Since the destruction of the prehistoric world, an unprecedented catastrophe has befallen the prehistoric creatures.

Although Yang Jiao, Jiang Ziya, and Huoyun Cave had made preparations long ago, they were unable to take care of one side and the other side when the fire was everywhere, and countless creatures still suffered and died on the spot.

Once the power of the saint level is encountered, there is only death, no other possibility.

Fortunately, Yang Jiao's previous layout played a certain role, and a considerable number of creatures escaped into the underworld. Otherwise, the casualties of all living beings would be even more severe.

The tragic situation of the prehistoric world finally made Nuwa Niangniang, Fuxi Shenghuang, Shennong Shenghuang, and Xuanyuan Shenghuang leave the Taoist temple and descend on the prehistoric world.

The four of them used their own methods to resist the saintly mana leaked from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

"Nuwa, Fuxi, are you also going to be enemies with me?"

The voice of Tongtian Jiaozhu resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths, and he had completely lost his mind. Seeing that Nuwa and the Three Emperors were protecting all living beings, he immediately turned his anger on Nuwa and the Three Emperors.

Nuwa's face was covered with frost, and she said, "Laozi and Yuanshi, you two Taoist friends, why don't you do your best? Do you want to let Tongtian destroy the prehistoric world and return the world to chaos before you do your best?"

Yes, during the battle of the Five Saints, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun had been holding back their strength. The Saint Jieyin and the Saint Zhunti tried their best, but they couldn't take down the Master Tongtian.

Who made the Western Church always do things that go against people's hearts, and even the native creatures in the West rarely believe in the two Western saints?

However, Nuwa also saw that the state of the Master Tongtian was very wrong. This was not the Master Tongtian she knew at all!

Hearing Nuwa's scolding, the faces of the five saints who were fighting madly were not good. The Five Saints were silent for a moment, and the real battle broke out.

Five figures fought in the middle of the earth, fire, wind and fire, and the world was turned upside down. The power of the heavenly way collided and bombarded each other, and countless disasters descended on the world.


A ray of Qingping sword energy fell, almost piercing through the defense of Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Oh no, the power of humanity is weakening. If it goes on like this, even we can't withstand the attacks of these heavenly saints."

Emperor Xuanyuan sensed the decline of humanity and was very anxious.

Behind him are billions of sentient beings and countless people of the human race. If the attack of Master Tongtian falls on his back, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, don't worry. The power of humanity is not enough to resist the power of the heavenly way. What if I add the power of the earthly way?"

A heavenly sound rang in the ears of Emperor Xuanyuan, and then the earthy yellow power of the earthly way rose and blessed the defense barriers of Emperor Fuxi, Emperor Shennong, and Emperor Xuanyuan.

The earth and humanity joined forces, and the defense created by the Three Emperors was immediately as solid as a rock. No matter how the five Heavenly Saints fought, their power could not penetrate.

"Thank you for your help, Taoist friend Hou Tu!"

Sage Emperor Fuxi thanked him.

If it weren't for Empress Hou Tu this time, the prehistoric creatures would really be in danger. They overlooked one point when they took action. During the catastrophe, if the human way was damaged too much, the power of the human way would become weak.

After Empress Hou Tu took action, the mighty in the prehistoric world finally took action, opened the formation, and protected the creatures near their own Taoist temples.

The mighty were dumbfounded. This catastrophe was so big that even the prehistoric continent was broken. They were almost scared to death.

It was not until Empress Nuwa and the other five saints took action to protect the world that they put down their hanging hearts.

Although it is said that even if the world is destroyed, there is a possibility that those who have cultivated to the Daluo Jinxian can survive. However, who can guarantee that they can survive the disaster of world destruction?

With the intervention of five saints, at least the world was saved.

The battle between saints intensified, and the victims were all ordinary creatures.

Except for those places where luck gathered, the creatures in other areas suffered devastating damage.

A chaotic sword energy shot down, and a sect was evaporated. A Qingping sword energy penetrated through, and another ancient prehistoric clan was wiped out.

Since this catastrophe, most of the civilization achievements that sentient beings have worked hard to build have been wiped out.

A group of luck light in the shape of a Vermillion Bird rose above Hengshan Mountain, saving Hengshan Mountain from the impact of the battle between saints.

Important sacred mountains like the Five Mountains will definitely not be affected. This is a blessed place, a place where luck gathers, unless the saints intend to attack.

Fang Yang's Dharma body stood on the top of a high mountain, looking at everything between heaven and earth.

He saw many brave people who braved the aftermath of the battle between saints and rescued sentient beings everywhere. Most of these people were casual cultivators, the lowest level of creatures.

Among these people, he even saw many demon cultivators.

In fact, many people have no way to choose their own origins. If these people don't take the demon path, they will die, so why don't they go.

Just when the prehistoric creatures were living in dire straits, a green light column rushed straight into the sky from the direction of Hengshan Sword Sect, and a weak breath of law spread out.

Seeing this, Fang Yang nodded slightly: "Not bad! Break through the Golden Immortal at this time, one step later, the innate era will be over."

Liu Qingyuan, the reincarnation of Bai Ling Tongzi, was able to cultivate into a Golden Immortal in the small Hengshan Sword Sect, which can be said to be very rare.

The level of Hengshan Sword Sect is very low, and it does not understand the way of sentient beings at all. This means that Liu Qingyuan completely relied on his own hard work to cultivate into a Golden Immortal.

Then a black dot rushed out of Hengshan Sword Sect, crossed the void, and after a few leaps, it arrived outside the Hengshan Cave Heaven.

"Disciple greets the teacher!"

Liu Qingyuan was excited and bowed down in front of the mountain gate. He had waited for this day for too long.

Few people can understand the loyalty of a boy to a powerful person. For a boy, the master who enlightened them is no different from his biological parents.

In the prehistoric times, there were many cases of disciples betraying their teachers. Disagreement in ideas, teacher's partiality, and disciple's paranoia could all lead disciples to betray their teachers.

However, no boy betrayed his master.

Liu Qingyuan was promoted from a boy with no prospects for promotion to a disciple, and his loyalty to Fang Yang was greatly improved.

Fang Yang moved his mind and rolled Liu Qingyuan in front of him.

"Teacher, I have lived up to your expectations and have become a golden immortal.

Liu Qingyuan bowed down in a hurry.

Fang Yang said with satisfaction: "Get up! From now on, you are the teacher's last disciple. ”

He had no interest in the imperial court, he only wanted the cultivation world! With Liu Qingyuan, he could use the Hengshan Sword Sect as a springboard to enter the clan cultivation world.

So, a strange scene appeared on Hengshan.

Others were fighting to the death, and the prehistoric world was broken, but Fang Yang was leisurely accepting disciples.

He was just watching the show now. If he missed this time, he didn't know when he would be able to watch the internal strife among the saints again.

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