After sealing the Dousheng Ape, there was no more obstacle for the Wusheng Sect to annex the Demon Ape World. The Wusheng Sect army marched straight into the core of the Demon Ape World.

"Kill! In accordance with the Sect Leader's order, all the creatures in this world who have cultivated into the innate Dao body of the Demon Ape will be executed!"

Hongxuan Tianzun raised his arm and conveyed Fang Yang's order.

When the believers heard the order, they all cheered and shouted "The Sect Leader is wise", and then they began to clean up the Demon Ape World.

After a while, the monkeys still alive in the Demon Ape World were ruthlessly slaughtered by the Wusheng Sect.

Seeing this, Hongxuan Tianzun was not moved at all. He took the remaining Wusheng Sect disciples and went to the territory of the Mind World.

Since the Mind World was conquered by the Demon Ape World, the human race in it has become slaves.

They no longer have the right to rest, but have become the nannies of the monkeys. They worked hard and planted, but the fruits were all enjoyed by the monkeys.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

On the street, monkeys were dragging people on the ground with chains. The monkeys were having a lot of fun, making faces and whistling from time to time.

People could kick the monkeys to death, but because of their status and position, they dared not touch the monkeys.


On the roof, a young child cried miserably. It turned out that a monkey grabbed her hair and dragged her to jump around on the roof.

The monkeys were the opposite. When they saw the young child crying, they shouted excitedly.

"Oh my God, are you blind?"

The child's mother was crying, but it was useless, because the sky of the spiritual world is the sky of monkeys, not the sky of people.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the spiritual world.

What good thoughts can monkeys have?

Big monkeys can even kill their own cubs, including their own sons, dead boys, stinky treasures, godsons, figurines, handbags, dry branches, and monkey ropes. It's a lot of tossing.

Is the little monkey pitiful? The little monkey is not pitiful either.

Once the little monkey lies on the mother monkey, he can't get down. If the mother monkey doesn't drive the little monkey off, the little monkey can hang on the mother monkey for a lifetime, until the mother monkey is sucked to death or exhausted to death.

Crows repay their parents, but monkeys only rely on their parents.

Monkeys only plunder other creatures and bully the weak without any mercy.

Even Sun Wukong, who is regarded as a hero by many people, was a monkey who cheated and did everything before he set foot on the journey to the west.

Although Nezha has a history of bullying the weak, when he saw that the people of Chentangguan were in trouble, he was able to take it on himself without involving others.

Look at Sun Wukong again. After the 108 demon kings in Huaguo Mountain were captured because of him, he didn't care about the life and death of these demon kings at all, but held a celebration banquet with his monkeys and grandchildren.

Both of them were children spoiled by their teachers. The difference is that Nezha is a human and Sun Wukong is a monkey.

Therefore, Fang Yang would rather educate the rats in the sewer than the monkeys.

"The leader has issued an order that all disciples of the Wusheng Sect will kill the monkeys without mercy! Anyone in the heavens and the worlds who dares to protect and let the monkeys go will be guilty of the same crime as the monkeys!"

Just when the creatures in the spiritual world were in dire straits, their savior came.

The masters of the Wusheng Sect flew out from the void, and countless flying swords, flying knives, flying bowls, and flying pots were sacrificed, thousands of miles away, directly targeting the monkeys' heads.

Bang bang bang!

The monkeys who were still arrogant and arrogant just a moment ago encountered a catastrophe and were killed one after another.

Among the monkeys, some with relatively strong magic power wanted to resist, but a big hand swept through the void, and these monkeys were also destroyed.

"I am Hongxuan Tianzun of the Wusheng Sect. I am here to save the creatures of the Soul World on the orders of the Sect Leader. The Heavenly Dao of the Demon Ape World has been suppressed by the Sect Leader. Fellow Daoists of the Soul World, please join me in killing the remnants of the Demon Ape World!"

With the support of the Wusheng Sect, the human race of the Soul World finally stopped hesitating and took action to kill the remnants of the Demon Ape World.

A bloody storm swept across the two worlds.

What is Fang Yang doing? He is traveling in the Soul World with the Holy Heart Daojun.

The Soul World was breached by the Demon Ape World, not because the Soul World is too weak, but because the Demon Ape World is too strong.

There is no concept of having apes representing the Heavenly Dao and not having apes representing the Heavenly Dao.

Besides, the current civilization of the Soul World is the second generation civilization. The first generation civilization of the Soul World has been self-destructed under the leadership of the Soul Ancestor.

The Soul Ancestor is a strange man. He believes that everything in the world comes from the heart. Only by letting oneself disappear and leaving the heart behind can one comprehend the true meaning of the Great Dao of the Soul.

Then, he captured all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals, Daluo Golden Immortals, and Taiyi Golden Immortals in the Great Dao of the Soul, brainwashed them, and persuaded them to commit suicide.

It must be admitted that the Great Dao of the Soul of the Soul Ancestor is very profound, much stronger than that of the Holy Heart Daojun.

Under the brainwashing of the Soul Ancestor, the Daluo Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals all over the world recognized the ideas of the Soul Ancestor and embarked on a road of no return together.

If the Soul Ancestor was still there, the Demon Ape World would not be able to occupy the Great Dao of the Soul.

"There are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens. There are such strange people in the Three Thousand Great Worlds. Abandon all external things, pursue the ultimate sublimation of the soul, life is not important, sentient beings are not important, and the Great Dao is not important."

The Holy Heart Daojun sighed.

His expression was full of admiration for the Soul Ancestor.

Fang Yang heard something wrong: "Junior brother, don't get stuck in a dead end. The old man of the soul is obviously possessed. Only living people have hearts. Dead people don't even have consciousness, so how can they have hearts?"

His vacuum avenue embraces all paths, and the avenue of the soul is also in the vacuum avenue. He deeply knows that it is very easy to go astray when comprehending the avenue of the soul.

There are ways to treat the obsession in cultivation, but there is no hope for the soul.

Hearing this, the Saint Heart Daojun shook his head: "Brother, what you said is wrong. Brother, how do you know that even consciousness does not exist after death without experiencing real death? In the eyes of the junior brother, life and death are like the yin and yang of heaven and earth, opposite and unified. Life is not existence, and death is not non-existence. Only death can comprehend the soul."

As he said this, a hint of fanaticism appeared in his eyes.

Seeing that the Saint Heart Daojun was also brainwashed by the old man of the soul, Fang Yang just shook his head, but did not persuade him.

The fact that the great supernatural power people are not afraid of death does not mean that they like death. Death means the end, the finality. No matter how firm your mind is, once you enter death, your path will also end.

The Taoist Master Shengxin is still a little short of his ability. When he reaches a higher level, he will naturally understand the truth.

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