Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 447: Late Stage of Hunyuan Jinxian

When the four religions were fighting the Ten Thousand Immortals, Fang Yang was trying hard to reach the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

In the prehistoric world, those who cultivated to Daluo Jinxian could be called great powers, but only those who cultivated to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian could be called great supernatural powers.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless great powers. There are three thousand listeners in Zixiao Palace alone, but the number of great supernatural powers is very small.

As long as you become a great supernatural power, even saints will give you three points of face.

After taking the Hongmeng Enlightenment Fruit, Fang Yang's consciousness transcended his body, transcended the prehistoric world, and projected into the depths of the chaotic world.

The fruit of the chaotic spiritual root is mysterious, and it is many times better than the effect of the bodhi seed.

The chaotic world is a world beyond the imagination of mortals, indescribable, incredible, and incomprehensible. Just like mortals, they can never see higher-level space.

Looking at time and space from the perspective of the chaotic world is equivalent to looking at things in lower dimensions from a higher dimension.

After Fang Yang's consciousness entered the chaos, it merged with the void of the chaotic world. All the great ways and thousands of laws were allowed for him to comprehend.

However, Fang Yang wanted to cultivate his own time and space avenues, not the avenues of the Taoist Shichen and the Immortal Yangmei.

A knife can be used to kill or save people. Everyone's way is different, and all laws exist in the heart.


In the Vacuum Hall, the void around Fang Yang vibrated, and ripples composed of the power of time and space rushed towards him.

Around him, time and space automatically condensed and separated from the time and space of the world of destiny.

Gradually, his figure became illusory and hazy, as if he jumped out of the three realms, separated from the five elements, and formed his own time and space.

After taking the Hongmeng Enlightenment Fruit, he entered the state of enlightenment and his realm was rapidly improved.

After an unknown period of time, the small space where Fang Yang was located vibrated, expanded inside, and incredible fluctuations began to derive.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

From the outside, the size of the space-time that enveloped Fang Yang did not change, but inside the space-time, time and space expanded rapidly.

If someone attacked Fang Yang, he would be trapped in Fang Yang's small space-time and would never reach Fang Yang.

Moreover, in places that the outside world could not see, Fang Yang's natal world and the eighty-one worlds also exploded.

From the center of the world, a ball of light lit up, and then, under the illumination of the light, the world tree grew wildly at an explosive speed, stretching the entire world.


It was not known whether it was a moment or an eternity, Fang Yang's natal world grew to an incredible extent.

At this time, the size of the natal world could only be described in light years, and even compared with the Jiuli world, it was not much smaller.

And the eighty-one worlds also grew to the size of a large world.

The growth of the natal world symbolized that Fang Yang had successfully broken through from the middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

At the moment of his breakthrough, his image appeared again in the void of the world of destiny.

The Avenue of Vacuum, the Avenue of Hatred, the Avenue of Destiny, the Avenue of Power, the Avenue of Yin and Yang, the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of Time, and the Avenue of Space, a total of eight avenues turned into a long river of avenues and rose to the sky.

Generally speaking, a Hunyuan Jinxian can cultivate nine avenues at most. Therefore, as long as seven avenues are cultivated, they can break through to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Of course, Fang Yang's limit is not nine, but eighty-two.

Others have reached the great perfection of Hunyuan Jinxian after cultivating nine avenues. Fang Yang's great perfection of Hunyuan Jinxian is completely not at the same level as others' great perfection of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Under the protection of the eight avenues, Fang Yang's body emits an eternal and indestructible brilliance. This light illuminates the world, illuminates people's hearts, and illuminates the three thousand worlds.

"Congratulations to the Demon Ancestor for his breakthrough, the Demon Ancestor has unparalleled luck!"

Seeing this, the creatures of the Destiny World were blessed and knew that their Demon Ancestor had broken through again.

Whether it was the disciples of the Wusheng Sect or the creatures of the Destiny World, they all burst into cheers, and the sound broke through the nine heavens and went straight up to the blue sky.

They knew who was good to them.

Although Fang Yang called himself the Demon Ancestor, he was very caring for his people. He would not show mercy to anyone who hurt his people.

He knew clearly that the people's hearts were the foundation for preaching.

If you lose the people's hearts, all living beings will be dissatisfied with you. Power can control the mouths of all living beings, but it cannot control the hearts of all living beings.

Why was the Jie Sect so powerful, but Tongtian Sect Master was still beaten by Laozi Saint? It was because no one believed in his teachings.

Those Jie Sect disciples acted recklessly and shook the people's hearts. No matter what Tongtian Sect Master said, all living beings did not believe it.

Especially after the outbreak of the Conferred God Calamity, the Jie Sect disciples would take the people of Xiqi for a knife. What kind of life-saving opportunity is this?

In the eyes of you Jie Sect, the power of Emperor Xin is more important than the lives of billions of people.

You said you wanted to give us life, but you have been cutting off our life, how can we believe in you?

"Finally broke through! Unknowingly, have I reached this level?"

Fang Yang felt the power of destroying the heavens in his body, and his mood was excited.

Once upon a time, a Xuanxian could force him to flee all over the world. When he became a Jinxian, he was worried day and night about dying in the aftermath of the battle between the powerful.

Every bit of it was in his heart, and he knew that from now on, he would no longer have to run away.

If you don't return to your hometown when you are rich and powerful, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes. Fang Yang's hometown is long gone. If there is one, the Destiny World is his hometown.

However, he has an old acquaintance to meet.

In the small world, the Nightmare Demon King is practicing hard, hoping to break through to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian. However, a strong pressure suddenly came, awakening the Nightmare Demon King.

When the Nightmare Demon King looked up and saw Fang Yang standing in front of him with a smile, his expression changed drastically.

"Late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian?"

Then, he quickly realized that he had lost his composure and hurriedly stood up to salute.

"I have seen the leader, congratulations on your breakthrough, and you will dominate the world in the future, and it will be no problem to prove the Hunyuan Dao."

At this time, his heart was shocked beyond words.

A chess piece that he had always looked down on actually cultivated to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian before him. This means that even if Fang Yang did not borrow any external force, he would not be Fang Yang's opponent.

"That's right! I just broke through to the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian. Do you think I am qualified to lead the magic path?"

"Yes! Of course! The master is destined to be the master, and no one can match him."

Dream Nightmare Daojun said half-truthfully.

Although he was still unconvinced, he had no doubts about whether Fang Yang could lead the magic path.

He did not think that the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian was the pinnacle of Fang Yang. Fang Yang's future achievements would definitely not be lower than Luohou and Ji. (End of this chapter)

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