At first, Yang Jiao mobilized the entire sect to clean up Jin'ao Island in order to collect and integrate the resources of Jiejiao.

At that time, Jiejiao was in ruins and there were only a few resources left in the treasury, so Yang Jiao had his eyes on Jin'ao Island.

Jin'ao Island doesn't have much else, but it has a lot of spiritual energy and vast land. After this search, many immortal roots and immortal medicines were found.

There are not many disciples of Jiejiao who are good at refining pills. Otherwise, even these things would not be left.

However, the biggest gain is the dojo of the disciples who live on Jin'ao Island.

They are gone, but their relics are left. In line with the principle of not wasting, Yang Jiao specifically asked Yao Shaosi to clean up the dojo of these people.

Yang Jiao once again saw how mixed the disciples of Jiejiao were.

During the cleaning process, Yao Shaosi found very few immortal treasures, but found a lot of magic treasures and materials for refining magic treasures.

This was still under the eyes of the saints, so they didn't dare to do too much. Otherwise, Yang Jiao suspected that Yao Shaosi would find the captive human race in their dojo.

It turned out that Yang Jiao was very foresighted.

Yunxiao Fairy, who was responsible for cleaning up the dojo of Jiejiao disciples in the prehistoric times, returned to Jinao Island with a dark face and accused Yang Jiao of the evil deeds of those disciples.

The worst was Penglai Island. Seven Daluo Jinxians, and occasionally Lv Yue, Luo Xuan and others went to the island to practice, which made the situation on Penglai Island particularly serious.

The human race on Penglai Island was all blood food and cultivation resources. After being rescued, they gnashed their teeth at Jiejiao and were all fearless. Therefore, after Qiankunjiao occupied Penglai Island, Yang Jiao had no face to take back Penglai Island.

However, Yao Shaosi found Tongtian Notes from Duobao Taoist's dojo, which was a pleasant surprise.

Isn't it a pleasant surprise? Since the cleanup of Jiejiao's dojo, no such treasure has been found.

Tongtian Sect Master's preference for Duobao Taoist is known to all in the prehistoric times. The things he left for Duobao Taoist must be of great benefit to cultivation.

As soon as Yao Shaosi got the Tongtian Notes, he was eager to hand them over to Yang Jiao.

"Master's Notes?"

Yang Jiao was also quite surprised to hear Yao Shaosi's report.

Saints are at such a high level that their things will not fall into the hands of others casually.

Just like Yang Jiao, when he touches any object, he can automatically know the various situations of this object billions or even tens of billions of years later.

Daluo Jinxian is beyond the long river of fate, but the great supernatural power can fly above the long river of fate, overlooking all living beings and knowing countless secrets of the past and the future.

What abilities the saints have, the great supernatural power dare not speculate rashly.

Therefore, when Yang Jiao learned about the Tongtian Notes, his first thought was that this was deliberately left by the Tongtian Sect Master.

"Let me take a look at it."

Yang Jiao was particularly cautious when dealing with the saints' things. He took the notes with both hands, as if he was treating the saints' decrees.

His identity is the disciple of Tongtian Sect Master. If it were Fang Yang, he would have sucked it directly through the air, and there would not be so many taboos.

Opening the notebook, the content in it made Yang Jiao's eyes light up.

"What is it?"

Yao Shaosi almost asked. After he got the notebook, he did not open it privately.

Yang Jiao's eyes swept and quickly read the notebook. This time was enough for him to remember everything on the notebook.

How strong is the memory of the great supernatural power? They grab a handful of sand and sprinkle the sand into the sandstorm. When the sandstorm subsides, without using any supernatural power, they can find every grain of sand they sprinkled.

Photographic memory is just the most common operation.

"Junior Brother Yao, you have made great contributions to our sect this time!"

"Master, what is written in the notes of the master?"

Yao Shaosi finally asked.

"Look for yourself."

Yang Jiao did not want to hide anything and handed the notebook to Yao Shaosi.

Seeing this, Yao Shaosi was delighted and was about to take it. Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched the note, it suddenly broke into countless points of light and disappeared.

Yao Shaosi, who had grabbed nothing, was at a loss, and his head was buzzing.

"What's going on?"

Chen Jiugong and Lihuaxian also felt puzzled. How could the note disappear in broad daylight?

"It seems that this was indeed left by the master on purpose. The master wants to tell the future leader of Jiejiao something through the note."

Yang Jiao's eyes flashed with a glimmer of enlightenment.

A saint can see through fate and the rise and fall of a Taoist sect at a glance. He believes that when Tongtian was sober, he saw the future of Jiejiao.

Jiejiao will not be destroyed, and Tongtian has already prepared a back-up plan. If Jiejiao is in trouble and Duobao Taoist is unreliable, then the Haichao Taoist of the Heavenly Palace is the back-up plan prepared by Tongtian for Jiejiao.

However, during this process, Yang Jiao emerged as a new force, overshadowing Duobao Taoist and Haichao Taoist, forcing Tongtian Sect Master to choose another path.

This Tongtian Notes was also obtained by Yang Jiao from Duobao Taoist or Haichao Taoist.

"Since it is the master's intention, then the master brother should not tell the content."

Yao Shaosi waved his hands repeatedly, fearing that he would offend Tongtian Sect Master.

"The things in the notes are all secrets in the heavens, secrets related to the great supernatural powers. I will record these secrets in the history of this sect later. If you are interested, you can read it at will."

Tongtian Notes, to put it simply, is Tongtian Sect Master's diary. It records the strange things he encountered since he transformed.

These things definitely cannot be calculated. Things related to saints are untouchable secrets between heaven and earth.

"Brother Headmaster is wise!"

After sending the three people away, Yang Jiao used his Taoist skills to deduce the contents of the notes.

Things themselves are connected by a series of logic and a series of rules.

Things that do not exist in the secrets can also be deduced using the information you know and using various logics and algorithms to deduce their outlines.

This kind of deduction may not be able to derive complete information, but it can get some desired answers.

Yang Jiao relaxed his mind and started thinking. A strong spiritual storm surrounded him, shaking the surrounding world.

A picture automatically appeared in his mind. These pictures are like the flower tray of a CD, with constant lag and missing sections.

What Yang Jiao had to do was to repair the broken scene.

As Yang Jiao's calculations progressed, everyone on Jin'ao Island could sense the vast coercion emanating from Biyou Palace.

At this time, Wu Yunxian, who was cleaning the fallen leaves, was miserable.

After Yang Jiao's pressure came out, a moderate wind blew on the island. As soon as this gust of wind blew over, the larch trees began to lose their leaves, and the ground he finally swept clean was covered with a layer of leaves.

If he still had magic power, he could change the leaves away with a casual glance. However, he couldn't use any magic power, so he could only clean it himself like a mortal.

"Yang Jiao, you are going too far!"

Wu Yunxian was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

Despite the scolding, he still had to continue sweeping the floor. Not wanting to be controlled by the puppet charm, he gritted his teeth and picked up the broom and continued to clean the leaves.

I don’t know how long it took before the mental storm in Biyou Palace stopped.

Yang Jiao opened his eyes, and his eyes were as bright as stars: "The demon clan's treasure house, the demon clan really left a treasure house! I must find it and make it my own!"

In the Tongtian Notes, it is clearly recorded that the leader of Tongtian entered the demon clan's treasure house, but got nothing. Later, Master Tongtian searched secretly for a long time, but could not find any clues.

Therefore, he wrote down his guesses and left them to future generations, hoping that they could find the treasure house of the demon clan and revive the Jiejiao religion. (End of chapter)

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