Does the Emperor of Heaven care about the Seven Fairies? not give a damn about!

He gave up the Nine Golden Crows and gave them to Yang Jian to kill, not to mention the Seven Fairies.

The seven fairies in the heavenly palace have no title of princess, and they don't even have a decent priesthood. They are just like the purdah girls among mortals. They never leave the house or step outside the door. They can do nothing except picking peaches and bathing.

Before they die, the Nine Golden Crows can take turns being the Lord of the Sun and Stars, leading heavenly soldiers and generals to fight everywhere!

However, the matter of the seven fairies is related to the face of heaven.

When the general of the rolling curtain said that the seven fairies collectively thought about the lower world, the fighting stopped, the fairy music stopped, everything stopped, a thick layer of clouds enveloped the top of the Yaochi, and there were lightning and thunder in the clouds, indicating that the Emperor of Heaven was not calm. mood.

Queen Mother Xi's face turned green and red, and she looked at the Emperor with suspicion.

She thought that in order to gain merit from preaching, the Emperor of Heaven used his daughter as a preaching tool. Anyway, this is not the first time that the Emperor of Heaven has done something like this.

Yao Ji, the Nine Golden Crows, and Princess Long Ji were all plotted by the Emperor of Heaven, and the plot against the Seven Fairies was nothing.

The Emperor of Heaven instantly understood the look in Queen Mother Xi's eyes, and his mood became even worse.

"Queen Mother, you actually doubt me? The seven of them are also my daughters. What reason does I have to plot against them?"

The Emperor of Heaven secretly conveyed his spiritual thoughts in order to defend himself.

There was a sneer in Queen Mother Xi's eyes: "For the sake of merit, there is nothing you can't do. The Nine Golden Crows were created by you combining your own essence with the origin of the Golden Crows in Jiuyang Spring, and they are no different from your biological son. But. , you allowed them to be killed by Yang Jian in order to gain the luck and filial piety of the ancient heaven. This palace has seen through you!"

After hearing the words of Queen Mother of the West, the Emperor of Heaven was speechless.

Although this incident was really not his fault, he had already planned to use the Seven Fairies as a preaching tool.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, and his lifespan is endless. If the heaven and earth are destroyed but I will not be destroyed, he has no need for descendants at all.

To him, future generations are his possessions, and as long as he needs them, they need to be sacrificed for his grand hegemony.

Queen Mother Xi was not the only one who doubted the Emperor of Heaven. Almost all the great supernatural powers in Yaochi looked at the Emperor of Heaven meaningfully.

Wu Xian, one of the Ten Witches of Lingshan, even activated the taunting skill.

"Fellow Taoist Haotian, you have really worked so hard to preach, even sacrificing your own daughter. Being your son and daughter is really hard."

Wu Xian was speechless repeatedly, as if he was very disdainful of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Wu clan is not afraid of the Emperor of Heaven. The saint has left the ancient world, and Gonggong can leave Buzhou Mountain and return to the Wu clan at any time.

Let me ask, how could the Wu clan, with Gonggong in charge, be afraid of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Wuxian, don't make things up out of nothing. Can't you see that I was plotted by others?"

The Emperor of Heaven was already upset because of Queen Mother Xi's suspicion. When he saw Wu Xian pointing the finger at him, he immediately became angry.

However, as the Emperor of Heaven, it is a basic operation to keep his emotions and anger in his face. No matter how angry the Emperor of Heaven is, he always puts a lot of effort into his expression.

"Fellow Taoist knows clearly in his heart whether it is yes or no. Could it be that someone else plotted against you regarding Yao Ji? Don't tell this great witch, you can't even take down a junior Golden Immortal from Heaven."

Wu Xian chuckled and continued to nibble on his flat peach.

Chi You was quartered by five horses, Jiu Feng's whereabouts were unknown, and Xing Tian was beheaded. These three events were all directly related to the Emperor of Heaven.

If the Wu Clan hadn't learned to be forbearing now, they would have gone to heaven long ago and fought to the death with the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven looked towards the group of Xuanmen elders, hoping that they could help him.

However, when the Xuanmen elders came into contact with the Emperor's gaze, they all turned away and were unwilling to look at the Emperor.

The Xuanmen Elders also doubt the Emperor of Heaven!

They believed that since the Emperor of Heaven had the Haotian Mirror in his hand, it was impossible for him to be plotted against. Only the Emperor of Heaven himself can plot against himself.

How did they know that the Emperor of Heaven was exploited by Hong Zhou?

After becoming a god, the Emperor devoted himself wholeheartedly to the struggle for power.

When explaining the teachings and conferring gods, he decreed the four emperors to be conferred. These four emperors were a huge threat to the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, he took advantage of the fact that the Four Emperors had not yet fully integrated into the Great Emperor's status to crazily seize power and expand his power.

The two great emperors Boyikao and Lei Zhenzi were not the same weight class as the Emperor of Heaven at all.

The Emperor of Heaven used some tricks to force Boyikao and Lei Zhenzi into seclusion. The Emperor of Heaven took the opportunity to name his confidants the Zhenwu Emperor of the North and the Taiji Emperor of the West, bypassing Boyikao and Lei Zhenzi.

In these years, he has been busy annexing the power of Emperor Zhongtian Ziwei in the North Pole and Emperor Gouchen in the West Pole. How can he have the mood to care about the life and death of the Seven Fairies?

Of course, even if the Xuanmen Elders knew the Emperor's thoughts, they would not believe him.

They were not sure if it was part of the Emperor's plan to ignore the Seven Fairies.

Ancestor Kunpeng drank a long glass of wine and shook his head: "The Emperor of Heaven's love for his daughter is admirable. After the Battle of Xingtian, the Emperor of Heaven went through 1,750 calamities. Not only did he heal the wounds of the Great Dao, he also developed great supernatural powers. "The experiences of the seven princesses may seem humiliating to ordinary immortals, but from another perspective, this is nothing more than a calamity."

After hearing the words of Ancestor Kunpeng, a small number of people did change their views on the Emperor of Heaven a lot.

The Seven Fairies indeed suffered a disaster, but as long as there was no death, the disaster was not just a disaster.

In the process of cultivation, those with great supernatural powers often transform into mortals and experience various disasters as mortals.

Tempering one's character and will through tribulations, and cultivating one's heart of Taoism, are of great benefit to the progress of cultivation.

At the beginning, in order to cultivate the law of hatred, Fang Yang suffered the death of both parents, castration, cuckolding and other tribulations that ordinary people could not endure.

The words of the ancestor Kunpeng restored some face for the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven felt even more uneasy.

Just now, the ancestor Kunpeng was still chasing after the Xuanmen, how could he really help him?

"Oh, could it be that Princess Yao Ji was sunburned to the point of being completely destroyed, and she was also experiencing a tribulation? This tribulation was really severe, and she was completely destroyed."

The Taoist Taiyuan chuckled and asked.

As soon as the Taoist Taiyuan said this, those immortals who had originally changed their views on the Emperor of Heaven changed their minds again.

A person who can kill his own sister to the point of being completely destroyed, will he have family affection in his heart? Not to mention family affection, even the most basic kindness is gone.

The Emperor of Heaven no longer wants to explain. He is the Emperor of Heaven, and his identity is there, and it is impossible for him to keep explaining.

However, the next scene directly confirmed the Emperor of Heaven.

On the void, a hundred thousand acres of merit and virtue suddenly appeared, and the rich golden light of merit and virtue shone down, dispelling the dark clouds over Yaochi.

The immortals were thinking about who had gained the merit and virtue, and these merit and virtue auras suddenly projected down and split into two.

Among them, nine points of merit and virtue aura directly shone on the Emperor of Heaven and merged into his body, and the remaining ten points flew to the soul-nourishing tree in the hands of the general of the rolling curtain.

The Emperor of Heaven was confused, the Queen Mother of the West was angry, and the immortals attending the meeting were really exposed!

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