
The sound of the Zhouji Bell kicked off the second meeting.

Everyone came to the Zhenkong Palace with a nervous and excited mood. They all knew that this meeting would determine the ownership of the spokesperson for humanity.

After Fang Yang arrived, he directly announced his decision.

"Hongxuan, the position of the spokesperson for humanity is up to you!"

Fang Yang's decision was not unexpected. After the meeting, they discussed all the plans, and they finally concluded that the plan proposed by Hongxuan Tianzun was the most suitable for the current situation of Wushengjiao.

Other plans are not bad, but these plans require huge manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

Material and financial resources are not bad. Wushengjiao and Panhuanglou have signed a long-term contract and can use merit to purchase resources.

The main problem of Wushengjiao is manpower.

Therefore, according to the principle of starting with the easy and then the difficult, Fang Yang will give priority to the development of civilization, and while developing civilization, gradually implement other plans.

There are too many things involved in the heavenly court and earthly god system.

It is not to say that if you catch an immortal at random, he can take up a god position. Before that, they need to be trained on the job.

There are countless god positions between heaven and earth, and the talents that the gods corresponding to these positions should have are not the same.

It is not a short time to cultivate talents to manage the heavenly court and earthly god system.

The Lord of Haotian stared at the disciples of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect, and insisted that the twelve golden immortals bowed to him because the casual cultivators did not have the talent to go to heaven and become immortals.

Who else can take the position of the Lord of the Plague Department except Lu Yue?

Fang Yang did not understand this before, and always felt that the Lord of Haotian had a strong desire for control and was looking for trouble. When he stood in the position of the Lord of Haotian, he knew the difficulties of the Lord of Haotian.

The Wusheng Sect is indeed not short of people, but it is definitely not a short time to cultivate all the management talents.

Developing civilization is a piece of cake for the Wusheng Sect. All the disciples of the Wusheng Sect have read the Vacuum Creation Sutra.

To do this, you don’t need to have too high a cultivation level, as long as you have a brain, you can complete the task.

Moreover, the development of civilization does not conflict with the cultivation of talents. Fang Yang can develop civilization while cultivating talents who will serve as heavenly officials and earth gods in the future.

Of course, Fang Yang also understands that it was a lucky coincidence that Hong Xuan Tian Zun was selected. When he proposed the plan, Hong Xuan Tian Zun himself did not think so much.

Hearing the expected answer from Fang Yang, Hong Xuan Tian Zun was extremely excited.

"Thank you for your favor, Master. I will do my best to do this for you!"

After deciding on the spokesperson for humanity, Fang Yang discussed various plans for the development of civilization with everyone.

Three stinky generals are better than one Zhuge Liang, and all of them are Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Jinxian. The opinions they put forward are still very constructive.

Although others were not selected, they were not discouraged.

Wusheng Sect is now in its starting stage, and there are many opportunities to make contributions. They are not in a hurry at all. The most important thing is that Hong Xuan Tian Zun will not pose a threat to them if he becomes the spokesperson for humanity.

At the beginning, the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace desperately defended Sanqing and others because they thought that Sanqing, Nuwa, and Xifang formed a saint queen, which was beneficial to them.

But in Wushengjiao, this is beyond doubt.

Wushengjiao does not tolerate internal strife. If anyone has the intention of internal strife, Fang Yang will definitely punish him severely and will never show leniency.

With a full sense of security, everyone devoted their energy to the development of Wushengjiao.

This meeting lasted for three hundred years. Everyone spoke freely and said everything they could think of and calculate without reservation.

Everyone brainstormed and finally came up with a complete plan.

"That's right! Everyone will get a reward for this matter! When humanity is condensed and formed, I will reward you according to your merits!"

Hearing that there is a reward, everyone is eager to try.

Seeing this, Fang Yang smiled slightly. This is the effect he wants.

How can you not give benefits when people fight for you and work hard? Only interests can make others willing to work for themselves.

After Fang Yang arranged the work that everyone was responsible for, he sent everyone back to their own dojo.

Developing civilization is a huge project.

Civilization is unfathomable, but it is everywhere.

Strictly speaking, the air of vacuum and the air of gentleman are all the power of civilization. However, these are only a small part of civilization.

What is civilization? It is a kind of thought and a cultural atmosphere. The wisdom, experience, learning, truth, knowledge, and culture of countless creatures can form civilization.

When the huge machine of Wushengjiao was running, Fang Yang also turned into billions and entered the earth.

He wanted to observe from the perspective of a casual cultivator to witness the evolution of civilization, and he wanted to start cultivating talents of heavenly officials and earth gods.

There are countless creatures in the world of destiny, and he can always find suitable talents.

Fang Yang's actions were not hidden from Wushengjiao. All Wushengjiao disciples knew that their leader had entered the sentient beings and observed everything.

As a result, these disciples were more motivated. They all worked hard, showing their best side, hoping to attract Fang Yang's attention.

In order to encourage the disciples, Fang Yang occasionally appeared several times, showing off his power in front of people and attracting countless fans.

Fang Yang did not start selecting talents for heavenly officials and earthly gods until everything was on track. Every time he found one, he would notify his subordinates and let them focus on training these talents.

As the leader of a religion, he certainly did not need to train them personally.

Everything in the Wusheng Religion was developing in an orderly manner, but in the Jiuli World, the Wusheng Religion's preaching had not made any progress.

In Daoling Mountain, Shengxin Daojun reported to Fang Yang's clone the difficulties he encountered in preaching.

"Brother, the people of the Jiuli clan do not believe in cultivators at all. In their historical books, all cultivators are described as Guangchengzi. No matter what we do, they are unwilling to accept our kindness."

Shengxin Daojun was full of grievances.

Preaching in the Jiuli World is more difficult than saving ghosts in the Eighteen Hells. After all, ghosts can be saved by physical means, but there is no physical way to preach. Even if there is, Shengxin Daojun dare not use it.

Fang Yang is not anxious about this. He said calmly: "If you don't accept it, then don't accept it. Since preaching to the human race failed, then preach to other races."

The demon race is usually birds and beasts. In the world, besides birds and beasts, plants, bamboo, stones, bones, gold and jade can all transform.

As long as you can transform, you have wisdom, and as long as you have wisdom, you can preach.

"Other races, but?"

The Holy Heart Taoist frowned subconsciously.

Fang Yang said: "Preaching to other races is a little less effective. However, no matter how poor the effect is, it is better than preaching to the Jiuli tribe."

"Whatever Senior Brother says, that's it."

The Holy Heart Taoist compromised.

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