Tongtian Patriarch's actions hurt the hearts of these disciples.

People are all made of flesh and blood, and disciples are not the property of their teachers. People join Jiejiao not to be tools for venting anger.

If it is not for survival and future, who would join Jiejiao?

It is just like going to work. Without money, who would be willing to work overtime? If a company talks about ideals without money, it must be painting a rosy picture for you.

What "the master wants the disciple to die, and the disciple has to die", this kind of words is just like shit, it is disgusting.

Even if it is a parent, it is unreasonable to kill their own children, let alone a mere teacher.

When they fought for Jiejiao, Tongtian Patriarch did not care about their life and death at all, and wanted to destroy the world. How could they not be upset?

Wu Dang Shengmu, Zhao Gongming, and Yunxiao Fairy looked at Yang Jiao without saying a word, waiting for Yang Jiao's answer.

They knew that this moment was the most dangerous time for Jiejiao. If Yang Jiao answered well, Jiejiao would still exist. If he answered badly, the people of Jiejiao would lose their hearts.

"Such a Jiejiao has a better development prospect. Everyone has his own thoughts and his own heart, not a puppet or an NPC. All thoughts and behaviors revolve around the saint. Even if the saint farts, everyone thinks it smells good. Living for yourself is the real life."

Yang Jiao was not angry when asked this question, because it is a good thing to have a temper.

If a person is indifferent even when others want to kill him, and continues to believe in that person wholeheartedly. Such a person is as disgusting as the protagonist in the Niangdao article. He has no self at all, and there is no difference between being alive and dead.

"This is a good question! In fact, each of us has our own answer in our hearts. Instead of asking me, Master Zhaixing, you might as well ask your own heart."

Yang Jiao smiled lightly and looked directly at Zhaixingxian. This glance penetrated the depths of Zhaixingxian's heart.

Some things are known to everyone. It is useless to whitewash the truth and distort the facts. The state of Tongtian Sect Master at that time was to destroy the world and drag the prehistoric world to be buried with him.

Even if Yang Jiao said it was not the case, no one would believe it.

"Sure enough!"

The hearts of the immortals sank, and a sense of bitterness surged from the bottom of their hearts. They felt very wronged.

The disciples of the Jiejiao Sect were slaughtered by the disciples of the Chan Sect, the four saints broke the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the people, Chan Sect, and the Western Sect besieged the Wanxian Formation. What mistakes did they make to be killed by their teachers (grandmasters).

The four Wu Dang Holy Mothers frowned. They did not want to hear this answer.

Seeing that the will of the immortals was depressed, Yang Jiao was still calm. He said calmly: "But I can tell you uncles that this was not the original intention of the grandmaster, and the grandmaster himself was also helpless. There is a huge hidden secret in this matter."

When the immortals heard this, they were all spirited and their morale was instantly restored.

"May I ask the leader, what is the hidden secret?"

Zhao Gongming arched his hands and asked.

In private, he is Yang Jiao's teacher, and in Biyou Palace, Yang Jiao is his leader. Zhao Gongming clearly distinguishes between public and private.

Yang Jiao said solemnly: "When I was cultivating in Shangqingtian, I received careful teachings from my master Shanshi. From my master Shanshi, I learned the secret. However, this secret concerns the reputation of my master. Without the permission of my master, I am sorry that I cannot tell you."

The Pangu Sect was actually calculated by the devil, and the devil entered the body. This news must not be spread casually.

If it is to be spread, it can only be spread by Fang Yang. This news can break the myth of Hongjun Patriarch's perfect plan, but Yang Jiao must not spread it casually.

After hearing Yang Jiao's explanation, everyone in the hall breathed a sigh of relief. Although they still have many questions, most of the grievances in their hearts have disappeared.

The two quasi-saints and the two Daluo Jinxian regained their composure, and their faces were full of excitement.

They all knew that Yang Jiao was the leader of a sect, and he was a man of honor. He would never joke about such things.

"So that's the case. I knew that the teacher was not that kind of person."

"Junior nephew Yang Jiao received the teachings of the teacher Shanshi. It seems that not only the master, but also the teacher is optimistic about him. The teacher asked nephew Yang Jiao to face the wall in Shangqingtian, which was probably a kind of protection for him."

The people who were comforted became active and began to recall the whole thing. As they recalled, they were more and more sure of Yang Jiao's words.

They had been in Jiejiao for countless years, and they knew very well what kind of person Tongtian Jiaozhu was. Tongtian Jiaozhu's protection of them was obvious to all, and this was not their illusion.

"Don't be happy too early, the Conferred God Calamity is not over. Next, we still have several tough battles to fight!"

Yang Jiao slightly restrained his smile and said, "This time, the calamity was broken because of the fight between the four sects. I believe that karma will come soon, and you must be prepared to welcome karma!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall looked bitter and uneasy.

The dragon race was cursed by the Heavenly Dao because of their excessive killing. They had destroyed the prehistoric world, so would the Heavenly Dao give them a good result?

They had completely overestimated it.

With the mediation of Hongjun Patriarch, the Heavenly Dao would never curse the disciples of the Jiejiao. At most, the Heavenly Dao would reward each of them with a big gift package of karma.


At this moment, a black cloud covered the Jinao Island and descended over the Biyou Palace. It was a black cloud, and it looked like there were 100 million acres.

Yang Jiao was the first to sense the arrival of karma. The moment he saw this pile of karma, he was shocked.

There were too many karmas!

After Pangu League governed the northern part of Honghuang, Fang Yang also got 300 million mu of merit. Honghuang Tiandao was very stingy in giving merits, but it was straightforward to give karma, and it dropped 1 billion mu in one breath.

As for these karmas, it is estimated that they were the result of deducting the merits of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

With a little thought, it can be thought that after breaking Honghuang and ending the Xiantian era, how could the Heavenly Dao only drop such a little karma.

When Yang Jiao saw the karma, many Jiejiao immortals also saw it. They looked at the karma in the sky and felt scared.

What if so much karma fell?

However, people could not think too much. After the karma appeared above the Biyou Palace, it was quickly divided into many parts. 500 million mu flew in the direction of Xiqi, 300 million mu flew in the direction of Xifangjiao, 100 million mu flew to Bajing Palace, and the remaining 100 million mu flew into Honghuang!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The black light shuttled through the sky, crisscrossing and forming a big net.

Soon, everyone in the Biyou Palace received a big gift package of karma rewarded by the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the karma they had received was the least, basically no karma.

Almost all the karma went to the disciples who were on the Conferred God List and entered the Western Religion. The most miserable one was Duobao Taoist, who received 100 million mu of karma alone.

And for these people, the most karma they received was only a few dozen mu, and the least was only half an acre, which was almost for show.

Even so, as long as they were disciples of Jie Religion, they all received a big gift package of karma, without missing a single one. (End of this chapter)

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