Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 543 The life story of Lu Ya Daojun

"Wrong, we are all wrong!"

Bai Ze suddenly shook his head, sighed occasionally, and showed a trace of guilt on his face.

Kunpeng Patriarch asked puzzledly: "What's wrong?"

Bai Ze looked at Kunpeng Patriarch with an extremely complicated expression.

"Daoyou Kunpeng, if I tell you that Lu Ya is not the biological son of Di Jun, do you believe it?"

Kunpeng Patriarch did not believe it, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes: "This is impossible? Daoyou may have been moved by compassion and want to deceive me to let Lu Ya go."

Bai Ze's expression instantly became gossipy. He used his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding void. When he found no one, he continued.

"Daoyou, do you still remember that when Xihe was pregnant with the Ten Golden Crows, she was captured by a Chaos Fire Crow?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng Patriarch heard some of the secrets.

Bai Ze wanted to say that Lu Ya Daojun was not the son of Di Jun, but the son of the Chaos Fire Crow.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he blurted out: "Is there a relationship between the Fire Demon Saint and the Chaos Fire Crow?"

Bai Ze nodded fiercely, and his smile gradually became stronger.

"Yes! What you said is almost right. In fact, before entering Chonghua Palace, I used the blood of Lu Ya to create an incarnation, and turned into Lu Ya. It was in the identity of Lu Ya that I learned the location of the demon clan treasure house from the Fire Demon Saint."

"Go on."

At this time, the eyes of the old ancestor Kunpeng also ignited a blazing fire.

"Of course, please listen to me slowly."

Bai Ze waved his hand to open up a space-time, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a sunny day. He and the old ancestor Kunpeng sat on a large grassland with lush grass and water, tasting wine and talking.

"Lu Ya stayed in Xihe's belly for an extra 10,000 years, but when he was born, he was a weak fetus, and it was obvious that he was born with congenital deficiencies. This is enough to prove that Lu Ya and the other nine golden crows were not conceived at the same time."

"Emperor Jun is a great supernatural being, and he should be able to clearly sense whether Lu Ya is his blood."

"Hehe, then Xihe is also a great supernatural being, and it is not difficult for her to falsify her blood. In order to keep it secret, she deliberately extracted the essence and blood of the other nine golden crows and merged them into the embryo of Lu Ya that was being nurtured."

"Okay, okay, then fellow Taoist, tell me the ins and outs of this matter."

According to Bai Ze's narration, the ancestor Kunpeng gradually learned the truth of the year.

When Xihe was pregnant, she had a whim and went to the Chaos World for sightseeing. As a result, she was spotted by a powerful Chaos Fire Crow.

The Chaos Fire Crow is a Chaos creature, and it is not as disciplined as the prehistoric creatures. After he caught Xihe back, he executed her on the spot.

For three thousand years, Xihe was knocked down by the clutches of the Chaos Lihuo Crow again and again. For the sake of the child in her belly, she endured humiliation and finally waited for the rescue of the demon clan.

However, the demon clan came too late. The Chaos Lihuo Crow poured its fire essence poison into Xihe's belly and forced Xihe to get pregnant.

This time, the baby was Lu Ya Daojun!

The Lihuo Demon Saint was no one else, but the body of the Chaos Lihuo Crow. The Chaos Lihuo Crow used the method of taking over the body to mix into the prehistoric world and appeared beside Lu Ya Daojun openly.

The Lihuo Demon Saint was sincere to Lu Ya Daojun and exchanged his life for his life, just because Lu Ya Daojun was his biological son.

Di Jun and Taiyi thought they had met someone who was loyal to Lu Ya Daojun. They didn't know that he was actually out of love for his son.

In fact, the whole thing was very simple. It's just that it involved the creatures of the chaotic world, and the incident happened during the period of catastrophe, so even the saints were kept in the dark.

When Nuwa treated Lu Ya Daojun, she had doubts about his identity, but her doubts were dispelled by Xihe's casual words.

After all, the marriage between Di Jun and Xihe was facilitated by Nuwa, and she didn't want to see Di Jun and Xihe help each other get back together.

"Like father, like son. Chaos Lihuo Ya and Lu Ya are of the same lineage. Chaos Lihuo Ya made green clouds float over Di Jun's head, and Lu Ya dug into the corner of Bilushian."

Kunpeng Patriarch said happily.

He has a deep cultivation and a very strong ability to control his expression. He smiled because he couldn't help it.

Now, he doesn't want to touch Lu Ya Daojun and Pleiades Star Official at all. He wants to keep them, protect them, and guard them until Di Jun and Taiyi return.

Imagine how wonderful Di Jun and Taiyi will be when he tells the story of Lu Ya Daojun in front of the great powers of the heavens?

Bai Ze drank glass after glass of wine until his face turned red.

"Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, do you know? I once wanted to pull down the Pleiades star official from the position of the King of the West Heaven, but now, I don't want to do that at all. Not only will I not pull him down, I will also assist him and make him the Demon King."

Ancestor Kunpeng nodded heavily: "This is not enough. Fellow Daoist, you must also welcome Lu Ya back to the West Heaven, marry three thousand concubines for him, and help the Jinwu clan to expand."

Bai Ze heard this, and his eyes burst into an unparalleled light.

"Not bad! Not bad! When the two majesties return, let them enjoy the happiness of a hundred generations living under the same roof. For so many years, fellow Daoists, we have nothing else to give them."

"Not enough, still not enough. As the saying goes, give someone a taste of their own medicine. Lu Ya and his son like to poach other people's talents, and we should also let people poach their talents. When Di Jun and the others share the family, we will reveal the truth to them according to their levels."

The current Kunpeng Patriarch is full of bad intentions.

While Kunpeng Patriarch was talking to Bai Ze, Nuwa found Wangshu in the Wa Palace.

"What? Xiao Shi is not the biological son of Di Jun?"

Wangshu couldn't believe what he heard.

Di Jun is Jinwu, and Lu Ya Daojun is also Jinwu. Are Jinwu and Jinwu not father and son?

Nuwa looked serious and said:

"Before, when the Pleiades star official came to Wahuangtian, I felt that there was something wrong with his bloodline. There seemed to be a trace of the power of the Chaos Fire in his origin. There is definitely no such power in the origin of Taoist Dijun."

"When I treated Xiao Shi, I discovered this problem. However, Taoist Xihe said that she was poisoned by the Fire. However, this poison will not spread to the Pleiades star official."

"I have calculated for ten years and finally figured out some clues. Perhaps, Xiao Shi is the son of the Chaos Fire Crow."

After hearing what Nuwa said, Wangshu was struck by lightning and his face turned pale.

If Lu Ya is not the son of Dijun. Then, she turned a blind eye to Lu Ya Daojun and let him go for all these years.

What on earth did she do! ?

Nuwa said with a serious expression: "These are just my calculations. To verify this, we need to bring the Pleiades star official to the Nuwa Palace for me to confirm again."

In just ten years, the fact that Di Jun was cuckolded was known to the few people who were closest to him. (End of this chapter)

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