After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Yang Jiao pretended to be a thinker again.

He was now performing a one-man show, and Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were witnesses of this one-man show. Only by doing this could Jiang Ziya "invite" Yang Jiao.

Chen Jiugong and the others were somewhat unconvinced.

As we all know, those who were on the Conferred God List were on the list with their true spirits. The divine body created by the Conferred God List was not the Yuanshen possessed by the immortals, but the acquired divine body.

This kind of divine body was composed of the divine law of the divine position, which did not match the law practiced by the person on the list.

If the person on the list was a Daluo Jinxian, after being on the list, the Daluo Jinxian's natal world would be broken and turned into a kingdom of gods.

In this way, the gods on the Conferred God List had neither Yuanshen nor natal world. If the gods continued to practice according to the previous practice method, there was absolutely no way to improve their realm.

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi looked at Jiang Ziya with suspicion. They felt that Jiang Ziya was deceiving Yang Jiao.

Jiang Ziya was of course lying, but he was not lying to Yang Jiao, but to Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi. Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi could not have imagined that even Yang Jiao was lying to them.

The two actors were performing a monologue, talking to themselves, and the two audiences were more engaged than the actors, and they wanted to speak for Yang Jiao.

"As far as I know, there are many people who practice the acquired divine way under the command of the old Emperor of Heaven. Could the method of cultivation you mentioned be the acquired divine way?"

Yang Jiao said with a smile.

Basically, the gods promoted by the Emperor of Heaven are all practicing the acquired divine way. The acquired gods have appeared a long time ago, such as the snake god who practiced the acquired divine way.

Jiang Ziya said: "Daoyou only knows one thing but not the other. There are many schools in the immortal way, so how can there be only one acquired divine way in the acquired divine way?"

The most widespread acquired divine way is to cultivate from ghosts to gods.

This method requires suicide, and then find someone to make a golden statue for you, and offer incense day and night.

When the power of faith absorbed reaches a certain level, it can be transformed from virtual to real, and a ghost body can be condensed. After the three souls, seven spirits, five defeats, ghost pills, Yin gods, three disasters, divine domains, Yang gods, and gods, you can practice to become a god.

However, there are very few ghosts practicing this path, because as long as you enter the underworld, you can worship the ghost sect and practice the ghost way.

It is much easier to practice the ghost way in the underworld than to practice the acquired god way in the world.

In addition, there is another acquired god way. The second god way is practiced by the snake god, the Cowherd Star Lord, the Weaver Girl Star Lord, the Magpie Bridge Star Lord, etc.

This acquired god way has a resounding name, called "flesh body sanctification".

The reason for this is that the way the saints become saints is extremely similar to this god way.

"Flesh body sanctification" does not require practicing any god way skills, nor does it require suicide. The path of "becoming a saint through the flesh" is to become a god as long as you refine the artifact and obtain the relevant authority.

The most typical representative is the little crocodile. After defeating the river god of the Black Water River, he took the river god's artifact and refined it, replacing the old turtle and becoming the river god himself.

To put it bluntly, the essence of becoming a saint through the flesh is still the immortal way, but it is only through refining the artifact that the authority of the gods is obtained.

The acquired divine way that Jiang Ziya comprehended is naturally not these two.

The acquired divine way that he comprehended is the divine way tailor-made for the gods on the Conferred God List.

"I am all ears."

Yang Jiao said with some seriousness.

Jiang Ziya glanced at Chen Jiugong and the others and said, "Well, I will reveal some information. Anyway, without my help, just knowing the method of cultivation is useless."

He was able to comprehend it, thanks to the fact that his original body had comprehended the way of sacrifice in the sacrificial world.

The way of sacrifice is one of the three thousand great ways, and is inextricably linked to the way of gods, ghosts, and witches.

If he does not understand the way of sacrifice, even if he holds the List of Conferred Gods and the Whip of God in his hands, he will not be able to comprehend the acquired way of gods.

The power of faith is also a magical power. Like the righteousness of heaven and earth, it is emitted from the hearts of all living beings. Such power obviously exceeds the material level and is a level higher than the power of the material level.

There are many kinds of power of faith, some good and some bad, some good and some evil, because the thoughts of living beings are messy.

If the power of faith is absorbed directly, the end will inevitably be miserable. The impurities in the power of faith are not impossible to expel, but it is time-consuming and laborious to expel them.

Therefore, after the gods on the List of Conferred Gods obtain the power of faith, they all use the power of faith to condense the golden body of faith, instead of directly absorbing the power of faith.

However, nothing is absolute in the world. After Jiang Ziya mastered the secret of the List of Gods, he studied it painstakingly and finally found a way to let the gods on the List of Gods practice.

Jiang Ziya called this Taoist art the art of offering sacrifices to the Tao.

The only way for the gods on the List of Gods to get rid of the shackles of the List of Gods is to strengthen the connection between them and the marks of the gods.

The gods cannot condense their primordial spirits because their true spirits have not yet completely merged with the marks of the gods.

The marks of the gods will spontaneously reject different great ways and different magic powers. This means that even if the people on the list have a high level of cultivation, they cannot use their magic powers before they died.

The core of the art of offering sacrifices to the gods is that the gods will sacrifice the power of faith they have obtained to the marks of the gods, obtain the divine power of the ancient gods from the marks of the gods, and condense the primordial spirit with this divine power.

All living beings, as long as they have a primordial spirit, have the foundation for cultivation.

"The mark of the main god, there is such a secret hidden in the List of Gods?"

Chen Jiugong was shocked.

Before this, everyone thought that being on the Conferred God List was harmful and useless. However, after learning the truth about the Conferred God List from Jiang Ziya, Chen Jiugong suddenly envied those fellow disciples who were on the list.

Those on the list from the three religions all became one of the 365 main gods. This means that when these people completely merge the main god's mark, they can be promoted to the Golden Immortal of Daluo.

Among them, Lei Zhenzi and Bo Yikao had the best fate. After they completed the fusion, they soared directly to the Quasi-Sage realm.

Being on the Conferred God List is not only not a disaster, but an unparalleled opportunity!

Yang Jiao heard it and took a breath.

"So that's the case, but if what Daoyou said is true, this problem seems to be easy to solve."

He was deliberately bargaining and lowering his own price.

In fact, things are not that easy. Some things sound very simple, but people who don't know the truth will never figure it out in their lifetime.

Jiang Ziya laughed: "Daoyou are wrong! Without my help, even if you get the art of offering sacrifices, you can't condense the soul, let alone continue to practice."

Sacrificing the marks of the gods and seizing the power of the gods is not so easy.

To do this, you can't do without the Conferred God Altar.

Only through the Conferred God Altar can you perform the art of offering sacrifices, and only through the Conferred God Altar can the gods on the Conferred God List continue to practice.

Yang Jiao glanced at Jiang Ziya coldly and said slowly: "In this case, I will save Daoyou Guangchengzi. However, Daoyou better not deceive me. Daoyou doesn't want Daoyou Guangchengzi to be captured again, right?"

"Yes, yes, of course I know."

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

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