Beyond the portal, there is a small world.

However, this small world is very special, with a sense of being one and isolated from the world. After entering this small world, the secrets of the prehistoric world disappeared, and Fang Yang could not feel it no matter how hard he tried.

In fact, Zulong and Luohou are of the same generation. Luohou can exploit the loopholes of the Heavenly Dao and use the Heavenly Dao to open up the Demon Realm, and Zulong can do the same.

Before Hongjun Laozu became a saint, the status of the Heavenly Dao was not that high.

At that time, the Heavenly Dao was just a rule, and the great powers of the heavens could comprehend and use it at will. It was not until Hongjun Laozu merged with the Dao, the Heavenly Dao entered the Jade Book of Creation, and gave birth to self-consciousness that it became the supreme existence of the prehistoric world.

"What a strong resentment!"

Fang Yang looked around and saw that the small world was filled with blood-red resentment.

The resentment here is even stronger than the resentment of all living beings when the prehistoric world was broken. In the resentment, there are countless resentful spirits crying, wailing, and cursing.

Those who know know that this is the tomb of the Ancestral Dragon, while those who don't think they have come to the Eighteenth Level of Hell.

Hong Zhou closed his eyes, looking somewhat reluctant.

These vengeful spirits were all dragons in their lifetime!

To others, all dragons deserved death, but to Hong Zhou, these were his fellows, all comrades who had fought side by side with him.

Fang Yang saw with his sharp eyes that in the center of the small world, there was a giant dragon coiled, with infinite majesty emanating from the dragon, as if it was the master of all living things in the world.

The dragon was not dead, but its condition was not good. Eighty percent of its dragon scales had fallen off, and it was covered with wounds, and there were blood scabs on its seven-inch body.

From the outside, the dragon looked like a corpse, but the spiritual storm swirling around it showed that it was a living dragon.

"The Ancestral Dragon, who once dominated the wilderness and commanded all beasts, has fallen to this point today. Is this retribution or cause and effect?"

Hong Zhou's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

As he spoke, his form also changed, from a dignified middle-aged man to a young man with clear eyes.

Since this small world was isolated from the secrets of heaven, Hong Zhou removed his disguise and appeared in front of Zulong in his true identity.

His appearance in his previous life was very deceptive, and anyone who saw him would think he was a simple person.

Seeing this image, Fang Yang shouted "666". Who would have thought that under such a simple appearance, there was a dark heart.

"Traitor, is it really you?"

Suddenly, Zulong opened his eyes. He exhaled into clouds and inhaled into wind, and the brilliance of the dragon's eyes turned into countless sword lights, beheading Fang Yang and the others.

However, Fang Yang and the others were not ordinary. The two blocked Zulong's attack with a casual move.

"I am the new Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan, you should call me His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

Hong Zhou said lightly.

He never betrayed the Dragon Clan, he betrayed Zulong. Although Zulong is the master of the dragon clan, he is him and the dragon clan is the dragon clan, and the two cannot be equated.


After hearing Hong Zhou's words, Zulong did not get angry but laughed. His laughter rolled, piercing the clouds and splitting the sun, echoing in the small world, and shaking the world.

"You are the Dragon Emperor, what a joke! You killed the black dragon and fled in the battle of the three clans. Who would admit that you are the Dragon Emperor?"

Hong Zhou looked at Zulong, his eyes calm.

"The joke is you. You dragged the dragon clan into the quagmire of the catastrophe for your own selfishness. You are the eternal sinner of the dragon clan. This time I came to Dongjitian to take away all the dragon clan and rebuild the dragon clan. In the future, I will create a new dragon clan that is much stronger than the Dragon Han Chujie period."

"But you and your son will not see all this!"

Hong Zhou did not hide his ambition. He wanted to say these words to Zulong before the two understandings, but he was not as skilled as others at that time and had no chance to say them.

"What did you do to Qiuniu and the others?"

When Hong Zhou mentioned his son, Zulong was startled.

His other half of the soul did not dare to stay in the prehistoric world for too long, and escaped directly into the reincarnation. Therefore, he did not know that his nine favorite sons were all killed.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in killing your nine useless sons. Someone else killed them. Forget it, why bother talking to you so much, you are going to die soon. After killing your original body, I will find the reincarnation of your split soul and kill you all."

As Hong Zhou spoke, his body turned into golden light and launched a sudden attack on Zulong.


Under this attack, the surrounding void continued to collapse and roll, forming a terrible space-time storm, and the small world was deformed and in danger of destruction at any time.


Zulong shouted, and the huge dragon body disappeared instantly, and a middle-aged man with a beard and a golden emperor robe appeared.

He raised his right hand, and a Nine Dragon Dao Seal condensed in front of him. Nine avenues flew together, spinning at high speed, and launched a counterattack against Hong Zhou.

The two fought, and time stopped, space was covered with cracks, and small worlds were constantly destroyed and reborn.

Fang Yang did not intervene in the fight between the two, because he could see that Zulong was struggling to death.

If Hong Zhou couldn't even kill a Zulong struggling to death, his cultivation would be in vain.


Suddenly, Zulong, who was fighting with Hong Zhou, screamed, and could no longer maintain his innate Dao body, and turned back into a dragon.


Ancestor Dragon's body began to explode, and blood holes were blown out one after another. Every time a hole appeared, black gas would emerge from the body of the ancestor dragon.

"No, this is a curse from all living beings!"

Fang Yang felt the malice in the ancestor dragon and retreated again and again.

At this time, boundless resentment and curses broke out from the ancestor dragon's body, directly devouring the ancestor dragon's vitality.

"Why do we dragons have such a dragon emperor? We have been imprisoned here for eight million years. As soon as the ancestor dragon appears, he will sacrifice us all."

"Ancestor Dragon, you tyrant. You lied to us to build a mausoleum for you, but you killed people to silence them afterwards."

"I regret not leaving with the ancestor Zhulong. The ancestor Zhulong told me that the ancestor dragon can only share adversity, not wealth, and is a selfish villain. Why didn't I believe it?!"

"Ancestor Dragon, I curse you to have no descendants! You and your bloodline will not have a good end!"

No one could have imagined that the ancestor dragon had such a powerful curse on him. These curses have already given birth to intelligence and transformed into cursed gods.

The curse of heaven and the curse of all living beings converged on one person at the same time. It would be fine if this person did not use his magic power, but once his magic power was used, he could no longer suppress the curse.

"You will not live if you do evil!"

Seeing this, Hong Zhou shook his head.

Bang bang bang bang!

Continuous explosions occurred on Zulong, and Zulong was completely in despair.

"You traitors, you cheap dragons. The king wants his subjects to die, and the subjects have to die. You want to kill the king after you die?"

Zulong never thought that he would die at the hands of the dragons he killed and devoured.

If he had not devoured the souls of those dragons, he might not have fallen to this point. Before those dragons died, their souls were full of resentment and curses. Zulong inhaled their souls, which was equivalent to inhaling curses.

This was the first time Fang Yang saw the karma in the prehistoric world!


After the last dragon roar, Zulong's eyes lost all their brilliance and he died. (End of this chapter)

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