one is more important than the Xuantian Seven-section Sword Formation and the 12th-grade Vacuum White Lotus.”

He has not yet created his own Dao Proving Formation, so how can he help Tongtian Cult Master perfect the formation?

The difference between Yang Jiao and him was actually just that he was in the battle between heaven and man, and had two choices in his heart. In his heart, he not only wanted to complete the Xuantian Seven Sword Formation, but also wanted to cultivate the 12th-grade Vacuum White Lotus.

It is normal for a person to have two ideas about the same thing.

However, the ontology is the ontology and has absolute authority.

Yang Jiao nodded and agreed: "That's right. To refine this formation, you need seven innate immortal spiritual lights. It's hard to say whether the other six can be found. It's better to use them to cultivate the twelfth-grade vacuum white lotus. However, I We need to keep some refining materials to refine the Seven Heavenly Swords into acquired treasures.”

"No! As a clone, you should learn to support yourself. If there are not enough materials, you should work harder and go to the chaotic world to capture more chaotic creatures. Or, you can ask your disciples to work harder."

"Yes, but."

"Nothing! We have many disciples of Wusheng Cult, but none of them are freeloaders. Everyone relies on their own hands to create wealth. Jie Cult has suffered a great disaster, and it is even more important for them to learn to support themselves."

Fang Yang did not allow Yang Jiao to refute at all, waved his hand and made a strong suggestion.

"Isn't Jie Jiao good at formations? You send all Jie Jiao's disciples out to sell formation disks and talismans in the wilderness, or serve as guest elders in various sects. Although Jie Jiao's disciples have a bad reputation, Jie Jiao's disciples have a bad reputation. The formation is famous throughout history, so I’m not afraid of not being able to earn training resources.”

"Dojos such as Qiu Mingshan, Skull Mountain, Shijue Island, and Jiulong Island are currently uninhabited. Instead of always guarding against attack by others, you might as well rent them to other forces to avoid leaving them empty and wasted."

"There are also mounts such as Mo Qilin, Kui Niu, Wuyun Camel, and Lion Cong. Their owners are no longer here. They have nothing to do and wander around all day. You should arrange something for them to do so that they can find their own value as animals. "

Fang Yang dismissed Yang Jiao's opinion without thinking, but he still kindly put forward some suggestions.

"Okay! You are the main body, you have the final say in everything."

Yang Jiao shook his head helplessly and did not argue with Fang Yang. In fact, he also felt that Jie Jiao's disciples didn't work hard enough.

Among the Jiejiao disciples, except Mulanxian and Lihuaxian, the other disciples are from the Qianlao clan, relying on the legacy left by the leader Tongtian and the resources provided by their teachers to practice.

This phenomenon made Yang Jiao very worried.

Yang Jiao thought for a while and then said: "That makes sense. Jie Jiao is not just my Jie Jiao, but the Jie Jiao of all Jie Jiao disciples. In the future, the Seven Swords of Jie Tian will be passed down as the Jie Jiao's treasure." . Every Jie Jiao disciple has a responsibility to refine the Jie Jiao’s treasure. I cannot selfishly deprive them of their responsibilities!”

"That's right! We need to look at the problem from the perspective of the disciples. As the leader, you have done everything well, so how can the disciples have the opportunity to show their abilities? Back then, Lord Jiuyao Xing joined forces and Lianda Luo Jinxian can catch them. In my opinion, the disciples of Jie Jiao have much higher potential than the disciples of Wu Sheng Jiao. It is said that there is motivation only when there is pressure. You have to put more pressure on them to stimulate their potential. "

"As expected of my true form, I am still the leader of the Jiejiao Sect, and I can't even see the potential of my own disciples. Fortunately, you reminded me, otherwise, wouldn't I be mistaken for someone else?"

We were obviously one person, but as we talked, we became two people.

Fang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, you and I are one and the same. I know very well what you think. For matters that have nothing to do with the Wusheng Cult, you can make up your own mind. I will take you into the world of destiny. This Hengshan Cave Heaven is still a small one. It’s too big to contain the Chaos Spirit Root.”

At this time, five hundred years have passed since the beginning of reincarnation.

Five hundred years, in the eyes of those with great supernatural powers, is fleeting, but in the world of mortal monks, earth-shaking changes may occur in five hundred years.

Under Fang Yang's orders, a great change took place in the world of destiny. The name of this change can be described in three words, that is, the report of this world.

The three realms of heaven, earth, and humans each perform their own duties. Heaven formulates rules, human nature evolves and perfects the rules, and earth is the defender of the rules.

In the prehistoric world, the power of the tunnel can only be found in the underworld. Therefore, the tunnel in the prehistoric world can only perform its duties in the form of "cause and effect during life and death after death."

The world of destiny is different. The way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity are all the same voice and the same will. The duty of the tunnel in the world of destiny is very clear, that is, to be in charge of rewarding good and punishing evil in the entire world.

While the earth rewards good and punishes evil, humanity establishes a divine court on the earth and uses gods to supervise the rules.

In this way, the world of destiny has realized that evil deeds will be punished in this life.

The earth and the human complement each other, the world is becoming more and more clear, the atmosphere of civilization is becoming more and more strong, and merits are produced continuously.

With more merits, the people of the Vacuum League have tasted the sweetness and invested more energy and resources in the world of destiny. Even the witch clan heard about it and started a business in the Vacuum City.

All these circumstances have made the fortune of the Wusheng Sect flourish.

In just five hundred years, the Wusheng Sect has added several golden immortals, and the Holy Heart Taoist is so happy that he can't stop smiling.

Facts have proved that he was right to smuggle the Master of Samsara into the world of destiny. Without the Master of Samsara, how could the world of destiny develop so fast?

Fang Yang, who was in seclusion, was not worried. With the Holy Heart Taoist, the Master of Samsara, Hongxuan Tianzun and others, he could stay in seclusion until the end of time.

"Once we digest the resources in the treasure house of the demon race, my Wusheng Sect will surely reach a higher level."

Having seen the power of the Wu clan and the human race, Fang Yang could not be satisfied with such a small achievement.

He wanted to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, and the Wusheng Sect would also become a top force like the Wu clan and the human race. Only in this way, he would not have to start from scratch in the next reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Think about it, Fang Yang worked hard to build a force. When the infinite calamity came, except for Fang Yang, all the people in the entire force died. Wouldn't Fang Yang have worked in vain?

"Okay, except for the Hongmeng Enlightenment Tree, the other materials will be placed in this treasure house! Before Junior Brother Shengxin becomes a great master, I will take care of this treasure house myself."

Fang Yang nodded to Yang Jiao and said.


Yang Jiao opened his natal world, and large pieces of treasures flew out, forming oceans. In just a moment, the treasure house was half submerged.

Fang Yang looked at the treasures flying all over the sky, and his face was full of excitement.

With so many natural treasures, it was more than enough to upgrade the innate positive and negative five elements formation ten times. According to the resource consumption rate of the Wusheng Sect, these treasures were enough for the Wusheng Sect to use for seven million years.

"Taiyi is such a good person. When he comes out of Guixu, I will definitely thank him in person."

Yang Jiao's face was also filled with a smile unconsciously. (End of this chapter)

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