After saying the contents of the letter, Our Lady of Wudang had no intention of leaving. She took out a throne made of phoenix feathers and unicorn bones, sat on it without any scruples, and then waited to watch the show.

Only then did the Buddhists realize that it had been so long since Our Lady of Wudang came, but they had not shown her seat. Suddenly, both the big Buddha and the little Buddha felt that their faces were dull.

In fact, this is really not the fault of Buddhism.

Although the Inanimate Virgin Mary has some status, no matter how high her status is, it cannot be higher than the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Zhenyuan Daxian was invited by Buddhism to attend the Bon Festival. How was he treated?

The dignified ancestor of the earthly immortals, a guest in Zixiao Palace, sat alone on the seat. No one communicated with him, and no one offered him immortal fruit or immortal tea. In the end, Jin Chanzi saw that Immortal Zhenyuan was pitiful and poured a cup of tea for Immortal Zhenyuan.

It was this cup of tea that made Master Zhenyuan extremely grateful to Jin Chanzi.

Even the Immortal Zhenyuan couldn't get good hospitality, and it was normal for Wudang Holy Mother to be ignored.

"Vairu Buddha, you are the Buddha who is revered as the Buddha by 1,600 people in the world. What do you think about this matter?"

Buddha Ran Deng did not hesitate and threw the pot to Buddha Vairocana.

He knew in his heart that when things got to this point, no matter whether he agreed or not, he would eventually have to return the magic weapon of Jie Jiao.

The strength of Chanjiao is only slightly weaker than that of Buddhism, but the leader of Chanjiao is kidnapped every once in a while. In front of the great supernatural beings, these people have no power to resist at all.

Mentioning this, Ran Deng Buddha became uneasy again.

If the Pleiades Star Officer hadn't attracted the attention of Ancestor Kunpeng, Ancestor Kunpeng would have conquered Mount Sumeru long ago.

"What will happen if Yang Jiao and Kunpeng join forces to kill Mount Sumeru?"

As he was thinking about it, a terrifying thought came into the mind of Buddha Ran Deng. Thinking of this, Ran Deng Buddha couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​moving Buddhism to the Paradise of Paradise to hide from the limelight.

There are too many strong men outside, but Buddhism is full of enemies. He can't help but be afraid!

Seeing that Randen Buddha actually threw the difficult problem to him, Vairocana Buddha was very dissatisfied. Because of Pilampo, his position in Buddhism was already awkward. How can he gain a foothold in Buddhism after losing the hearts of sixteen hundred mortals?

Then, Vairocana Buddha flew down from the lotus platform and stood opposite to Our Lady of Wudang, smiling kindly.

"I've met Senior Sister Wudang."

"No! I am a Taoist disciple, and you are a Buddhist disciple. We are from different sects. I cannot be called senior sister by you."

Seeing that Vairocana Buddha wanted to play the emotional card, Mother Wudang immediately stopped him.

Those 1,600 Hongchen guests were captured to the West and forced to betray Jiejiao. Leader Tongtian's behavior of reestablishing Earth Fire Feng Shui really hurt the hearts of many disciples.

To be honest, before learning the truth, Our Lady of Wudang also complained about Master Tongtian in her heart.

If Patriarch Hongjun had not abolished the position of leader of Tongtian Cult, she would have lived in seclusion and never appeared in the Three Realms as a disciple of Jie Cult.

The resentment in her heart dissipated only after she knew that Master Tongtian was also a victim.

Therefore, after these mortals betrayed Jiejiao, Our Lady of Wudang never thought of taking their lives.

But Vairu Buddha is different.

Vilu Buddha was not caught, and he was safe and sound during the battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. After the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, he took the initiative to join Buddhism and betrayed Jie Jiao.

Not only did he betray Jie Jiao, he also acted as a lobbyist to get 1,600 mortals to betray Jie Jiao.

With such a person, how could the Incompetent Mother continue to treat him as a master and brother?

"If you are not a Taoist friend, please listen to what I have to say."

Vairocana Buddha and Pan Xia have become a household name, and there is nothing he can't tolerate anymore. After being refuted by the Incompetent Mother, he still had a smile on his face.


The Holy Mother Wudang nodded slightly, she wanted to hear what Vairocana Buddha had to say.

Ever since Vairu Buddha and Vilava became Taoist couples, things have never been normal. His thoughts and actions confused Our Lady for a time.

Vairocana Buddha said seriously: "Your sect wants to rescue Wuyunxian, which is blameless and reasonable. I believe that no one will object to this matter. However, it is unreasonable for your sect to ask for the magic weapon in our hands. "

When everyone in the Buddhist sect heard this, their ears pricked up. They also wanted to know how Vairocana Buddha wanted to convince the Incompetent Mother.

It's a pity that neither Vairocana Buddha nor the Buddhists understand the essence of the matter. It was useless for them to convince Wu Dang Sheng, because Yang Jiao was the one who made the final decision.

No matter how much they say here, no matter how many reasons they preach, it is still not worth the words "agreed to return."

"Really? Fellow Taoist Ran Deng also agrees to release Junior Brother Wu Yunxian?"

The Incompetent Mother will not miss this opportunity.

At this time, Our Lady of Wudang was very grateful to Vairocana Buddha for this divine assist. She has always been worried about Wu Yunxian's safety.

If you can save people, save them first. Lest Buddhism take Wuyunxian as a hostage and leave Jiejiao tied up and unable to do anything.

After saving people, Yang Jiao has no scruples when he asks for treasures again.

Ran Deng Buddha and others did not expect that they deliberately avoided talking about "Wu Yun Xian", but were ruined by Vairocana Buddha.

They also did not want to think about the fact that Pilu Buddha and Wuyunxian were once the Seven Immortals of Penglai, and they were as close to each other as brothers. When Wuyunxian was in trouble, Vairocana Buddha naturally had to find a way to rescue Wuyunxian.

Although Vairocana Buddha has become a love brain, he said those words just now on purpose.

After understanding this, Mother Wudang felt a little better about Vairocana Buddha.

Facing the gaze of the Wudang Mother, Buddha Randen wanted to say "no". However, once he said this word, he slapped Vairocana Buddha in the face.

He and the disciples of the former Western Sect could not get together. If he offended Vairocana Buddha again, what would he, the leader, do?

"Well, for the sake of harmony between the Buddhist and Taoist families, our religion is willing to release Wuyun Xian."

Ran Deng Buddha said, "But"

Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Vairu Buddha.

"Since Ran Deng Buddha has agreed, why don't you release him immediately to show my Buddhist sincerity? Only by letting Jie Jiao see my Buddhist sincerity can the misunderstanding be resolved."

Vairocana Buddha doesn't want anything to happen.

He had been to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, where Immortal Wuyun was brainwashed by Sanskrit sounds day and night, and a layer of gold appeared in his natal world.

If this continues, Wuyunxian will be completely transformed and lose himself.

At this time, there was a burst of whispers among the Buddhas, and the speakers were Maitreya Buddha, Medicine Buddha and other former Western disciples.

They saw Vairocana Buddha's intention and were very dissatisfied. So, they started whispering to each other.

Mother Wudang knew there would be objections, so she looked at the Deng Deng Buddha.

"Fellow Randeng, as the leader of a religion, you won't go back on your word, right?"

"Of course not!"

Ran Deng Buddha felt aggrieved, but he could only nod his head and ordered Wu Yunxian to be released.

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