While everyone was happy, Fang Yang continued to announce good news without any surprise.

"Don't think that the reward you just received is all. As long as you are loyal to the Immortal Cult and do your best to spread the teachings of the Immortal Cult, you will all be able to receive the merits rewarded by me every hundred thousand years from now on."

Hearing Fang Yang's words, the whole place was boiling, and the powerful people exploded.

Is one hundred thousand years a long time? To mortals, it is indeed very long, but to them, Daluo True Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, and Hunyuan Golden Immortal, it is extremely short.

Regularly performing meritorious deeds, which sect in the world would have this kind of treatment?

"The leader's kindness to his subordinates will not be forgotten even if they fall into eternal calamity!"

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't hold their tongues straight, and they stuttered and expressed their loyalty to Fang Yang.

Knowing that staying in Wusheng Cult had this benefit, they were unwilling to leave even if Fang Yang drove them away. To leave the Wusheng Cult is to give up the opportunity to gain merit.

They are not fools. Why don’t they want such a good thing?

Anyone who opposes Wu Sheng Cult is opposing Gong De, and is their sworn enemy.

At this point, they completely surrendered to Fang Yang and had no other thoughts.

Among the people, only Sacred Heart Daojun felt very strange.

Fang Yang is so generous!

When it comes to merit, luck, and innate spiritual treasures, Fang Yang is not stingy. He always gives away top-quality acquired spiritual treasures at will.

However, when it came to merit, luck, and innate spiritual treasures, Fang Yang couldn't be more stingy.

For so many years, even he could not get a single merit or an innate spiritual treasure from Fang Yang.

"Senior brother, you have made a fortune! The northern part of the ancient wilderness has not yet been managed, and heaven has not yet sent down the merits. Where did you get rich, senior brother?"

Sacred Heart Daojun felt that he knew Fang Yang very well. In fact, he really knew him very well.

Fang Yang was very satisfied with everyone's performance. Rather than using force to subdue his subordinates, he preferred to convince his subordinates.

If you subjugate a subordinate by force, you should always keep an eye on him to guard against betrayal. If one is not good, it will easily suffer backlash.

"With our concerted efforts, our Wusheng Cult is getting stronger and stronger. Especially after devouring the Great World of Demonic Apes and the Great World of Mind, the origin of the Great World of Destiny has greatly increased. I have decided to cast merit coins and unify the Great World of Destiny. Currency. This time, I have called you here to promote the merit coin."

The merit coins mentioned by Fang Yang are actually the same thing as the contribution points within some sects.

The unified use of contribution points by the sect can better manage the sect and make everything within the sect more organized. Only after taking this step can a force be considered a stable force.

If Fang Yang wants to manage a big world and manage billions of living beings, he must unify the rules of the world.

With merit coins, there is a channel for monks to exchange what they have. It is fair to barter, but it is very easy for one person to want to trade but the other person does not want to.

And these can easily lead to social instability and an increase in incidents such as murder and treasure grabbing.

"Coins of merit? Leader, does this religion have so many merits?"

Hongxuan Tianzun cupped his hands and asked.

The situation in the monastic world is different from that in the mortal world. The emperor or head of the mortal world cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, and his wisdom is not necessarily higher than that of his ministers.

In the world of monasticism, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the calculation ability, and the correspondingly deeper wisdom.

Even though he was the most tyrannical Taoist Lord of the Sacred Heart, his cultivation level was still several blocks behind Fang Yang. Therefore, everyone in the church has great trust in Fang Yang's decision.


Fang Yang nodded, "Previously, I compiled the Sutra of Vacuum Creation and gained a lot of merit. After that, I sold several treasures in Panhuang Tower and gained some merit. Added up to these merits, All of them are enough to make merit coins.”

He needs to hide part of the source of his merits.

The subordinates are not gods, and they do not have a big world. Can they still create merit if they know it?

Fang Yang made a big move, and a golden light of merit that was so rich that it couldn't be dispelled appeared above his head. This group was at least ten times larger than the one just now, and the sheer number of them made even Sacred Heart Taoist Lord stunned.

"The total amount of these merits is 100 million acres. One acre of merit energy can produce 6.66 million merit coins, and one merit coin can be exchanged for one Yuan Shen Dan."

As Fang Yang's voice fell, money rained down from the sky.

It was so densely packed that it was impossible to count how many merit coins fell down. Everyone could only hear the sound of coins falling on the floor throughout the hall.

Tianzun Hongxuan grabbed a merit coin and took a closer look in his hand.

The merit coin is a solid circle, with the Vacuum Temple printed on the front and a Vacuum White Lotus on the back. On the coin, the energy of merit flows, which is extremely tempting.

"Everyone, please give it a try and see if you can absorb the merit from the coins."

The result is of course no!

Merit can only be transferred, cannot be snatched, let alone forcibly refined. This is the power of heaven!

In earthly terms, merit is bound to a person’s soul. Merit cannot be used by another person unless the person willingly transfers it to someone else.

"Next, in the world, anyone who has done enough meritorious deeds will be able to get the merit coins given by me. Your task is to publicize the merit coins."

Fang Yang said based on the method he had already thought of.

In fact, merit coins are merit. The method he said was to give out merit coins to people according to the prehistoric method of delivering merit.

The Immortal Emperor Juntian had a thought in his mind and asked: "Master, can we use and issue merit coins?"


Fang Yang smiled and said, "You will use your own merits to help me complete the task of unifying the currency system. I welcome you."

After hearing this, Immortal Emperor Juntian felt a chill in his heart and nodded repeatedly.

"The subordinates must share the worries of the leader!"

It turns out that Immortal Emperor Juntian wanted to speculate on merit coins. However, as soon as he took the lead, he was suppressed by Fang Yang.

Now that he had lost his wife and troops, not only could he not speculate, but Fang Yang had also deprived him of all his merits.

Immortal Emperor Juntian regretted his mistake, but Fang Yang could not take back his words, so he could only repent himself.

Fang Yang warned again: "The matter of merit coins is related to the future of our sect. If you do well, I will open up the treasury of our sect. At that time, you can use the merit coins to make money in our sect." Purchase any treasure from the treasure house.”

He didn't need to say the second half of the sentence, everyone understood it.

If someone takes advantage of this matter, speculates, and reaps huge benefits, then he will definitely not be able to escape the punishment of the canon.

Among the people, there are only a few who are speculative, and the vast majority still understand the importance.

"Subordinates and others must take care of this for the teacher!"

Everyone said in unison, fearing that if they spoke too slowly, Fang Yang would be deprived of their merit. (End of chapter)

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