Wahuangtian, the place where Nuwa empress hid in cultivation.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, it is always spring, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and there is a rich innate spiritual energy flowing in the void.

There is always a great sun in the sky of Emperor Wa, and the brilliance of the divine light of creation envelopes the world, bringing endless vitality to the world.

The Wa Palace is the center of the Wa Emperor's heaven and the most desired holy place for female cultivators in all the worlds.

In the flower garden, a group of fairies with graceful figures and pink faces were carrying small flower baskets, picking toilet water in them, and preparing to cook thousands of flower tea for Empress Nuwa.

Among them is a female fairy in green, with a gentle temperament and as quiet as a white lotus. She is Yang Chan.

In fact, being a maid beside Nuwa is not a hard job, but a great opportunity.

Empress Nuwa is a saint, a spokesperson for humanity, and the emperor of the demon clan, but she is not a woman in the harem. These maids are maids on the surface, but in fact they enjoy the treatment of disciples.

"Sister Yang Chan, congratulations, you will soon become the Concubine of the West Heavenly Palace."

A fairy with a grain of cinnabar dotted between her eyebrows and red lips as red as blood came to Yang Chan and joked with a smile.

Yang Chan smiled softly: "Sister Lamei is joking, everything depends on what the empress wants."

Another fairy came over. This fairy was cold and cold. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, her frosty face became brighter.

"My empress is a saint, and I dare not speculate on the saint's meaning, but I understand what sister Yang Chan means. Sister Naxi Tianwang has also seen it. She is in a high position, has extraordinary bearing, and is a great Luo Jinxian. She is a good match for my sister. "

Yang Chan was still gentle. She pretended to be shy and looked away: "You two sisters know how to tease my sister."

Fairy Wintersweet and Fairy Dongxue looked at Yang Chan's reaction and smiled in unison.

How did they know that Yang Chan didn't want to marry a Pleiades star official at all.

Yang Tianyou and Yao Ji have gone a long way, but Yang Chan has never forgotten them. In Yang Chan's mind, if she wants to find a Taoist companion, she should find a scholar like Yang Tianyou.

No matter how handsome Pleiades Star Officer is, no matter how high his cultivation status is, he is not a Taoist companion in Yang Chan's eyes.

However, Yang Chan was deeply favored by Empress Nuwa, and she knew that she must not show her reluctance.

She will happily marry whomever Nuwa wants her to marry. This is determined by her identity, and she has no room to refuse.

After collecting the flower dew, the fairies returned to the palace with laughter and made tea for the Nuwa Empress.

To make tea for a saint, you need to use a special innate teapot and innate divine fire. It takes seven to forty-nine hours to boil a pot of tea.

The tea trays, cups, etc. used by the saints are also very particular. They are all innate treasures refined with the Qiankun Cauldron.

Any one of these things that falls into the lower realm and turns into an immortal can become a being of Nezha's level.

Entering the palace, Empress Nuwa was having a conversation with a female great supernatural power. Yang Chan recognized this person. This person was the aunt of Pleiades Star Official, Wangshu of Taiyin Star Lord.

As the only survivor among the three moon goddesses, Wangshu and Nuwa have a close relationship and can be described as best friends.

As soon as Yang Chan entered the palace, she felt the burning gaze of Lord Taiyin Star. That look almost melted her.

"Sister Wangshu, what do you think of this disciple of my sister?"

In front of Wangshu, Empress Nuwa elevated Yang Chan's status and called him a disciple. However, Wang Shu also knew the situation in the Wa Palace, so he would not think that Yang Chan was of low status.

Wang Shu smiled and said, "That's right! This woman's background is no lower than that of Bai Qian. I remember that I met Yao Ji once in the past. This woman's style is not inferior to Yao Ji's."

After speaking, she waved to Yang Chan.

"Come, let me take a good look."

When Yang Chan heard this, her heart tightened. She already knew why Empress Nuwa said she should think about it.

It turned out that it was not Empress Nuwa who had to consider, but Lord Taiyin Xing. Taiyin Star Lord is the aunt of Pleiades Star Official, and Empress Nuwa wants to hand over the decision-making power to Taiyin Star Lord.

Yang Chan saluted and walked to Wang Shu.

Wangshu's eyes flashed with light as he looked Yang Chan up and down. The more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"Yes, he is a good candidate for the imperial concubine. I was the one who misjudged him before."

Empress Nuwa looked at Wangshu with a smile on her face and said, "So, my sister agrees?"

Wangshu nodded and gave Nuwa the same smile.

"Yang Chan is a good kid."

So, amid the tacit laughter of Empress Nuwa and Wangshu, the marriage between Pleiades Star Official and Yang Chan was decided.

None of the six demon saints would have thought that Wangshu would interfere in Pleiades Star Officer's marriage. If they knew, they would definitely think about it before making a plan.

Wangshu, a person who developed great supernatural powers in ancient times, is on the same level as the Queen Mother of the West. Bai Ze, a newly promoted magical power user, may not necessarily have an advantage in front of Wang Shu.

Yang Chan didn't know how she got out. She only knew that if she didn't leave, the smile on her face would no longer be maintained.

She doesn't want to marry Maori Xingguan at all. Tianfei, to put it nicely, is the concubine of the King of Heaven, but in fact, she is just a concubine.

However, she couldn't help herself.

It is difficult for people in the lower world to know what happened in the Wa Palace. At this time, Our Lady of Wudang had already arrived at Mount Sumeru with Yang Jiao's handwriting.

The arrival of the Holy Mother of Wudang made Buddhism feel like it was facing a formidable enemy.

Don’t forget, Our Lady of Wudang is also a quasi-saint herself. When she was Daluo Jinxian, her fighting power was terrifying. Now that she has become a quasi-sage, her strength can be imagined.

When Our Lady entered the Mahavira Hall, many Buddhist quasi-sages and Daluo Golden Immortals were waiting for her.

At a glance, we can see the Buddha Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, Longguang Buddha, Vairocana Buddha, Relic Buddha, National Teacher King Bodhisattva, Lone Sheep Bodhisattva, Lingtuo Bodhisattva, and Hualian Bodhisattva. Ready to go, ready to fight against the Incompetent Mother.

Mother Wudang looked at the gathering of Buddhist masters, her eyes stayed on Vairu Buddha for a long time, and finally she looked at Randen Buddha.

Taoist Ran Deng, the former deputy leader of Chanjiao and the president of the Magic Lantern Society, appears again. He didn't know what kind of adventure he got. Not only did he make up for the great path, but he also became a true quasi-sage.

Ran Deng, turn over!

"Buddhism is really well hidden. There are so many masters who are not weak at all. No, Buddhism does not hide their strength, they just act in a low-key manner. Every time I attend the prehistoric meeting, everyone is present, but Buddhism is different. , they will only send a small number over time, and everyone will feel that Buddhism is weak."

Our Lady of Wudang was horrified, and she felt extremely ashamed when she thought of her previous contempt for Buddhism.

At this time, Buddha Ran Deng spoke: "Friend Wudang, why do you come to my Buddhist door?"

He relied on the many masters of Buddhism to gain confidence.

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