The establishment of Hentian Sect is a life-saving medicine for many people.

Those who have lost their loved ones, lost their homes, and lost everything want to vent, but because they cannot find an outlet, they can only hide their hatred and grief in their hearts, feeling so depressed that their hearts are about to explode.

However, the appearance of the Hatian Sect released the suppressed emotions in the hearts of these creatures.

In Yanzhou City, the flames of the Fengshen Measuring Tribulation were extinguished, and the city returned to prosperity. The immortals, sects, and families coming and going returned, making the city extremely lively.

On this day, Yanzhou Houfu suddenly sent many soldiers to blockade the whole city, searching everywhere in the city, looking for something.

All the people who saw this scene hid in their homes and did not dare to stay outside for fear of encountering something unexpected.

The conflict between Shang and Zhou Dynasties has come to an end. However, the great merchants have been operating for millions of years, and there are still many remaining forces. These forces, dormant in the dark, are causing trouble everywhere under the banner of "reversing business and resuming business".

The people were also afraid, for fear that the remnants of the previous dynasty would come to Yanzhou.

However, the reality is not what people imagine.

In the sky, a patrol team composed entirely of Xuanxian was slowly patrolling the city. Every time they flew a certain distance, they would make announcements.

"Listen, people in the city. The Hatantian Cult spreads hatred and harms the world. It has been labeled as a cult by the Emperor of Zhou. No one of us, the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, is allowed to harbor cult members, provide a gathering place for cults, let alone believe in cults."

This made many people feel relieved. After a long time, the court was trying to catch a cult.

The Yanzhou Marquis Mansion made great moves and turned Yanzhou City upside down, but they couldn't find even half of the members of the Hatian Sect.

However, the imperial court never imagined that the main altar of Hattian Sect was not in reality, but in a dream.

Fang Yang didn't choose any of the Twelve Demon Lords, but he chose the Nightmare Lord because he took a fancy to the Nightmare Lord's dream power.

A sect that preaches in dreams, who can find its traces?

In a fantasy space that is between reality and reality, it is bizarre and cannot be described in words. It is crowded with people and it is so dark that it is impossible to see how many people there are.

These creatures include humans, monsters, ghost cultivators, corpse cultivators, and plant elves. The number is terrifying.

However, these creatures are just the creatures in the land of Yanzhou. Compared with the creatures in the entire prehistoric era, they are only a drop in the bucket.

Because of the existence of these creatures, the space is filled with resentment and hatred.

All of them looked towards the high platform in the center of the space. On the high platform, a Shamat was preaching to them.

"People in the world are ignorant and are often deceived by worldly hypocrisy and do not dare to face their true hearts. After listening to my sermon, you can see through the illusion, face your true heart, and bravely admit the hatred in your heart. This is very important. good."

"Kill to pay for life, debt to pay for money, this is the true justice. If you don't get justice, the hatred in your heart is like a big stone, weighing you down. You must vent the hatred in your heart Come out and let others share your burden, so you can find true peace.”

Fang Yang constantly deceives people's hearts to let all living beings release their hatred.

His current identity is that of a cult leader, so naturally he has to do things that only a cult leader would do.

After hearing what Fang Yang said, a man in green shirt took the lead in responding. He stood up and said bitterly: "Fellow Taoists, Pindao was originally from Zhongtiao Mountain. In the Xia Dynasty, Pindao was still a farmer, with an old mother and a pregnant woman at home. Although his wife could not live forever, she lived happily. When she was about to give birth, a plague suddenly came and the whole village was infected. "

At this point, the man in blue shirt shed painful tears.

Everyone can imagine what happened next. A person who is about to give birth will definitely die if he catches the plague.

People with underlying diseases or frailty are most afraid of contracting other diseases, which can easily kill a person.

The man in blue shirt's voice was choked with sobs:

"Originally, there was a Wenpo in the village. However, everyone got the plague and didn't even have the strength to go to the fields. My wife and the child in her belly died that day. My mother also became ill because of this. , never woke up. Later, an immortal named Kinnara came to the village and drove away the plague god for us. However, my mother, wife, and children all died!"

"I beg Kinnara Immortal to tell me the origin of the plague god. Kinnara Immortal was unwilling to tell me at first. I will die to make my determination clear, so Kinnara is willing to let go."

After hearing this, everyone felt sympathy for the Qingshan man. For a man to watch his wife and children die, there is probably nothing more painful than this.

"It turns out that the plague in our village was spread by the immortals from the Jiejiao religion."

The young man in green shirt looked crazy and kept laughing, "It turns out that this is the ability of the great sage! What about intercepting a glimmer of life, what about teaching without distinction, bah!"

Upon hearing that it was the work of Jie Jiao, everyone present gritted their teeth, and the fire of hatred soared.

Soon the next complainer stood up.

"Fellow church members, the fellow Taoist just now was in a miserable state, but he was not the worst. My name is Lin Bian, and I am the young president of the Tianyong Chamber of Commerce in Weiyuan City. I"

This one's hatred is deeper than the previous one. He is not afraid of revealing his identity and even tells his name and origin.

This complainer’s experience was simpler than the previous one’s, but it was really painful.

Back then, Fang Yang had encountered the Seven Stars Messenger slaughtering the city. Coincidentally, this complainer was the one whose city was slaughtered.

He did not survive. His entire clan and himself died at the hands of the Seven Stars Messenger.

If Fang Yang had not shot and exploded the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, his soul would still be trapped in the Ghost Bone Banner and it would be difficult to reincarnate.

That's right! He is now a ghost cultivator!

"That Tongtian dog thief, who claims to be the authentic Pangu and the leader of the immortal way, but protects his disciples and slaughters the people. How can such a person be qualified to be a saint?"

Because of his deep hatred, the complainer didn't care and cursed the Master of Tongtian.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that there would be someone so fierce that he dared to make up even a saint.

However, Fang Yang nodded secretly.

This complainer is not stupid. The Master of Tongtian is imprisoned in the Zixiao Palace and cannot get out of this infinite calamity. Of course, he can curse at will. Anyway, this complainer will not live to the next reincarnation of heaven and earth.

In that case, what is there to be afraid of?

"What a refined power of hatred."

Fang Yang used his mind to grab the hatred emitted by the complainer in his hand.

After observation, he found that the complainer was really full of hatred and bitterness, far beyond the average believer. (End of this chapter)

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