After discussing the deal, Xiang Liu suddenly extended an invitation to Fang Yang and asked Fang Yang if he would like to take a look at the Pangu League headquarters.


Fang Yang felt strange. Does Pangu League still have a headquarters? He has never heard anyone say that Pangu League has a headquarters!

Xiang Liu smiled: "Just because there was no headquarters before, it doesn't mean there isn't one now. In order to facilitate the exchange of information and resources among alliance members, the alliance has set up a headquarters in the center of the Jiuli world."

"Is this happening?"

Fang Yang's eyes lit up.

There are powerful people in the Pangu Alliance from the ancient world and even all the heavens and all realms. If he can exchange knowledge and discuss the Tao with them, it will be of great benefit to his cultivation.

"Everything we are doing now is to fight against Xuanmen and the Great Sage. Xuanmen is full of talents, like the crucian carp crossing the river. If we, Pangu League, want to defeat them, we must concentrate our efforts and cultivate our own talents. Therefore, the Pangu League headquarters is also a gathering place for talents from all over the world. So far, several Taoists have received their favorite disciples in the headquarters.”

Xiang Liu continued to talk about the advantages of this headquarters, but unfortunately, Fang Yang was not moved this time.

Fang Yang accepted disciples to train migrant workers, not to pass on some mantle.

If he could attain Hunyuan, there would be no need to recruit disciples. All the monks of the Demonic Path would be his disciples. If he fails to achieve enlightenment, there is no point in passing on the mantle.

Even he couldn't realize Hunyuan, could his disciples be more tyrannical than him?

He has now accepted eight disciples, and there is no need to accept any more.

"Really? So, I want to see it even more."

Fang Yang pretended to be interested and said.

However, when Xiang Liu took Fang Yang to the entrance of Jiuli World, Fang Yang was shocked.

In front of the two of them, there was an extremely ancient temple with a thick aura, and a pure coercion was directly transmitted into the depths of the soul. Looking at the plaque above the temple, there are three characters "Pangu Temple" written in Shaman script.

"Pan, Pangu Palace?"

Fang Yang was deterred.

The Pangu Palace in front of you is obviously not a fake, but the real thing. Everyone in the ancient world knew that except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, no one could step into the Pangu Palace, not even Ancestor Hongjun.

Xiang Liu saw Fang Yang's concerns, and he said: "Fellow Taoist, please feel free to enter. Although the rumors in the ancient world are true, if our Wu clan can't even control our own temple, how can we have the face to compete with Xuanmen?" The dominance of Honghuang?”

He didn't have to explain too much, because the next moment, a yellow scarf Taoist wearing a golden crown strode out of Pangu Hall.

This yellow scarf Taoist is obviously not a witch, but a cultivator in the early stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"Fellow Taoist Xiangliu, who is this fellow Taoist?"

When Huangjin Taoist saw Xiang Liu, he smiled and greeted him.

Xiang Liu nodded towards Taoist Huangjin and introduced the two to each other.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, this is Patriarch Taiping, the leader of the Taiping Sect. He is a disciple of Patriarch Huangtian in ancient times."

"Fellow Taoist Taiping, this is Taoist Fang Yang, the leader of the Wu Sheng Sect. He is the newly promoted master of this alliance."

When Fang Yang heard the name of the visitor, his heart moved.

On Earth, the reputation of the Taiping Sect is much louder than that of the Wusheng Sect. The saying "The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand" has been circulated for nearly two thousand years.

In contrast, Wushengjiao is just a small group, and even changed its name several times. None of Manichaeism, Mingjiao, and Tianlijiao can compare with Taipingjiao.

Fang Yang and Patriarch Taiping nodded to each other and said hello.

The Taiping Ancestor's ability to walk out of Pangu Hall is enough to prove that even others can enter Pangu Hall.

"Using Pangu Hall as the entrance, only members of this alliance can enter the Jiuli world."

Xiang Liuduo explained.

Crossing the long passage of time and space, Xiang Liu and Fang Yang descended into a vast world with a whoosh.

The time and space of this world have been artificially transformed.

Time flows much faster than the outside world. After one prehistoric day in the prehistoric world, ten days have passed in this world.

The space in this world is even more vast, and Fang Yang can't see the end of the world even if he releases all his spiritual consciousness.

However, since the Witch Clan has Empress Houtu, achieving this is nothing.

Even Fang Yang, as long as he is willing, he can also use the laws of space to create an infinite space without boundaries.

But just having a large space means nothing, and it is impossible for sentient beings to cultivate in the air. As the space becomes larger, the total amount of spiritual energy remains unchanged, which is detrimental to the development of the world.

The Wu Clan didn't know what method they used to expand the space while retaining the concentration of spiritual energy.

"This world is the Great World of Jiuli. It was originally the Great World of Reincarnation. Later, our Witch Clan conquered eighteen more great worlds and merged with them to form the current Great World of Jiuli."

When mentioning the Wu clan's achievements, Xiang Liu was quite proud in his words.

However, when Xiang Liu's words came to Fang Yang's ears, Fang Yang was shocked again. The last time he visited the Wu Clan was to repair the world of martial arts. At that time, the Wu Clan only captured seventeen big worlds. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Wu Clan captured two more worlds.

Calculated this way, Jiuli World is composed of nineteen great worlds.

"Nineteen, the fusion of the nine great worlds will give birth to a purple energy of heaven. In other words, there is already a holy throne in the Jiuli great world. This time the Wu clan opens the Jiuli great world, I am afraid there will be more Auctioning for things that matter.”

"Haha, you are here just in time. Soon, there will be an auction in our alliance, and there will be a Nine-Li Purple Qi among the auction items. This Nine-Li Purple Qi is not something that ordinary Taoists can afford to bid for, but it should be nothing to Taoist Fang Yang."

Xiang Liu touched his moustache and smiled like a businessman.

Fang Yang was horrified again.

He really guessed right that the Wu Clan was going to auction the Nine-Li Purple Qi.

"Let's talk about it later. Taoist friends also know that I have to manage the Destiny World and cannot split myself."

Fang Yang waved his hands repeatedly to refuse.

The Nine-Li Purple Qi is indeed very tempting, but it doesn't have much effect on him. Unless the Nine-Li World can grow to the same level as the Primordial World.

He is now a good controller of the Heavenly Dao, and there is no need to come to the Nine-Li World to be a saint.

Seeing that Fang Yang actually refused, Xiang Liu showed a regretful expression on his face.

In his opinion, among the powerful people in the Pangu Alliance, Fang Yang is the first in terms of economic strength. Merit, luck, innate spiritual treasures, land, spiritual veins. Fang Yang has everything.

Unfortunately, Fang Yang's advantage is not easy to take.

Take the matter of preaching rights for example. Although the Wu clan got two innate spiritual treasures, Xiangliu could see that Fang Yang didn't like these two innate spiritual treasures.

Under normal circumstances, how could you sell the best innate spiritual treasures to others?

"Let's go down!"

The two of them landed in a group of mountains one after the other.

Under this mountain range, there seems to be an ancestral vein, and the spiritual energy evaporates and condenses into fairy mist. Nourished by the spiritual veins, the Taoist rhyme of the mountains is also very strong, and the spiritual light shines on the nine heavens.

Fang Yang's consciousness moved, and he saw that a palace was built on each mountain peak, and countless immortals exchanged Taoist magic and practiced in the mountains.

These immortals have cultivation levels above the Golden Immortal, and there is no one below the Golden Immortal.

Fang Yang knew that they were all members of the Pangu League.

These members are different from Fang Yang. Fang Yang was raised in a free-range environment, while these immortals were carefully cultivated by Pangu League.

In addition, he also saw many Daluo Jinxian and a small number of Hunyuan Jinxian.

This is indeed the headquarters of Pangu League!

"How is it? Is the strength of this league acceptable?"

Xiangliu asked.

Fang Yang nodded and said, "It is indeed strong. Where is the transaction place you mentioned?"


Xiangliu pointed to the void in front of him, and then, with a loud bang, twelve totem pillars appeared, and Fang Yang saw a portal.

The two turned into light and entered it.

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